timotimo i did nothing at all for moarvm today :( 00:37
FROGGS o/ 07:31
diakopter €£¥₩ 07:59
FROGGS yeah, scratch that 08:20
diakopter ?
FROGGS your signs have scratches 08:21
diakopter ah, so they do
masak twitter.com/FakeUnicode/status/430...6087447552 08:26
FROGGS haha! 09:52
that is something for a nice t-shirt 09:55
masak: do you know the sad thing? nobody at work does understand that joke -.- 12:57
masak clearly they need to learn more about Unicode. 13:04
FROGGS yeah :/ 13:08
nwc10 OK, I think that the reason that I am getting into such a mess with the submodules is that 13:43
git checkout $commit # does not update the position of submodules
git add -u # does stage submodules
with the result that you can inadvertently commit changes to the submodule state without actually touching them 13:44
this inconsistency is hateful
masak nwc10: I was *just* reading about this.
timotimo isn't that just the same as the regular behavior of the staging area?
if you don't git add a change, you won't get it
nwc10 no, my issue is that git checkout $commit 13:45
doesn't cleanly move you to the state of history at that commit
timotimo and you have to git add submodule changes (commits) as if they were changes to a single file
masak nwc10: see stackoverflow.com/questions/1992018...-initially and stackoverflow.com/questions/1260748...-submodule
nwc10 it *ought* to also update the sumodules
timotimo oh, you mean checkout on the *outer* part
nwc10 yes. at the top level
masak nwc10: there's one entry in the tree object in the object database, and one entry in .gitmodules
nwc10 and a reference in .git/config too 13:46
a "mention" to be clear
not an SHA-1
masak 对对 13:48
nwc10 oh, and you can't @tirade_of_expletives git stash a submodule chance 13:56
so that doesn't work *either*, if you're used to the idea of `git stash` takes me to a clean state
it is fucked up.
it takes all the nice linear (ish) concepts of plain git and makes it as fun as subversion
OK, I am now torturing NQP master. Let's see how long before that hits a bug I'm not yet aware of 13:59
timotimo oh ... yeah :| 14:00
nwc10 more usefully, I'm torturing with this bug fixed: paste.scsys.co.uk/299937 14:04
torture "fail" will be any time within about 24 hours 14:05
pass takes at least 24 hours
timotimo wow 14:21
nwc10 slow, but worth it for the insight 14:22
timotimo aye 14:23
nwc10 had something like "on the 81500th nursery allocation something is allocated. 128 allocations later something stored a pointer to it. 14 allocations later it used that pointer"
ie missing write barrier
timotimo that's amazing 14:24
i wish it weren't that slow :(
at some point we really should look into getting moarvm up to -O3 14:25
nwc10 anyone could do this. I'll guess that it needs -fno-strict-aliasing 14:26
which means that the C code isn't really C
timotimo mhm :\
can you tell how to fix that?
nwc10 aliasing violations - no, not trivially 14:27
it's something I don't understand well
timotimo okay :\
nwc10 but any cast that isn't to/from char * is a problem
and we should be using unions rather than ever more casts
timotimo aye.
nwc10 but for now, see if it will build with `-O3 -fno-strict-aliasing`
timotimo i will
nwc10 or even -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing
timotimo can we put unions "in there" just to tell gcc to not change the structs around?
nwc10 I can't answer that easily, and certainly not while trying to be at work 14:29
diakopter nwc10: what's the "previous commit" mentioned in the commit message of the url you just pasted
nwc10 diakopter: yes.
diakopter er, I mean, which/where is it? :)
timotimo is getting into the rakudo compilation stage with -O3 -fno-strict-aliasing
nwc10 paste.scsys.co.uk/299952 14:30
I told jnthn about it privately, but I wasn't yet sure that it was
a) correct
b) the only one
timotimo Stage parse : 43.553 14:31
timotimo Stage parse : 45.637 14:33
the first one was with -O3, the second one with -O1, both with -g3
nwc10 -O2 and -Os would both also be interesting. It may be that -O3 and -O2 are pretty close 14:34
actually IIRC -O3 is documented as "might turn out to be slower"
diakopter nwc10: I'm also not 100% sure that's correct. did jnthn think it was? 14:35
timotimo oh?
