dogbert17_ running htmlify.p6 with GC_DEBUG and a 48k nursery is a slow process, has been running for ~15 hours so far and still has a ways to go, hopefully done when I get home from $work 10:42
jnthn o.O :) 10:44
That's quite some torture
brrt \o 13:01
jnthn hi brrt o/ 13:03
brrt hi jnthn 13:55
i've started on the template pointer removal bit. it was somewhat harder than anticipated
jnthn /o\ 13:56
jnthn by contrast just got done implementing Test::Scheduler 13:57
Which is good because now I can use it to write my advent post :P
timotimo ooooh, virtual time!
brrt yes, i'm very curious about that, too 13:58
timotimo i'm not sure i konw what you're refering to for the pointer removal thing 13:59
brrt timotimo: the MVMJitTile structure is, in a way, not sufficiently self-contained yet 14:05
timotimo oh, ok, so it can't be realloced for example?
brrt no, that's not what i mean
i mean that it relies for some information on the presence of a pointer to the template that generated it 14:06
that prevents me from making synthetic ones without a template
timotimo oh
so you'd have to do the same thing we do with PHI nodes?
brrt hmm, no, what do you do with PHI nodes? 14:07
timotimo we have to create the info struct for all these ops
because they all have different number of arguments
and we need a struct that has that number stored in it
brrt aha 14:28
yeah, then it is a bit similar, but also a bit different
timotimo :)
ISTR i built an optimization where we share those structs
because we tended to allocate a whole bunch of 'em during spesh time 14:29
brrt so it turns out that I used the presence of a template as a check 'does this thing yield a value'
timotimo oops :)
timotimo needs AFK a bit
brrt ok, see you in a bit
(the tl;dr is that I have an answer ready for that, it's just that I wanted to introduce it later, and now i have to introduce it earlier) 14:30
anyway, i'm afk as well