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travis-ci MoarVM build failed. Bart Wiegmans 'Merge pull request #517 from lucasbuchala/nfg-typo 03:47
travis-ci.org/MoarVM/MoarVM/builds/197701952 github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/7...961d88a803
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samcv I seem to be getting an issue where assigning to a hash is applying the operation to _two_ different keys 06:58
but only when the hash table is super populated
oh wait i think i know what's causing it... 07:04
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brrt so, wtf 07:25
one of the QAST subtest is broken
samcv when did that happen? 07:26
brrt not sure
but travis was complaining about it this morning
aha, that file has had a *lot* of edits 07:27
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Geth MoarVM: samcv++ created pull request #520:
Apply the radix speed improvement to MVM_bigint_radix as well
samcv jnthn, you said you gave me commit access but i wasn't able to apply the change from this pr ^ it said i didn't have permission to push 08:55
arnsholt Check the URL of the repo? If it's HTTP pushing tends to not work 09:00
samcv no it's git
upstream [email@hidden.address] (push) 09:01
arnsholt In that case, sounds like you've not been added after all 09:03
Doesn't look like I've the privs to add you either, I'm afraid 09:08
brrt it appears that the QAST test worked before pmurias changed it, and I'm not sure why the change was mad 09:40
i'm going to contact him
samcv: i'll have a look at your PR and see if I can get you a commitbit; I'm not sure if I can though 09:42
samcv: I can't because I'm a regular member, not an owner; pmichaud and jnthn are; i can't see you in the list yet 09:44
samcv kk
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brrt well, the change appears good to me, so i'll merge it 11:49
brokenchicken Seems mine has all failures due to that qast test: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/518 11:55
I did stresstest it on rakudo though and it was clean
jnthn samcv: Just checked on GitHub, it stays you have an invitation that is still pending 12:10
samcv hmm
jnthn "Invitations are sent via email and can be accepted at github.com/MoarVM"
samcv i get so many email
jnthn :P
Try at the URL? 12:11
samcv found it
jnthn :)
Was sure I'd given you access... :) 12:12
Geth MoarVM: f7ac91ccb2 | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/math/bigintops.c
Apply the radix speed improvement to MVM_bigint_radix as well
jnthn \o/
samcv moarvm has no logo right? 12:18
jnthn No 12:19
Not as a matter of policy, just because everyone was too busy building a VM or something :P 12:20
samcv heh
jnthn I'm not sure what we'd have as a logo :)
samcv maybe just MVM?
idk would be cool to have just a basic something as a logo on github 12:21
or even just the word MoarVM
jnthn Yeah :) 12:22
Maybe brokenchicken has design skillz and an idea? :) 12:25
12:26 KDr2 joined
samcv well here is just MVM with like all the effects applied :P a.uguu.se/2I7sqln75Nk4_MVM.png 12:27
just checked all the boxes. inner glow,shadow, pattern some other random things :P
i'm sure a better one can be made
jnthn :D 12:28
It looks oddly like the letters were cut out of a doormat... 12:29
samcv haha
timotimo you know how there's a V inside the M? 12:32
samcv we should just get an actual doormat 12:36
and go wild. and eventually by the end we will end up with a logo
timotimo after all, we are the kiddos who high-five every time a new emoji is coined! 12:42
jnthn So...once a year? :P 12:43
Or maybe a couple of times, 'cus we can see Unicode drafts too :P
timotimo well, the high-fiving itself is quite gratuitous 12:44
since it's our defining characteristic to people on the outside of our cabal
samcv why apple always gotta mess up emoji tho 12:51
like replacing the pistol emoji with a water gun
timotimo, also there's no high five emoji :\ 12:52
12:53 pyrimidine joined
timotimo "you are like a baby, watch this" 12:55
timotimo o/āµo samcv
just to be sure, i don't mean to step on anyones foot, just making light of a situation i'm not entirely grokking 12:56
jnthn Yeah, well, I can see from the post they had a sub-optimal experience 12:58
timotimo aye, they have :(
i'm not sure the person who suggested that "users should use msi instead" is even a perl6 regular? 13:00
jnthn No idea
timotimo also, on the one hand, it doesn't seem fair to be judged by how random people on twitter talk about us, on the other hand that just feeds the "perl6 people are an exclusive membership-only club" 13:01
also i didn't like the allegation of racism in that one post
jnthn I've no idea what that bit was all about.