diakopter "that" = the whole repossession write barrier thing
(I'm just looking at that code now for the first time) 14:36
nwc10 diakopter: jnthn had just the + and - lines pasted to him on IRC 14:37
and thought (from that) that it looked sane
certainly, the problem is that the LHS of that assignment ends up with cache item [4] being in the nursery, but the object on the LHS of the assignment isn't flagged as being a nursery root 14:38
timotimo with -O2 i get Stage parse : 45.744 14:40
nwc10 oh, interesting, thanks
diakopter nwc10: I agree it looks sane assuming the rest of the code I haven't reviewed is correct. :) 14:44
diakopter there's a very ethereal stack of assumptions the code is making I haven't confirmed yet [not that it's a bad thing; just the normal uncertainties when only partially reviewing new code] 14:47
timotimo diakopter: are you going to be implementing the moarvm-perl5-interop in secret? if so, have you already started doing anything code-like? 14:48
diakopter 1. no 2. it's a secret 14:50
seriously though.. yes I have a handful of starts in that direction 14:51
timotimo you got me a handful excited :) 14:53
diakopter well franky I think the high-level profiler will be far more use to everyone for quite a while 14:54
er. 14:55
timotimo: especially you :) 14:59
I suspect there are many hundreds of valuable optimization opportunities in 1. the nqp source of the compiler 2. the qast emitted by both nqp's and rakudo's compilers and 3. rakudo's setting 15:02
.. which will almost certainly improve performance on all 3 backends for the foreseeable future... 15:05
not to mention 4. the C/Java source of the runtime in all 3 backends, which will also be revealed indirectly (or directly, if the per-mast/jast/pirt bytecode profiler works without unbearable space/time requirements) 15:08
[if someone makes the profiler work on the jvm and parrot backends too, which wouldn't be too onerous] 15:10
benabik I still want to create a data-flow framework. Never ended up doing it for PAST, but maybe I could do so for QAST. 15:16
timotimo ooooh 15:19
that would allow for great optimizations
benabik That was the general idea, yes.
Of course, I don't really have the spare time. Maybe if my advisor can't hire me over the summer... Is Perl6 going to be in GSoC this summer? 15:20
FROGGS benabik: we hope so 15:21
benabik: and we're doing our best so this can happen
benabik I'd offer to help mentor, but I might need to apply for the moneys instead. :-)
nwc10 benabik: you are a student, at least in Google's eyes? 15:27
benabik nwc10: I'm enrolled in a university. :-) Grad studies take a nice long time, so I'll be eligible for GSoC for a while yet. 15:28
nwc10 If participating in GSoC as a student buys you time to work on @stuff, then I feel that you could contribute more as a student than a mentor 15:29
the bigger shortage is usually competant students who can deliver cool stuff without needing massive mentoring
eg, compare what pmurias did with the other 2 last year
benabik Yes, but my grad assistantship pays better. So if I get that, I'd rather do research and help by mentoring. 15:30
timotimo doesn't know what the other 2 students did
nwc10 "parrot stuff"
the final reports should say.
timotimo mhm 15:31
i'm still very much looking forward to pmurias++ being able to resume his work
nwc10 to be scrupulously fair, pmurias's stuff isn't merged in yet
and I'd love to see that happen. and get to (at least) a merged working NQP
benabik: what you say, by my reasoning, implies that GSoC doesn't buy you time. 15:34
benabik nwc10: Need to pay attention to the bottom line, sadly. Already working hard to stay afloat, can't take the pay cut to work on GSoC if I can avoid it. :-( 15:37
nwc10 yes, prioritise food, rent and sanity 15:41
rurban__ I volunteered as MoarVM JIT mentor for gsoc. Is this okay? 16:24
But the luajit framework seems to be the best, and I have no experience with that. Yichun Zhang would be the best for this 16:26
timotimo isn't it very early to be thinking about jit? (not complaining, though) 16:27
rurban__ JIT influences the VM design overall 16:29
timotimo ah, that sounds very legit
diakopter a lot of thinking has already gone into MoarVM's jit 16:31
timotimo and i don't know anything about these thinkings :(
diakopter and it has already influenced the VM design overall a lot
timotimo: right, again, one of those things that would take a lot longer to communicate all the rationale and methodology and requirements and VM interaction constraints than feasible for jnthn to do heretofore. 16:34
timotimo ah, yes
diakopter rurban__: I think gsoc 2014 is too soon for jnthn to be able to mentor that project appropriately, but maybe he'll change his assessment and weigh in differently than he has in the past on this topic 16:38
rurban__ I see. Well someone addded this task to the gsoc ideas list. It wasn't me :) 16:40
diakopter hm 16:41
rurban__ leto maybe
Oh, it was froggs 16:42
diakopter the fact that no one has removed the rperl listing from the gsoc ideas list is... breathtakingly demoralizing 16:48
timotimo what is rperl? 16:49
diakopter you don't want to know
timotimo but now i don't understand!
