lucasb hello o/ 14:31
If the 3rdparty dependencies dynasm, dyncall, libuv are so rarely updated, what's the benefit of having them as git submodules? Bundling the real source code like the other dependencies wouldn't simplify the build process a little? I mean, when building from a fresh git clone, there would be no need to download them over the net. 14:32
timotimo we have a few patches in those projects :(
lucasb Aren't they mantained in the repos MoarVM/dyncall and MoarVM/dynasm? I meant just to copy the source from those repos, not the offical upstream repos. 14:34
brrt hi lucasb
lucasb o/ timotimo and brrt
brrt the dynasm 'fork' is maintained by us, yes, i don't know about dyncall, libuv
libuv we want to keep updated, but it's complex
anybody volunteering to get libuv 1.7 or something working on moarvm would be welcome 14:35
lucasb I just say this, because I was playing with my ad-hoc build script... and was getting tired of that "updating submoules" step :)
JimmyZ well, dyncall is in git repo, because it has no git repo 14:36
lucasb yeah, they seem to use mercurial... 14:37
dalek arVM: 07906c9 | timotimo++ | src/spesh/optimize.c:
take care when optimizing istrue to unbox_i
JimmyZ anyway , using git submodules is not bad 14:38
brrt timotimo++ that's fast
lucasb brrt: I think flussence was the one building moarvm with an updated libuv, and not having found any problems
timotimo it was very easy, since i knew what was up :)
brrt when was that?
libuv churn is significant 14:39
well, thats why we've hired you... oh
timotimo :D
brrt anyway, i'm all pro a libuv update 14:50
but i couldn't make it work last time 14:51
and i don't know why
timotimo it's probably a good idea to get on latest libuv soon-ish; from a security perspective, too!
brrt hmmpf
i'm willing to make a branch 14:52
timotimo why are you wasting your precious new-jit-skills on libuv janitoring? :) 14:53
brrt because... i can't really focus on the new jit right now, what with the thesis work i'm doing
timotimo oh, so since you don't have enough concentration to bring the jit forward, you'll spend time on a "low effort" thing like bumping libuv version 14:54
brrt kind of, yes
timotimo i shouldn't tell you what to do with your time :) 14:55
brrt no offense was taken :-)
on the other hand, you bring up a good point 14:56
shouldn't linger on too much on it
i've decided on a number of things, though
one, that i want to specify the register (type) and possibly the 'used register' set in tiles 14:57
timotimo sorry, i'm about to go AFK for ~30 minutes
brrt i want the div tile, if any, to specify that it needs rax,rcx, and yields rax, whereas mod tile also needs rax, rcx but yields rcx
e.g. i need a 32 bit register flag set for describing which tiles are 'fixed' to certain registers 14:58
brrt wonders whether it is worth it to install virtualbox, since it works so much better and easier than qemu 15:18
JimmyZ as long as you don't use desktop, it is worth 15:23
I mean in the guest os 15:24
flussence `ldd /usr/bin/moar` ==> « => /usr/lib/» here :) 15:29
(though I'm probably not the person to ask if it's not working somewhere. I just flipped the switch on one day and it worked first time, so I kept it) 15:34
brrt but that's a system build init 15:43
i mean shipping with the newest one
flussence that's gentoo's version of 1.7.5, which as far as I can tell from reading stuff, is mostly vanilla configure/make/make-install with no patches applied... 15:47
it passes "cc_cv_cflags__g=no" to configure but that's about it
brrt hmmkay 15:48
dalek arVM/libuv-1.8: 7db3811 | brrt++ | / (2 files):
Bump libuv to 1.8, change submodule url
JimmyZ brrt: 15:54
brrt JimmyZ: did that ever get merged? 15:55
because i kind of don't think that it did
we're at 1.8 by now
JimmyZ there was some patch on windows
in that branch 15:56
brrt hmmmm
dalek arVM/libuv-1.8: 3c6c8fb | FROGGS++ | build/
link to userenv.dll on windows for latest libuv
arVM/libuv-1.8: c2c796d | brrt++ |
Add submodule sync before update in

This is needed to deal correctly with submodule repo url changes.
brrt JiimmyZ++
pmurias is there any randomness is the way ropes work on moar? 16:25
JimmyZ pmurias: do you mean this one? 16:39
brrt dunno pmurias 16:44
brrt libuv-1.8 gives me breakage in lowlevel locks and async sockets 20:41
let's try that on master hmm? 20:42
brrt io socket async is still flappy/broken on 1.0 21:14