timotimo though i'm very white, so it could just be i'm totally blind to racism 13:02
jnthn At the end of the day, though, I see volunteers freely giving their time to solve all kinds of real, and sometimes difficult, problems people run in to when using Perl 6. For sure we have some fun along the way too. 13:03
But yeah, if you're going to categorize a bunch of people who work on hard stuff as sitting around laughing at the latest cat face emoji all day...well, you're probably not going to endear yourself to them. :)
lunch; bbiab 13:04
samcv looks away from the latest cat emoji to read this channel 13:05
wow i'm up to 76% memory usage somehow. i have 16GB 13:06
13:07 stmuk joined, pyrimidine joined
samcv timotimo, where is that windows perl 6 discussion which the msi is mentioned? 13:08
brokenchicken jnthn: timotimo had a logo and I liked the idea.
timotimo twitter.com/joshuamy/status/826685435606806528 - it's not easy to navigate the fucking crap that is twitter threads, but here you go
well, it's certainly not as crappy on the twitter.com frontend compared to inside tweetdeck 13:09
13:09 pyrimidine joined
timotimo brokenchicken: you're refering to the crab? 13:10
brokenchicken I think it was a butterfly growing out of MVM or something or other? 13:11
samcv @jnthnwrthngtn Not whining. Sharing my experiences. I am not going to interact with #perl6 for a while.
pretty rude
brokenchicken huh 13:12
looks like there's more drama I missed. 13:13
samcv is it true if they just installed the rakudo star distro they wouldn't have had problems?
brokenchicken samcv: the original tweet from Jan 4th where I actually told him to use a user release instead of a dev commit is true. 13:14
samcv: but it's apparently now broken in 2017.01 and the prose now tries to paint me as an evil "leading Perl 6 developer" who told the user to use a release but release is broken and I'm oh so refusing to take any input. 13:15
timotimo: do you know what I'm talking about? I think it was a draft or something. I could make it proper.
samcv also twitter.com/sinan_unur/status/8262...2859634688 13:16
really :\
so they just download it and run roast just so they can say "look at all these things it fails"? 13:17
makes me angry
also do they know that roast tracks git branch?
brokenchicken Yes, it's not 6.c tests, but still-to-be-vetted master branch. And the failures are known: github.com/perl6/roast/issues/197 many of them are poor tests and not an indication of problem with Rakudo on Windows 13:18
samcv yeah exactly
and then complains about a module that doesn't work with windows doesn't work 13:19
nine samcv: there are 7.4 billion people on earth. I could care less about this one individual being happy with Perl 6. He seems to try so hard to be unhappy, so let him have his desires.
samcv he does try pretty hard
nine s/could care/couldn't care/
timotimo brokenchicken: i just plugged in my wacom tablet 13:23
brokenchicken Heh. That reminds me I still have mine somwhere! 13:25
Last used 5 years ago :o scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1....e=590C4F3B 13:26
timotimo imgur.com/NAXuBRE 13:28
.o( richard dawkins? )
samcv m: $_ = ['this' => 'that', 'other' => 'thing']; say .Ā».key.all ~~ Str 13:29
camelia rakudo-moar f24968: OUTPUTĀ«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>ā¤Malformed postfix call (only alphabetic methods may be detached)ā¤at <tmp>:1ā¤------> s' => 'that', 'other' => 'thing']; say .āĀ».key.all ~~ Strā¤Ā»
brokenchicken timotimo: yeah
samcv is there a reason it doesn't let me do this?
other than no fun allowed
brokenchicken timotimo: is that the same one you showed last time?
This one does look like a crab, but I thought it was a butterfly heh
timotimo the one i showed back then was drawn on my whiteboard
samcv nice crab
timotimo i.imgur.com/gMyYJjN.jpg
attack its weak point for massive damage 13:30
brokenchicken heh
timotimo tut-tut, no fun allowed
(until you file that bug on rakudobug@) 13:31
jnthn Reflecting on things a bit over lunch: I suspect that for various people - certainly me included - in the Perl 6 community, there's a bit of a siege mentality still. Thanks to years and years of hearing "it's vapourware", "it's fucked", giving a Perl 6 talk and having the conf orga say "well, nice if it ever happens", some folks trying to undermine it all by proposing a Perl 7, and so many more things. 13:34
Hopefully that will lessen with time. But generally - for *any* team of people I've seen building software, not just us - if the environment they're in is hostile, the result is defensiveness. 13:36
timotimo jnthn: would you be okay with an MVM crab? :)
not saying mvm is crap! 13:37
nine You can generalize that to humans in...general. You get attacked, you defend. It takes hard training to not get defensive.
brokenchicken Aren't crabs slow and move the wrong way? :)
timotimo no, everything else moves the wrong way
and crabs can be pretty fast
brokenchicken :D
jnthn nine: Yes, it's something I have to conciously work at. 13:38
timotimo ifyou have a crazy amount of self-confidence (or just confidence) you can probably just "tank it with your face" whenever attacks come in
samcv how do i negate this? 13:39
<:alpha + [Ā»]>
nine timotimo: in general, you don't tank it, you step aside.