diakopter this should inform your understanding: www.faqs.org/patents/app/20080216064 16:51
timotimo it's a challenging read 16:57
diakopter that's what the examiner said, but much more bitterly and at length 17:14
timotimo sorry, i have no clue what you would like me to understand about all this 17:18
benabik rperl.org ? 17:20
diakopter you weren't meant to read the whole patent application; I expected you to immediately recognize the utter insanity of every aspect of that application, and scoff bitingly at the world we live in where a patent lawyer would take the money of a madman to submit a incoherent flight of fancy that is clearly the ravings of a lunatic 17:22
the rperl proposal is not quite as grandiose or indicative of hypergraphia, but it's just as impractical and absurd 17:26
jnthn *sigh* backlog... 17:28
nwc10: On submodules, at one $client we added a git checkout hook that forced sync of the submodules on each checkout. It may help for you. 17:32
diakopter to equivocate a tad, in that patent app, there are a few kernels of good, novel ideas... but you have to be very "flexible" in your thinking to imagine them. 17:41
jnthn rurban__: I'm really not at all comfortable with you mentoring a MoarVM JIT project; for one, you've not been working on MoarVM so far, and for another I know we make design calls rather differnetly, and in MoarVM they need making my way if we're going to get a consistent design. 17:42
jnthn As for timing, the specialization stuff should come before the JIT. It *may* be there in time. I hope it will be. It's harder to be certain. 17:44
diakopter given that the gsoc projects nail down their requirements in april..
jnthn Yeah. I'd *like* to be some way along with the specializer by then.
I suspect I'll start impleenting aspects of it in Feb. 17:45
Though not sure how far I'll get besides the dominance/SSA stuff.
timotimo diakopter: ah! i was trying very hard to make the connection between virtualisation and meta-operating-systems to rperl 17:55
FROGGS so, what exactly did I do wrong? :o) 18:25
diakopter who what where? :)
jnthn FROGGS: EVERYTHING!!! 18:26
jnthn isn't aware of anything in particular :)
Guess that means I need to git pull? :P
FROGGS jnthn: no, I was talking about GSoC ideas page atm I think 18:27
jnthn: but I'd love to talk to you about openpipe
the op
jnthn: do you have a second?
jnthn yeah, though this train is not the smoothest and looking at the laptop is making me a little ill... 18:28
Go ahead, anyway.
FROGGS its signature is like: openpipe(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMString *cmd, MVMString *cwd, MVMObject *env, MVMString *err_path)
I am missing the directions and redirections there... 18:29
like for open("wc", :r, :w, :p)
jnthn Is that supported on any backend?
FROGGS or: run("wc", :in, :out, :err(:out)) 18:30
jnthn: no
but it is something that is specced and does not break existing code
I just think that the err_path param is weird, and needs to be replaced by others 18:31
jnthn Are :r and :w pipes actually separate?
What is err_path for?
That is, if you :p :r :w then you get a read pipe and a write pipe?
FROGGS that is about stderr redirection of the child process I think
jnthn: yes, you get an IO::Pipe which you can print to and read from 18:32
I'd respec it to have .in, .out and .err filehandly things
jnthn :r and :w would be :in and :out? 18:33
jnthn wonders if we should really be doing this with open...
FROGGS if you'd checkout wip-openpipe in MoarVM and rakudo then you'd already have a working qx btw
jnthn: no
I propose that you can do: open(Str, :w, :r, :p) and run(Str, :in, :out, :err)
jnthn Why keep the :P in open and not just say "use run"? 18:34
uh, :p
FROGGS I think we should keep open(:p) because it might be used somewhere
jnthn What do :w and :r mean on open? 18:36
What do you get back?
