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Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
MasterDuke i've caught two spectest fails with rr. one was in t/spec/S02-types/mix.t with an optimized moarvm and it resulted in a sigkill. the other was in t/02-rakudo/15-gh_1202.t with an un-optimized moarvm and resulted in failed test for matching shell output of something 02:13
however, i've recompiled both moarvm and rakudo since then, though i don't believe there were any changes in moarvm and all changes in rakudo are likely unrelated 02:14
i think there's a way to package up rr recordings, anybody interested in taking a shot at these? 02:29
ugh, the t/02-rakudo/15-gh_1202.t recording might not be useful, the spawning of shells seems to have confused it very much 03:14
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timo MasterDuke: when you have a recording with a lot of processes being spawned, it can help to have "rr replay" with the "mark stdio" flag and use the numbers it spits out with -g, then you'll land in the process you want 08:15
"rr pack" will make a recording independent of files on your system so a recompile doesn't give you trouble 08:29
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