timotimo negate all of it?
samcv <!:alpha> is like what i want, but i'm not sure how to have it negate all of them
brokenchicken <-:alpha - [Ā»]> ?
timotimo i'd expect what brokenchicken just wrote 13:40
nine timotimo: by not getting defensive, the attack runs into a void. And then you come back from the side and get your arguments placed. Getting defensive or blocking is just a form of counter-attack which provokes defensive behavior.
brokenchicken m: say "a.,432Ā»Ā«as" ~~ m:g/<-:alpha - [Ā»]>/
camelia rakudo-moar f24968: OUTPUTĀ«(ļ½¢.ļ½£ ļ½¢,ļ½£ ļ½¢4ļ½£ ļ½¢3ļ½£ ļ½¢2ļ½£ ļ½¢Ā«ļ½£)ā¤Ā»
samcv yeah that works perfectly :) 13:41
timotimo mhm
nine Classic turn around phrasing is "Yes, I can understand you very well. Can you understand how I feel about ...?". It's hard to attack or get defensive when you are taken seriously and being faced with a question that evokes an emphatic response. 13:42
samcv also guys <:ws> is 2x faster than <ws> 13:43
we can make cursor 2x faster
in places
timotimo yeah, <ws> can do a bunch more, though
samcv oh?
yeah i see what you mean
what about the other ones?
timotimo it's rather complicated
samcv yeah whitespace is complicated, but like <alpha> is fine to change to <:alpha>?
timotimo could be
samcv i know you can redefine whitespace 13:44
nine is boarding the plane now
timotimo safe flight!
[Coke] notes that brokenchicken is actually a leading Perl 6 developer, whether he wants to be or not. :)
timotimo gotta make sure that <:alpha> also plays well with the NFA generator, too
samcv why would it not? 13:45
timotimo dunno :)
samcv hmm changing <!alpha> to <-:alpha - [Ā»]> gets me more problems 13:47
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix . instead
when trying to do .Ā»
timotimo grammar can really be hard
jnthn Is it <:!alpha> maybe? 13:48
samcv jvm: say 'a' ~~ /<:alpha>/
jnthn, it works fine otherwise
i was just trying to fix .Ā».
so everything is fine that worked before
jnthn phone meeting; bbiab 13:49
samcv j: say 'a' ~~ /<:alpha>/
camelia rakudo-jvm fb4f16: OUTPUTĀ«ļ½¢aļ½£ā¤Ā»
samcv cool
j: for ^1000 {'a' ~~ /<:alpha>/}; say now - INIT now;
camelia rakudo-jvm fb4f16: OUTPUTĀ«0.185ā¤Ā»
samcv j: for ^1000 {'a' ~~ /<alpha>/}; say now - INIT now;
camelia rakudo-jvm fb4f16: OUTPUTĀ«0.402ā¤Ā»
samcv j: for ^2000 {'a' ~~ /<alpha>/}; say now - INIT now; 13:50
camelia rakudo-jvm fb4f16: OUTPUTĀ«0.932ā¤Ā»
samcv j: for ^2000 {'a' ~~ /<:alpha>/}; say now - INIT now;
camelia rakudo-jvm fb4f16: OUTPUTĀ«0.366ā¤Ā»
samcv m: for ^2000 {'a' ~~ /<:alpha>/}; say now - INIT now; 13:52
camelia rakudo-moar f24968: OUTPUTĀ«0.04570131ā¤Ā»
samcv m: for ^10000 {'a' ~~ /<:alpha>/}; say now - INIT now;
camelia rakudo-moar f24968: OUTPUTĀ«0.1672124ā¤Ā»
samcv m: for ^10000 {'a' ~~ /<alpha>/}; say now - INIT now; 13:53
camelia rakudo-moar f24968: OUTPUTĀ«0.2700231ā¤Ā»
samcv yeah about 2x faster on MVM and like 220% faster on jvm
i gotta go to bed, night all 14:14
brokenchicken night
Can someone merge github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/518 please? :) 14:43
brrt i can look at it
brokenchicken brrt++ 14:44
brrt what. how was that in there for so long
brokenchicken The Travis failures are due to qast test stuff we talked about this morning.
brrt expected as much 14:46
brokenchicken And I stresstested it yesterday and also ran in loop to see there are no issues in jittings: irclog.perlgeek.de/moarvm/2017-02-02#i_14032981 14:47
14:49 travis-ci joined
travis-ci MoarVM build errored. Samantha McVey 'Apply the radix speed improvement to MVM_bigint_radix as well' 14:49
travis-ci.org/MoarVM/MoarVM/builds/197980028 github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/6...ac91ccb25e
14:49 travis-ci left
Geth MoarVM: 1c1746e525 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/interp.c
Fix overflow in div_i op

The op uses `int` which overflows on large numbers, making the op produce wrong results.