FROGGS and open() is not that bad because you have to .close it for example
an IO::Pipe 18:37
and if you do: $fh = open("wc", :w, :p); $fh.say("hello"); $fh.close
jnthn r: my $h = 'README'.IO; $h.open(:r); say $h.get
camelia rakudo-parrot 44ab3c: OUTPUT«Unable to open filehandle from path '/home/p6eval/README': No such file or directory(2)␤ in method open at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:13219␤ in method open at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:13208␤ in block at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤␤»
..rakudo-jvm 44ab3c: OUTPUT«java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /home/p6eval_eval/README␤ in method open at gen/jvm/CORE.setting:13179␤ in method open at gen/jvm/CORE.setting:13169␤ in block at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤␤»
..rakudo-moar 44ab3c: OUTPUT«Failed to open file: no such file or directory␤ in method open at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:13177␤ in method open at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:13167␤ in block at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤␤»
FROGGS you are actually operating on $fh.in
jnthn r: my $h = 'perl6'.IO; $h.open(:r); say $h.get 18:38
camelia rakudo-parrot 44ab3c: OUTPUT«Unable to open filehandle from path '/home/p6eval/perl6': No such file or directory(2)␤ in method open at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:13219␤ in method open at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:13208␤ in block at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤␤»
..rakudo-jvm 44ab3c: OUTPUT«java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /home/p6eval_eval/perl6␤ in method open at gen/jvm/CORE.setting:13179␤ in method open at gen/jvm/CORE.setting:13169␤ in block at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤␤»
..rakudo-moar 44ab3c: OUTPUT«Failed to open file: no such file or directory␤ in method open at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:13177␤ in method open at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:13167␤ in block at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤␤»
jnthn > my $h = 'README'.IO; $h.open(:r); say $h.get; 18:39
Rakudo Perl 6
I'm worried design wise here 'cus if you pass :p there...the IO::Handle cannot suddenly become an IO::Pipe...
FROGGS why not?
jnthn Note that I never use a return value from open... 18:40
FROGGS :bin will give you a buf instead of a Str, that is the same thing
jnthn > my $h = 'README'.IO; say $h.WHAT; $h.open(:r); say $h.get;
Rakudo Perl 6
jnthn What you be able to .get on something you open('...@', :p)'d one? 18:41
FROGGS I can't parse the question
jnthn my $h = open('something_that_pipes_output', :r, :p); say $h.get; # does it work, I do I have to $h.in.get ? 18:42
FROGGS I think it should work 18:43
(and should be the same as $h.out.get)
jnthn uh, yeah, I meant out
But it's out, not err, yes?
With open you can't get at the err pipe or request something with it? 18:44
FROGGS .get would default to .out
there is currently no way to tell open something about err 18:45
this perlcabal.org/syn/S32/IO.html#IO::Pipe tells something about: ($r, $w) = IO::Pipe.pair; 18:46
but that is pretty weird imo
jnthn I guess then that we could kinda make it so open with :p gives back something with the same kinda API as without...
I can kinda buy the "something already uses it" argument...
...but we tend to lean away from designs where a named arg causes a different return type. 18:47
FROGGS I agree
jnthn Put another way, I'm wondering if :p on open is partly a "Perl 5 had it that way so we copied it" thing rathre than a "this is the design we want" thing...
FROGGS I can't tell :o) 18:48
TimToady++ did not comment on that so far
jnthn: do you know about a windows command line tool that I can pipe to? 18:51
timotimo hah, that could be read as TimToady++ # did not comment on that so far
jnthn FROGGS: more? :)
FROGGS something that reads from stdin and blocks?
clearly a win!
hmmm, lets see 18:52
timotimo pass some variable that will get the pipe assigned to it as the named parameter :P 18:53
jnthn FROGGS: Maybe "sort"? 18:55
FROGGS jnthn++ 18:56
both will do
jnthn C:\consulting\rakudo-moar>type README | sort /reverse
Rakudo Perl 6
AUTHOR Where to get help or answers to questions Submitting patches
bah, om nom line breaks
FROGGS ahh 19:50
jnthn: "more".IO.pipe would give you an IO::Pipe of course
like we handle IO::Path today
I will come up with a proper solution within the next days 19:51
though, $dayjob time now :o(
jnthn timotimo: What's current status of little big int work? Or small big int? Which branch is the active one? 20:10
timotimo: I am interested to give some tuits to help it along at some point in the next few days.
