dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: 58bab11 | brrt++ | src/jit/tile.c:
Factor tiling state out of info node

Tiling state is temporary data, no need to tag the tree with it.
brrt good * #moarvm 09:57
nwc10 good *, brrt 10:12
brrt ohai nwc10 10:13
turns out i think TL was more difficult than i anticipated 10:35
i'm in the process of writing a blog about it :-)
jnthn ohhai o/ 10:54
brrt ohhai jnthn 10:55
how is life today?
jnthn Well, I slept way later than expected, due to staying up rather late finishing my advent post :) 10:58
And a delivery of curry-cooking ingredients and beer will show up later today.
nwc10 \o/ 10:59
#london.pm topic, now out of date, reads: Only 11 debugging all-nighters until Christmas | london.pm.org/
jnthn And I have stroopwafels for with coffee
nwc10 so, it should have been "advent post all-nighters" instead?
jnthn So, life seems OK :)
nwc10 is your food and important-stuff delivery firm only operatin in Prague? 11:00
nwc10 is still working out how to get interesting things without air freight
or air-freight-like prices
brrt stroopwafels++ 11:03
jnthn nwc10: It is, believe it or not, Tesco Online :)
nwc10 aha
yes. OK
I wonder if they deliver from Bratislava :-)
jnthn I never used the service in Bratislava, 'cus I lived 2 mins walk to 4-story Tesco department store :) 11:04
nwc10 does a non-UK Tesco have a section for "UK products" for expats? 11:05
eg cider that is actually cider, and not some evil blend of actual cider bulked up with apple juice and sweetner
jnthn Um...yes to the section. 11:08
If Strongbow counts then yes, they have it 11:09
Then, there's a bar just up the street that also claims to have cider, though I don't know if it's "actually cider" :) 11:10
nwc10 um, yes, I agree with the need for clarification
Strongbow is cider like Bud is beer.
jnthn nakup.itesco.cz/cs-CZ/Search/List?s...rch=Search
nwc10 but it is, at least, made from the right ingredients
jnthn Bud is...beer??! 11:11
21 xmas RTs. 7 days left at my comfy dev computer. 11:13
nwc10 Anheuser-Busch make a lot of money from folks who think that it is
jnthn A beer in the hand is worth two from Anheuser-Busch... 11:14
nwc10 deal!
I think your exchange rate is wrong (although the parody doesn't work without it) 11:15
dalek arVM: 58b81ac | jnthn++ | src/ (5 files):
Generalize "is TTY" interface to "introspection".