Fix by using MVMint64 instead.
Fixes RT#130686: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=130686
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=130686
MoarVM: 9258acaffd | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core/interp.c
Merge pull request #518 from zoffixznet/fix_div_i

Fix overflow in div_i op
brokenchicken \o/
jnthn wonders what's up with that qast.t 14:51
brokenchicken It was already fixed this morning.
jnthn ah, cool
Only just got around to backlogging #perl6-dev :) 14:54
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dogbert17_ o/ has anyone seen ever this message? moar: 3rdparty/libuv/src/unix/stream.c:1499: uv_read_start: Assertion `((stream)->io_watcher.fd) >= 0' failed. 15:25
s/seen ever/ever seen/
when running 'make spectest HARNESS_TYPE=6' 15:26
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jnthn No 15:32
Well, somebody may have, I ain't 15:33
dogbert17_ I did have moar built with --asan btw 15:42
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timotimo so, how exactly is expmod with a negative exponent going to work? 22:20
like, res = a ^(-1) mod c ... 22:21
is it even supposed to ever return anything non-integer?
because ^-1 is always just 1/a, and since it already coerces a and c to int ... 22:22
anyway, i think we just basically pass the values 1:1 into the libtommath routine
oh, okay, seems like the tommath manual suggests that negative values for the exponent are fine 22:24
22:25 geekosaur joined
timotimo For negative values of X the operation is performed as 22:26
Y ā‰” (Gāˆ’1 mod P)
(mod P) provided that gcd(G, P) = 1
the |X| was supposed to be an exponentiation of the (G-1 mod P)
brokenchicken isn't mod an integer operation? 22:27
m: .5 mod 3 22:28
camelia rakudo-moar c98b3a: OUTPUTĀ«WARNINGS for <tmp>:ā¤Useless use of "mod" in expression ".5 mod 3" in sink context (line 1)ā¤Cannot resolve caller infix:<div>(Rat, Int); none of these signatures match:ā¤ (Int:D \a, Int:D \b)ā¤ (int $a, int $b --> int)ā¤ in block <unit> at <tmā€¦Ā»
brokenchicken timotimo: so you're looking at the expmod ticket? 22:30
timotimo just a very cursory glance 22:32
gotta be AFK for a little bit now
but the idea would be: update libtommath and see if that fixes the problem
brokenchicken Ah. Probably too deep down for my skills :) 22:35
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timotimo doesn't seem like there's been any change to that since 2015 22:54
it doesn't help that we don't seem to have a trivial gdb-callable thing that just outputs the value of an mp_int struct 22:58
that might be a good thing to have so we can figure out What The Hell Is Going On
samcv i've almost got this nailed down, UCD-gen.p6 if/else statements to save space for the cp to bitfield index 22:59
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timotimo brokenchicken: i'd be interested to see where you'd take the "MVM crab" logo idea 23:00
brokenchicken ok :) 23:01
But despite my job title, don't expect incredible things :P 23:03
timotimo as long as it doesn't come out looking like richard dawkins, that should be fine 23:04
brokenchicken hehe :)
timotimo anyway 23:14
we found an issue in libtommath that also hits us there
and there's already a fix suggested there that prevents our infinite loop
samcv sometimes i get really amazed when my code works 23:26
if this is right, the UCD database which has most things is 104K which is pretty good
have a huge tower of if statements though :P 23:27
yeah 107K is really tiny 23:28
look at the minimap :P i.imgur.com/CE1yJwF.png 23:29
will have to tweak it. atm it adds an if/else for every range of cp that has >10 cp's with the same values adjacent
timotimo amazing
samcv but 107K!!
timotimo reminds me of the highway that a langton's ant would build
brokenchicken :o 23:30
samcv from line 20,000 to 70,000
though a lot of those are brackets and stuff
it's sorta ridiculous. but it only takes up 107KB :P 23:31
timotimo let's hope that clang doesn't take 10 minutes to compile it 23:32
samcv naw
it compiles really fast
like 2 seconds
timotimo k 23:33
samcv hmm for some reason i bulit for 100 cp and it was off by one, so i subtracted one. but now i do a full build and i get negative index's in the table. hopefully if i remove the adding one and do another full build it won't be off
err may be another problem since it did print out the numeric value of numbers 0 throug h9 properly by unicode property 23:34
i noticed before i'd get weird things happening if i only generated up to like 100cp or something though 23:43