dalek arVM/closefhi: 0809f66 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/jit/graph.c:
can jit multicacheadd and multicachefind now.
MoarVM/closefhi: 824b284 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/jit/graph.c:
MoarVM/closefhi: tiny typo,
brrt \o 21:21
japhb o/
timotimo heyo brrt :) 21:22
how are you today?
did you get further with your bloggage?
brrt no... not really :-$
i had a pretty good idea of what i wanted to blog but i forgot 21:23
timotimo oh! 21:27
brrt hmmm 21:35
got any good blogging topics?
timotimo hum 21:38
you could blog about specifics of how register selection is going to work?
or maybe talk about what the roadmap would look like to get an ARMv9 target for the jit? 21:39
brrt hmm
timotimo or maybe details about how you'd change the way params will get passed
or maybe how the optimization will work that'd make invocations cheaper 21:40
brrt hmmm :-) 21:41
those are good topics, yes
timotimo lots of topics, now pick what you like most or come up with more ones
brrt will work on something
timotimo cool :) 21:43
brrt java.util.Set, y u no have an intersect or difference method 21:51
timotimo :o 21:52
it must have that
brrt you'd think so, yes 21:53
dalek arVM: 0d16334 | (Tobias Leich)++ | / (14 files):
implement nqp::closefhi which retuns the exit code of a pipe

nqp::openpipe returns a file handle one can read from, but since such an opened pipe is actually a spawned process we also need its exit code to know if it run cleanly. Use nqp::closefhi on such a file handle if you are interested in the exit code, nqp::closefh if you are not.
arVM: ad5ce15 | (Tobias Leich)++ | src/io/syncpipe.c:
also consider result of waitpid when closing pipe
timotimo brrt: of course i'm always happiest about blog posts that accompany some sort of implementation :P 22:07
but i can hardly ask for other people to do work when they have less time than me and still get more done than me ... 22:08
brrt yeah, that's going to be an issue
'i implemented a few ops this week, and it was awesome o.O' 22:09
but seriously, within a week or two i'm going to have greater amounts of time
brrt afk for tonight :-) 22:20
timotimo :) 23:22
you're doing fine; i'm very thankful for your amazing work so far 23:23