So we can hang the "get the fileno" off it too.
brrt jnthn++ 12:24
brrt recalls having plans to do that and never getting around to it
jnthn :) 12:27
Will finish it up after lunch :)
travis-ci MoarVM build errored. jnthn 'Generalize "is TTY" interface to "introspection". 12:36
travis-ci.org/MoarVM/MoarVM/builds/96729522 github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/e...b81acea774
nwc10 oh, odd, works on "my" machine 12:36
jnthn What an odd failure 13:14
"No output has been received in the last 10 minutes, this potentially indicates a stalled build or something wrong with the build itself."
The other 7 builds worked out 13:15
Maybe heisenfail
moritz is that the gocd on hack? 13:16
rurban_ sometimes it's travis fault, sometimes a real hang 13:24
jnthn grmbl 13:54
So it's easy enough to get the "fileno" from a libuv handle 13:55
Except on Windows that's a HANDLE, not a C runtime descriptor
And there seems to be no way to go from HANDLE to "existing" file descriptor.
Perl 5 uses FILE * for its I/O, so gets away with already being in C descriptor emulation land. 13:56
nqp-m -e "say(nqp::fileno(nqp::getstdout()))"
leont ? 13:57
jnthn leont: Well, I'm only going on a grep of the Perl 5 source :)
leont: But I'm feeing FILE * being used, which you can _fileno
leont I'm pretty sure there is such a function in the Windows API
jnthn I'd love to find it if there is one :) 13:58
There's this one: msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/bdts1c9x.aspx
But this actually gives a fresh descriptor
From the HANDLE
So if you do that on, say, stdin, you get...3. 13:59
And if you do it again on stdin you get 4 :P
leont First question: why would you want this? 14:00
jnthn I'm not actually sure whether I do
leont File descriptors on Windows are nothing more than a global table that points to HANDLEs
jnthn I'm looking into rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126541 14:01
Which wants a way to get the native file descriptor, presumably mostly for passing off to native calls.
And then I got curious what Perl 5's fileno does, and discovered that on Windows it does managed to give 0..2 for the standard handles. 14:02
leont msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ks2530z6.aspx
No wait, I wasn't paying attention 14:03
jnthn That's the opposite way around.
leont If you can get away with not exposing either HANDLEs or descriptors, that's a very good thing
jnthn Well, that works fine until somebody needs it
leont (well, exposing them as nqp::native_descriptor() or some such is ok, but then it comes without any guarantees
jnthn Yeah, I'm pondering calling the method .native-descriptor 14:04
Which dehuffmanizes it somewhat
And makes clear it's native, as in "you better care about platform issues"
leont The main reason why people need a file descriptor is when implementing an event loop and/or asynchronous IO 14:05
FROGGS nqp::fileno?
jnthn FROGGS: Yes, that's what they op ended up being called
FROGGS nice that we have it now :o)
leont Since we already provide both, this should be a rare need
jnthn Just debating semantics :)
leont: Indeed
So I'll go with "long method name, and platform specific" 14:06
I don't really want to shut out people doing interesting I/O stuff we don't provide in core over in module space.
leont Only piece of p5 I ever wrote that would otherwise need it was a portable sendfile, but given it's actually 5 implementations in one modules that already says a lot about how unportable that is. 14:07
leont isn't awake enough to type English
jnthn Close enough :) 14:08
dalek arVM: 344113c | jnthn++ | / (10 files):
Implment fileno_fh op.

Provides access to the native descriptor/handle underlying some OS handle. Platform specific.
travis-ci MoarVM build passed. jnthn 'Implment fileno_fh op. 14:28
travis-ci.org/MoarVM/MoarVM/builds/96747723 github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/5...4113cecbf5
timotimo o\ 15:14
brrt ohai #moarvm 16:22
diakopter hiiiiiii 16:23
timotimo ohai brrt! 16:25
brrt timotimo: the nativeref/multidimref stuff looks cool 16:40
i hope to add support for that pretty soom
timotimo multidimref was easy; just reproducing what jnthn did for all other cases 16:41
brrt don't knock it :-)
timotimo it was necessary and i'm glad i could take it off of jnthn plate, that much is for sure :) 16:42
dalek arVM: eafdbc0 | jnthn++ | / (20 files):
Implement async UDP sockets.
timotimo wait, when did that happen o_O 18:06
jnthn I just did it now :) 18:07
timotimo holy crap, now i can doodle with OSC using perl6
jnthn Yay, one test bunny recruited \o/
nwc10 jnthn: second potential test bunny is rabidgravy? 18:23
jnthn Probably :) 18:24
jnthn It's a bit of a pity we don't have more IO-hacking folks with copious free time. Implementing this UDP support is probably the first thing I've done in my life with UDP :P 18:25
leont would ordinarily be an IO-hacker, but free time is in rather limited supply at the moment :-/ 18:28
timotimo your work on a pure-perl6 test harness is also very valuable 18:29
leont Well, lots of that was IO hacking :-p 18:30
timotimo heh 18:31
and hammering our IO implementation
from the user space
that's good, indeed
FROGGS wow, gcc 5.2.1 is quite colorful 19:15
dalek arVM: df3bbce | FROGGS++ | / (5 files):
probe for _Bool, and expose bool/size_t to nativecall

  Skarsnik++ for the original patch.
leont Should probably file a separate issue for the last issue I hit (non-concrete number in Proc::Async) 21:49
dalek arVM: 27f15d9 | FROGGS++ | / (2 files):
unbreak build on platforms without _Bool