jnthn I maded MoarVM a website; once DNS changes are done, it's at www.moarvm.org/ 00:33
timotimo i see it there already 00:34
bootstrap: always pretty
jnthn Yeah. safe, easy choice :)
tadzik :) nice 00:35
jnthn And easy for others to hack on.
timotimo it's on github, eh?
jnthn yeah
timotimo moarvm.github.io is the name of the repo?
jnthn no
oh, wait
It's not hosted on github, no
But the site source is at github.com/MoarVM/moarvm.org 00:36
I didn't shove an auto-deploy thingy in yet.
timotimo oke
i may have a closer look some time soon :) 00:37
jnthn Improvements, to content or beauty, are welcome.
Also, we can easiily point people at the *correct* tarballs now
Not the broken Github-generated ones.
timotimo: I see you're Feb Rakudo release manager. So, please ensure that the release announcement gets a link to moarvm.org and/or the right tarball. So folks hopefully will land on the right one. 00:38
timotimo excellent.
i'll see to it :)
jnthn \o/
timotimo i think the footer of the page ought to give a bit more breathing space 00:39
hoelzro jnthn++
Moar just needs a logo now =)
timotimo other than that i like it a lot :)
jnthn timotimo: Yeah, I agree on the footer. I was looking to see if bootstrap let me have a horizontal line or so above it, but didn't see one. 00:40
tadzik maybe alot should be the logo
timotimo do you know the short movie or photorealistically rendered thingie with slugs that unfold their shells to reveal jets and stuff? :3
tadzik :D
timotimo jnthn: i'll look closer tomorrow, i think
jnthn Weren't we going with a chimera? :)
timotimo so tomorrow i'll write the weekly changes and see to it that i can prepare the release a tiny bit
hoelzro tadzik: haha, I love it
timotimo the alot isn't ours, unfortunately 00:41
the question is: is alot more than moar or less?
.oO( So long as the logo doesn't end up being a hungry-looking lolcat with MOAR written on it... )
hoelzro i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/origin...ar-cat.jpg 00:47
this one's better
timotimo jnthn: i'm considering just putting a local.css in there and giving <footer> a padding-top of a few em
jnthn timotimo: wfm 00:48
timotimo i need some noms now :o
jnthn hoelzro: lol
timotimo subtlepatterns.com/?s=dark ← and maybe a background from here
jnthn Shoulda known the internet already has a lot of those :)
timotimo: OK...though some of those make my eyes argh 00:49
timotimo of course 00:50
there's a big selection.
hmm 00:52
nothing in particular stands out as excellent
hoelzro timotimo: your trimming MoarVM work - is it in master now? 00:53
timotimo yes 00:55
though hardly noticable ;)
timotimo though the nqp optimization that turns lexicals into locals isn't in yet 00:55
hoelzro that's fine 00:56
timotimo as i want to do the block inlining thing first
hoelzro I just want to build the docs and see how memory/speed have improved
jnthn hoelzro: Did you build them since nwc10++'s patch that shrunk each object by 4/8 bytes?
timotimo it would make me happy if you had a measurable improvement to point out :)
hoelzro jnthn: probably not
it's been a few weeks
well, probably almost a month 00:57
jnthn Ah, then that will also help :)
hoelzro =)
last time it was 8 minutes, 600MB RAM, I think
jnthn In other good news, I think I've a patch that resolves the Panda issue.
hoelzro I could check the logs =)
jnthn: the serialization one?
jnthn hoelzro: yes. 00:58
timotimo F Yeah! :))
hoelzro \o/
hoelzro wonders if that will also fix the mysterious URI testing bug
jnthn Doing a clean build with the patch, then spectest. 00:59
hoelzro sweet
jnthn I should probably warn everyone that I'm somewhat behind with the parallel/async course I'm currently working on at $dayjob, so my tuit supply for the next week could be...interesting. 01:00
hoelzro care to upload an early adopter patch? =]
jnthn hoelzro: It'll be < 5 mins until the push...can you wait? :)
hoelzro yes
I'm just excited =)
jnthn can spectest Moar in < 5 mins :)
timotimo <3 01:01
jnthn But I want that number to shrink :)
timotimo so does everybody else ;)
jnthn (no, *not* by buying a 24-core Apple trashcan... :))
timotimo :D
in case someone missed it: i really want to get moar's memory usage baseline to shrink drastically 01:03
hoelzro timotimo++
jnthn timotimo: That also is very desirable.
timotimo doesn't mean i'll be the one who causes that to happen ;)
nqp-m -e 'say 1' clocks in at about 20 megs of maxrss 01:04
python takes only 4 megabytes to print 1 ;) 01:05
and it has more features than nqp does, doesn't it? :P
well, it doesn't have the regex engine loaded from the beginning
jnthn Or 6model, or... :) 01:06
hoelzro: pash 01:07
hoelzro \o/ 01:09
jnthn hoelzro: btw, I fixed rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=121213 - don't suppose you might be able to add a spectest and close the ticket? :) 01:10
hoelzro jnthn: can do =) 01:12
I don't think I have permissions to close the ticket, though
and where would the test fail under?
jnthn fail? or fall? :) 01:13
hoelzro fall
jnthn Probaly catch.t, in S04
hoelzro =)
btw, the record to beat is 829 MB 01:14
for MoarVM building docs
timotimo the ram's too damn high!
hoelzro this time it took 815 =/ 01:15
timotimo oh well :|
hoelzro it could unrelated changes 01:16
*could be
damn, I'm tired.
jnthn: did you push that serialization fix up?
timotimo yeah, it's in nqp
jnthn hoelzro: Yes, it was in NQP reop
timotimo you missed it by not looking at #perl6 :D
hoelzro ah, ok
jnthn hoelzro: Didn't bump Rakudo. Should I?
hoelzro nah, i'ts cool
timotimo the bumps will happen soon anyway, as it's release week :)
hoelzro jnthn: no go on your fix for URI =( 01:26
jnthn hoelzro: Ah, that must be something else then... 01:27
hoelzro it's an interesting problem 01:28
jnthn If you can golf it, that's very helpful 01:28
Anyways, hopefully the fix I did means we get Panda... 01:29
hoelzro I'll see what I can do
this is a bad week for me and development
jnthn 'k 01:35
May be for me too...
I should sleep...
'night, #moarvm
hoelzro night 01:37
hoelzro goes to bed as well
timotimo "Moar aVesoMe" 14:15
JimmyZ \o 14:16
ingy moritz: hi 19:31
moritz: were you asking about my subrepo thing the other day? 19:32
moritz ingy: yes 19:33
ingy github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo#readme
moritz ingy: yes, I found that 19:34
ingy I finally got the main commands (clone/pull/push) working/tested yesterday
I need to use it heavily for a while, but I think it's going to be the solid answer to sub* stuff 19:35
gist.github.com/ingydotnet/da04191fbdc612ff2fef (just switched a repo from submodules to subrepos) 19:36
I worked hard to make it not muck up your history
subtree history gets ugly fast 19:37
and is just a terrible plugin in general :\
ingy moritz: do you use submodules much? 19:43
moritz ingy: I use them occasionally 19:49
(and usually regret it; like when 'git archive' simply ignores them) 19:50
ingy moritz: maybe give subrepo a try. I think it should take away all that pain. :) 20:08
masak subrepo looks interesting. 20:50
dalek arVM: ffb8e69 | jnthn++ | src/io/io.c:
Correct errors; diakopter++.
arVM: ba472cb | jnthn++ | src/io/io.c:
Another couple of typos; jnthn--.