Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
07:29 Geth joined 07:30 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined 08:00 sena_kun joined 09:29 sena_kun left
Geth MoarVM: dontlaugh++ created pull request #1839:
Add example scripts using the Zulip API
coleman If we need to smuggle test results out of various CI systems, we could use Zulip; see my PR if you're interested. We have a rarely-used Zulip instance. 17:43
example envs.sh/d78 17:51
timo not sure what exactly to do with it yet 17:59
coleman no big deal; I just want you to know it's there. I think we'll always be running tests and stuff all over the place, and the built-in UX for CI systems can sometimes not be the nicest permanent record of what happened 18:01
timo well, azure pipelines throws everything away after 10 days (except the latest 3 or so). no clue how far up that can be configured 18:02
coleman timo: one question; who's account is the Azure stuff in? 18:04
timo "organization owner" says infra@rakulang.net i assume that's patrickb 18:08
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patrickb nope. It's a meta account once put in place by Roman and I hope been taken over by the infra team. At least IIRC. 19:19
coleman We haven't logged in, afaik. I will look into it. 19:20
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rba please change it to infra@raku.org 19:44
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