diakopter jnthn, look, V8 is making a moarvm-style interpreter docs.google.com/document/d/11T2CRe...MoL44/view 03:15
complete with type specialization 03:16
[Coke] we'll need a moarvm tag when we're comfy. 04:50
llfourn m: say Date.new 07:01
camelia rakudo-moar e34842: OUTPUT«Cannot make a Date object using .new␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/JchgmQnUIA line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/JchgmQnUIA line 1␤␤»
llfourn :( it would have been correct today
[Coke] tomorrow, i think 07:06
lizmat [Coke]: no, it always did 24 dec, afaik 08:53
timotimo a broken calendar is right once a year! 08:54
(unless it also shows the year. or day-of-week)
diakopter (or Feb 30) 09:11
brrt good * #moarvm 09:36
timotimo heyo brrt 09:37
brrt ohai timotimo 09:44
timotimo perl6 doesn't look so bad, does it? 09:45
brrt no, it does not 09:46
timotimo looking back, it really is quite a bit of good stuff all those people came up with
brrt it's a really awesome language, yes
timotimo and its runtime isn't half bad either 09:47
brrt :-) 09:53
(aargh... libuv uses cfmakreaw on unix, which does not exist on solaris)
options: define cfmakeraw ourselfves, or patch libuv 10:15
dalek arVM/fix-illumos-build: c5db8e7 | brrt++ | / (4 files):
Add illumos build target, minilua-specific flags

Minilua is only a build-time dependency and the only thing we want from it is to run (correctly). So it doesn't need MoarVM ldlibs, cflags, or ldflags (and on solaris/sunstudio, it requires another compiler, too, but I'm not going to fix that in this commit).
A more general flaw of the MoarVM configure system is that it conflates the OS with its common compiler, which leads to problems like issue #306 (fixed here).
brrt konobi: ^ the above doesn't work fully yet, because of libuv+cfmakeraw 10:38
also, libuv is currently at 1.7, and doesn't build with moarvm
dalek arVM/fix-illumos-build: eda98f9 | brrt++ | src/platform/posix/sys.c:
Add NetBSD cfmakeraw implementation for solaris

Solaris apparantly does not support cfmakeraw (or this is a flags issue again). libuv will use this function for its tty-handling functions, so we need to provide an alternative implementation.
brrt that ought to fix it; i can run nqp testsuite on illumos on that branch
konobi always missing brrt 14:22
[Coke] lizmat: I thought it did christmas, not christmas eve. my bad. 14:26
uruwi whistles 14:40
timotimo brrt reads the irclog and sometimes it's enough to just say his name and he'll appear 14:43
he's kind of magical like that
dalek arVM: c8ed03d | jnthn++ | VERSION:
nebuchadnezzar time to make an unreasonable diner 17:37
[Coke] jnthn++ 17:41
timotimo you're going to make a diner? 17:42
uruwi Dinner? 17:43
konobi what TZ is brrt normally on? 18:27
timotimo he's in the netherlands, so GMT+1 or so
same as mine; i'm at 1923 right now
[Coke] Note! Any changes made to roast going forward are NOT part of christmas unless you merge those tests into the 6.c branch. 18:28
konobi kk 18:38
brrt magically appears (an hour late) 19:40
timotimo different timezone, obviously
brrt :-p 19:42
family dinner in fact
timotimo the pre-release-panic and hustling and stuff is quite palable :| 19:43
we've cut the whole module installation and ecosystem stuff a bit close
it's not like nine didn't ask for help. it's just nobody felt up to helping it seems 19:44
brrt well....
i just hope no jit bugs appear suddenly
timotimo unlikely :)
after the crazy jit bug with dynamic varibles, i'm sure we're not going to have anything crazy like that any more in the next months :P 19:45
brrt well, more exposure is always risky
timotimo and everything less crazy should easily be found
brrt scoffs and laughs
timotimo ;) 19:46
brrt yeah i'm kind of sorry for not helping nine++ out
timotimo no, you are here for the jit :) 19:47
i mean 19:48
you can do whatever you like, but you're our one person on the road, when it comes to buses :S
brrt i... would really like that to change 19:49
timotimo as soon as the whole tiling business is implemented, everybody can come in and just use your fantastic work :D 19:50
brrt besides you're not incomprtetent yourself
lets hope that...that'll require some documentation effort too 19:51
timotimo "incompetent" is a very, very hard target to hit :)
brrt i disagree. i meet plenty such people. you are not one 19:52
konobi brrt: howdy 19:53
you were having build woes?
brrt not anymore.. or rather 19:54
is cfmakeraw implemented at all on solaris?
konobi oh 19:55
I ran into that too
it's a libuv problem, iirc
brrt and solved it how?
well yes
konobi brrt: best ask in #illumos 19:56
brrt but moarvm doesnt build with current libuv
konobi it works for the libuv folks, but they must be using a different defines or the like
brrt hence while i could patch libuv, that would not help moarvm
konobi there was an illumos ticket about this before
brrt probably yes 19:57
konobi brrt: www.illumos.org/issues/1060
cfmakeraw is non-posix 19:58
brrt but the thing builds now. i'd just rather not just include netbsd code haphazardly 20:00
well, i dont care. at all :-p
konobi heh 20:01
brrt check fix-illumos-build if you want
its clearly not a priority for #illumos 20:04
(the cfmakeraw bit)
konobi oh... ./gyp_uv.py -f make 20:05
make -C out
konobi seems to be how libuv wants to be built 20:06
brrt i dont want gyp! 20:06
konobi yeah, supposedly there's an autogen.sh route too 20:07
just wondering if those may be out of sync now
brrt i dont really want any build system besides make
i have to go lest my battery runs out 20:08
please check out the branch konobi 20:09
we'll dealwith libuv later
konobi github.com/libuv/libuv/blob/v1.x/u...#L229-L243
brrt merry christmas all
konobi gotta dash for a ferry meself 20:10
flussence passes by to report that... I've nothing bad to report on this side of the fence. Some harmless distro-generated debugspam if anyone's interested: gist.github.com/flussence/4e9ee4b840dceef8c33f
brrt maybe __EXTENSIOMS__ ... 20:11
konobi yeah... and _GNU_SOURCE 20:16
and the X_OPEN stuff