brrt hi #moarvm 10:51
nwc10 hi brrt 10:52
brrt hi nwc10 10:53
anybody seen my pull request? :-)
dalek arVM: c5f3b53 | (David Warring [email@hidden.address] | src/core/interp.c:
check for invalid code points (jvm port)
arVM: 24ff37d | jonathan++ | src/core/interp.c:
Merge pull request #80 from dwarring/master

chr() check for invalid code points (jvm port)
jnthn has trouble figuring out if brrt++'s pull request is correct at first glance... 14:55
I mean, does a similar compaction job with a lot less code. 14:56
And is much more obviously correct to me.
I think the patch is doing the same 2-finger approach, it's just less clear. 14:57
JimmyZ agrees 15:07
JimmyZ jnthn: Is this useful? 15:43
lizmat jnthn is just boarding his flight... will be offline for a few hours, afaik 15:44
brrt jimmyz - i'm not really sure that is correct 15:47
oh, wait, read it wrong 15:48
no matter
JimmyZ :) 15:55
brrt anyway, on the ticket i described an ever better way to compact arrays
start seeking nonenmpty elements at the ent 15:56
(and empty elements at the beginning)
you'll be done when nonempty < empty
JimmyZ Is it better Time Complexity? 15:57
good night
brrt identical time complexity 15:59
average running time is what i expect to be less
good night, by the way :-)
basically, if the array of n elements is filled to X%
the algorithm that jnthn posted will do (1+x)*n incremeents and x*n swaps 16:01
in the algorithm i propose.. it kind of depends on how much the list is 'weighed' to the right 16:02
.. but as far as i can see it can only do x*n swaps and n increment / decrements
which is ever so slightly cheaper :-)
cognominal we need to implement multithreaded concurrent jnthns 16:13
brrt as long as they communicate by message passing 16:19
tadzik is there a way to produce a statically linked moarvm? 18:23
OH WOW 18:24
I .tar.xz-ed the moarvm+rakudo bundle, now it takes 2.2MB instead of 22 18:25
when I use gzip it's 4.2 MB
FROGGS nice! 18:40
tadzik I wonder which files gain the most
nwc10 tadzik: I think that it is possible to build a static MoarVM, but then there's no way to link in the extra ops Rakudo compiles. 18:59
it's not as flexible as perl 5 (yet)
tadzik ah 19:00
well, I can always bundle and adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH or something
FROGGS tadzik: IMO when you preload that lib, you don't need LD_LIBRARY_PATH 19:12
there is a LD_PRELOAD_LIBS IIRC, and that was kinda helpful on bsd or osx 19:13
tadzik oh, nice 20:42