nwc10 good *, #moarvm 07:25
lizmat nwc10 o/ 07:30
brrt good * #moarvm 19:20
nwc10 good *, brrt
brrt this afternoon i had the presentation of my masters thesis ... and it went decently well :-) 19:21
nwc10 excellent
surely this means that you should be AFK celebrating?
brrt no.. i have to write the report still :-)
timotimo \o/ 19:22
hoelzro brrt++ 19:23
timotimo was there another thesis or something you'll have to ... do?
konobi hopefully going to be able to rubber duck on a conjecture about NQP/NQP bootstrap soon =0) 19:26
brrt thanks :-) 19:29
no, this was my second thesis
timotimo neat!
brrt my first thesis was finished in march :-)
nine really hopes there is no third :) 19:30
brrt well, me too 19:31
so yeah, maybe i'll be out a bit later :-) 19:32
timotimo yay :)
brrt did you see the larry wall interview? 19:44
i should say TimToady interview 19:45
okay, afk now :-) 19:47
timotimo yeah
i did see it
brrt it was interesting i thought 19:48
dalek arVM: 4a56a65 | timotimo++ | src/6model/reprs/CStruct.c:
work around NULL from name_to_index_mapping

not entirely sure how it gets in there - or if it's in there at all? potentially should have guarded with existskey before at_key.
arnsholt timotimo: The NULL is probably returned to indicate "no such mapping" 19:49
So either existskey or checking for NULL like you put in should be acceptable, I think 19:50
timotimo i'm glad the commit is fine :) 19:51
i didn't really get what fixed xliffs code right now
arnsholt Far as I could make out, he didn't obey the protocol for nqp::bindattr 19:53
The type object passed has to be the type where the attr is *declared*, not the type of the object you're passing in (which is what he was doing)
So if you pass in the B object, but the attr is declared in A the name to attribute map will return NULL 19:54
Because the attr doesn't actually exist in B, it's in A
[Coke] timotimo: which timtoady interview? 20:00
arnsholt [Coke]: developers.slashdot.org/story/16/0...larry-wall 20:02
[Coke] ah, slashdot. danke. 20:09
timotimo OK, that makes a lot of sense 20:15
[Coke] Does he need to be using nqp ops here? 20:34
timotimo the code here is golfed; dunno how the original code looks, so can't answer that 20:36