timotimo little_big_int is the branch i'm working on, i have some WIP things locally 20:11
also, there's stuff in the frying pan right now
i don't think i've got a sufficiently sane design to go ahead with 20:12
jnthn Would it help if I sketched out the overall idea of what I was aiming for data structure wise, and then do a couple of ops as examples, and pass it back?
timotimo that would be good, yes
jnthn ok 20:13
I'll see how I feel when I get off this train and back home
Otherwise it'll be tomorrow.
timotimo i've got as far as making a proper union for the lbi vs mp_int *
when would the former be?
one thing i noticed very late into the development process is that libtommath also has alternatives for bigint + a "digit" (where a digit refers to an unsigned long, i think) 20:14
so we can harness the power of that rather than upgrading to two full big ints sometimes
jnthn Depends how late it's running... :P 20:15
Gosh, it's on time....
timotimo wow!
jnthn So 10:45pm or so
timotimo what'? your right-now?
what's your time right now?
nwc10 believes jnthn is at 21:16 20:16
timotimo ah, so that's the same local time as mine
maybe i'll push my shitty WIP code until then
but first i'll handle the nom in my pan
jnthn timotimo: In Sweden; same as yours... 20:18
timotimo in sweden, time zone is the same as *you*! 20:19
FROGGS "parrot threads have a radical performance advantage over MoarVM threads" - do we already have threads? 20:23
or should I read it as "non existing threads are slower than existing ones" ? 20:24
jnthn uh, lol? :)
timotimo in what context was that said?
jnthn In the context of utter cluelessness :P
FROGGS here wiki.enlightenedperl.org/gsoc2014/ideas
I guess rurban wrote it 20:25
timotimo what could he have meant? 20:26
FROGGS I dunno
I am thinking about that for half an hour now
is there a whitepaper about MoarVM thread design? 20:27
jnthn No, 'cus I barely have time to make stuff work, let alone write whitepapers :P 20:28
FROGGS or maybe he has heard about its design in a talk and that is his conclusion of the design or so
jnthn The goal for MoarVM in this area is "provide what Rakudo's concurrency needs"
Note that in my recent talk, building on top of JVM threads we got a factor of > 3 speedup with a not exactly stellar concurrent factoring on a quad-core box. 20:29
timotimo that's an advantage to parrot threads, but not necessarily a performance advantage/disadvantage
jnthn In that particular example.
timotimo only imagine what speedups parrot threads could offer! 20:30
maybe as far up as 9001x!
FROGGS yeah, I tried to use parrot's threads
jnthn Well, given that a factor of 4 is essentially "perfect" here...
FROGGS it is okay unless you want to access lexicals
timotimo well, that's exactly what rurban proposes to fix, isn't it? 20:31
FROGGS I think so
and maybe the bug I have heard about that something in NQPLexpad makes it crash when you are not super careful
I think he said once that the NQPLexpad is not thread safe 20:32
timotimo oh
FROGGS dunno if parrot's threads can effectively utilize more than one cpu if you access lexicals in the worker thread 20:33
(or if any other threading model can do that, I am a n00b here)
jnthn NQPLexpad is safe enough in the traditional meaning of thread safe in so far as you do hash lookups and write the result into a register. 20:34
nwc10 bother. There is something unrooted that torture can't (yet) spot because it gets shoved into gen2 at just the wrong time
jnthn And the hash lookups are reads.
And register stores that matter for VM safety are atomic. 20:35
The problem is that Parrot wants more than that.
afaict, it wants you to do every piece of inter-thread communication by scheduling a task. 20:36
FROGGS correct, by spawning a green thread
I did that when playing with hyper ops
jnthn The benefit is that threads can then run completely independently and GC when they like.
timotimo that doesn't immediately strike me as superior in terms of performance, except for the GC thing jnthn just mentioned 20:37
jnthn The downside is that even reading a lexical needs that overhead.
