dalek arVM: 7e1b5a4 | jnthn++ | src/6model/sc.c:
Force SC initialization to allocate in gen2.

For the same reason as the initialization earlier on in the code. Fixes a deadlock on POSIX platforms.
arVM: 469ba64 | jnthn++ | src/gc/allocation.c:
Add a sanity check for gen2 allocation flag.

Don't seem to violate this anywhere yet, but it might save some quite painful debugging in the future.
timotimo where did that piece of code go that triggers early GC runs when malloc has been used for a lot of memory? 18:11
~apparently it's in a branch and has not yet been merged 18:12
i'll have to fix it up a bit and bring it up to date with our latest code 18:15
brrt good * #moarvm 19:00
diakopter brrt: got some jit building warnings with VS 2015 (msvc 14) 19:01
brrt alright. can you send me a log 19:02
you mean on even-moar-jit 19:03
diakopter no, master
brrt oh... or a gist
diakopter also, disabling the JIT is the only way to get rakudo to build
(maybe related to the warnings, maybe not) 19:04
brrt really? on windows/master 19:05
diakopter yes
but windows 10 (1115, which is the latest service pack, with latest visual studio) 19:06
brrt i dont have a vm handy...
well that should just work really
diakopter jnthn uses a version back on each, afaik
brrt hmmm... worrisome 19:07
ill try to get a win10 vm asap 19:08
diakopter gist.github.com/anonymous/a1fb5befd441e1bbd2fb 19:10
brrt: I wouldn't worry about it, frankly 19:11
brrt well, i do :-)
it's what i do
strange.... the shift error 19:12
brrt seems plausible. but i'll have to check tomorrow at earliest 19:15
diakopter brrt: I suppose it's possible it's compiling for 32-bit somehow 19:26
brrt ....
yes that ... is possible
can you upload the generated makefile and/or config.h? 19:27
that would maybe mean a configure.pl fix 19:28
diakopter gist.github.com/anonymous/0bb89b9316c4a9afb2f8 19:30
brrt that doesnt look obviously wrong 19:37
:-( 19:42
diakopter I can't correlate those warning line numbers to any >> 19:51
brrt no.... weird 19:53
brrt currently downloading win10 enterprise at a lightnimg 17kb/s 20:02
diakopter just don't 20:03
brrt: I'm sure the version of Visual studio is more relevant than version of Windows 20:13
brrt oh but vs2015 isnt small either :-) 20:14
i'll have to check it out later 20:15
thanks for letting me know
diakopter I mean, I should probably try a prior VS version 20:16
brrt see you 20:17