timotimo no moarvm tuits were had so far today and i'm getting pretty tired :| 23:11
diakopter me at the hotel today: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCqm4H3m3Ew 03:28
dalek arVM: 5239796 | (Rob Hoelz)++ | src/io/fileops.c:
Clear fd when closing a file handle to prevent "dangling" descriptors

We can run into a situation with MoarVM where a double close can close an arbitrary, innocent file. Consider:
   my $fh := nqp::open($filename); # let's say it's FD 3
   # do stuff
   my $other_fh := nqp::open($other_filename); # 3 again!
   nqp::close($fh); # closes 3! o_O
FROGGS hoelzro: we faul about 100 moar rakudo tests with gist.github.com/FROGGS/998bacca7b3d3abab644 :o( 09:56
I'd need sanity tests for it to continue hacking though 09:58
I hope I have time for that this afternoon
this does not fail on HEAD, but with the patch: S10-packages/basic.rakudo.moar aborted 59 test(s) 10:01
timotimo what's the error message, ooc? 10:03
FROGGS here is the diff from HEAD to patch: gist.github.com/FROGGS/360ed9125e2.../revisions 10:05
-S10-packages/use-with-class.t...................... 9 0 0 0 9
+Could not find t::spec::packages::UseTest in any of: /home/froggs/dev/MoarVM/../nqp/install/languages/perl6/site/lib, /home/froggs/dev/MoarVM/../nqp/install/languages/perl6/vendor/lib, /home/froggs/dev/MoarVM/../nqp/install/languages/perl6/lib, /home/froggs/.perl6/2013.12-317-g29a51f0/lib
ahh, wait
I think it does not know about -Ilib
or -I. or so 10:06
timotimo strange.
there's also a "wrong version of QRegex" in the middle of all that 10:07
which i'm pretty sure is spurious
FROGGS ohh, that is about my v5
k, another run, we'll see 10:08
FROGGS S10-packages/basic.rakudo.moar.....................===SORRY!=== 11:18
Missing or wrong version of dependency 'src/gen/m-CORE.setting'
I did twice a make clean and a rebuild and it did not help
I'll leave that for now
tadzik :o
FROGGS tadzik: I just wanted to create a summery report :/ 11:19
FROGGS state about openpipe: gist.github.com/FROGGS/d1d98e35272fa1ae0fb9 11:43
FROGGS I guess the first thing is to get rid of sh in openpipe 11:45
bbl 11:46
hoelzro: feel free :o)