FROGGS you actually can't read in a lexical within that green thread, this one would explode 20:38
you have to create an os thread within that green thread that does the work
at least that is what I learned last autumn
nwc10 jnthn: are all STables the same size? 22:56
jnthn nwc10: Yes 22:57
nwc10 good. :-)
that means that all gen2 STables will be in the same place
bother. 30G is not enough to torture the other bug out
jnthn Ugh 22:58
nwc10 there's not much more RAM left
so I have a plan B
but that's for tomorrow
jnthn Did the patch for the cache thing make it somewhere?
nwc10 to a paste :-)
so, no, not really
would you like it right now? 22:59
jnthn Don't suppose you've the paste handy?
nwc10 I am trying (and failing) to get to sleep
jnthn Well, it's the kinda easy-ish thing I can do now, while tired but not tired enough to sleep :)
nwc10 jnthn: paste.scsys.co.uk/299952 23:00
I believe that there is a second missing write barrier somewhere for assignment to an STable 23:01
this is the one that I am having trouble finding
obviously, there might be 3 or more. :-( 23:02
but I'm suspicious/hopeful/overconfident? that that's unlikely
in that, if I drop the nursery size, my SEGV goes away. Which I think is because something has managed to be promoted to gen2 before it got used in an assignment 23:03
timotimo jnthn: a friend suggested to me to have "get_bigint" always allocate an mp_int as first approximation and at the end of the calculations always free it again
and to have a "set_bigint" function that can create an LBI or keep the existing big integer
i thought that sounded like a sane idea, but i didn't get much further than that 23:04
dalek arVM: bbf922e | nicholas++ | src/core/interp.c:
Add a missing write barrier in OS settypecache.

If the result of MVM_repr_at_pos_o() is in the nursery, then a write barrier is needed to ensure that the STable whose cache is being set becomes correctly marked as a nursery root, and hence Object addresses in the cache get updated.
arVM: af99e23 | jnthn++ | src/core/interp.c:
Missing write barrier in setwho.
arVM: c369985 | jnthn++ | src/core/interp.c:
Missing write barrier in setboolspec.
arVM: 78459b3 | jnthn++ | src/6model/serialization.c:
Missing write barriers in invo-spec deserialize.
timotimo seems like jnthn is a bit quicker at finding missing write barriers %) 23:26
dalek arVM: 684be81 | jnthn++ | src/6model/reprs/P6opaque.c:
A few missing P6opaque REPR data write barriers.
timotimo jnthn: another thing i noticed is that when creating a big integer, libtommath has a default alloc size of 32 23:45
there is a -DMP_LOW_MEM flag that changes that to 8
i could not observe a memory usage improvement, which may be because we have mp_shrink in all the right places or something 23:46
jnthn nwc10: I did an audit of all the places (afaict) that assign into an STable, and found various missing write barriers. All on rare codepaths, but no more rare than the settypecache one.
nwc10: Patched all I could find. Hope it might help.
timotimo 32 x sizeof mp_digit 23:47
jnthn What is sizeof mp_dicit? 23:48
I don't know it'll make a difference in a big way to starting memory size
BUT if you make an array of 100,000 Ints I get you spot it.
timotimo possibly 64 bits
depends heavily on the defines
jnthn eek, that's big 23:49
m: say 32 * 8
camelia rakudo-moar 90b3d6: OUTPUT«256␤»
timotimo MP_8BIT makes it an unsigned char, MP_16BIT makes it an unsigned short
jnthn I suspect making the digits smaller isn't a win overall 23:50
timotimo apparently they use 28 of 32 bits or something?
jnthn Yeah
But making the number of them we default to could help a lot
*to smaller
timotimo yeah, -DMP_LOW_MEM 23:51
jnthn Yeah
What did you try to compare memory use? 23:52
timotimo ... i didn't put any thought into it :D 23:53
so i used 'say 1', which i shortly thereafter realized was not sensible 23:54
jnthn uh, no :P 23:56
Try my @a = ^100000; or so :)
timotimo that'd be much more helpful, aye
but i imagine that well-placed mp_shrinks will reduce the actual memory usage 23:57
jnthn Allocating only to shrink again is just wasteful though. 23:59