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samcv been gone for a while. gonna get back to work on my UCD rewrite 02:22
gotta get back in the groove
that looks cool MasterDuke
MasterDuke samcv: yeah, looking at the data from just doing `perl6 -e ''` now 02:23
not really much i can do with it, but seems like it would be useful 02:24
samcv for certain things 02:25
ok at least i got this bug in the point index golfed down to a much smaller size. was making me frustrated so took a break for a week or so 02:29
MasterDuke this month is when you can resubmit your grant, right? 02:31
samcv yeah
it's due by midmarch so gonna submit it in a week
or maybe sooner 02:32
MasterDuke cool
02:48 ilbot3 joined
samcv nice fixed that problem :) 03:18
fresh mind can do one good
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brrt good * 07:51
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brrt did i share the v8 turbofan post yet... 08:26
no i didn't
nwc10 I have a slow rsync that's blocking me. 08:27
Somethign to read is useful
brrt :-)
minor contribution to #perl6 in march; unlocked
08:28 zakharyas joined
brrt (if you click at 'publications', you'll see the work of someone who actually knows what he's doing..) 08:28
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jnthn heaptrack does look worth a try :) 10:11
dogbert17_ hates the decoderstream bug :( 10:13
dogbert17_ grr :) 10:14
brrt bugs are the way to enlightenment :-)
dogbert17_ well, it's diffucult to reproduce and when it does show up there does not seem to be any other thread doing anything with it 10:15
which leads me to my first stupid question of the day ... 10:16
brrt jnthn has historically had some success with inserting debug tracing macros everywhere something is touched
i personally have had much success with printf debugging
printf debugging is, all things considered, pretty awesome, if done well
dogbert17_ indeed, I'm planning to use one of them presently to look for another bug :) 10:17
is MVM_decoder_ensure_decoder in Decoder.c really the only way to access 'decoder->body.in_use' ? 10:18
or might there be code somewhere else in MoarVM which has the ability to do that? 10:19
brrt git grep... 10:20
jnthn It's tweaked by the enter/exit functions, which are only called within Decoder.c
dogbert17_ I tripped the bug last night, could not find any other thread that was inside Decoder.c when looking at the backtraces 10:23
otoh, I still suffer from this Python exception so I'm not able to see all backtraces :( 10:24
jnthn That's...odd 10:25
That said, the other thread could have just left it
By the time the exception throw happened
dogbert17_ the two other thread were doing gc stuff and one was calling something called A0_swap... don't have access to the info since it's on my comp at home 10:28
jnthn ok
dogbert17_ on the other hand, shouldn't your array debug flag be useful for rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=130796 ? 10:32
hmm, is that the right RT, I remember AT_POS being involved. 10:33
ah yes 'my \a = lazy loop { 1 }; my \b = lazy loop { 1 }; for ^100000 -> $i { await start { a.AT-POS($i) }, start { b.AT-POS($i) } }' 10:34
jnthn: take a look at this if you have the time, gist.github.com/dogbert17/3760aa6b...8905085f61 10:42
jnthn Yeah, those look a bit like what the cross-thread write log was suggesting 10:51
"good" that MVM_ARRAY_CONC_DEBUG agrees 10:52
dogbert17_ jnthn: would it be useful if I put a gdb breakpoint in the debug code in order to see what the other threads are up to 10:53
or does the gist give enough info
jnthn I...suspect it's going to be tricky to get more data 10:54
dogbert17_ uh oh
jnthn As in, possible, but...
Not without exploring the lexicals in the various frames
At some point, we get contexts in a tangle
It wasn't at all clear to me where, however 10:55
dogbert17_ so gdb is not the right tool in this case then?
jnthn Well, it is, you just have to go poking into the right things 10:56
I dunno if timotimo's debug plugin can dump addresses etc. of lexicals
dogbert17_ we'll ask him when he shows up 10:57
timotimo do it
jnthn What we'd need is to catch two threads both inside of the guarded code
And then look at the backtraces
And then, look at the Perl 6 source, and look at the various lexicals, outers, etc. to try and figure out where we ended up with the incorrect sharing 10:58
Which will in turn give us a hint where to look for...probably broken code-gen, but it wasn't obvious when I looked where that might me
*might be
dogbert17_ that sounds difficult 10:59
jnthn tedious to say the least
timotimo well ... no, the debug plugin doesn't let you introspect frames and such yet
dogbert17_ all I can add atm is that --optimize=0 does not help a bit
timotimo it's also quite possible that it needs refreshed
and oh my god does the gdb python plugin bridge need fastened ... or at least needed when i last usened it 11:00
dogbert17_ o/ timotimo
timotimo brrt: we can get at info about the current jit-related frames we're in by accessing the threadcontext, right? 11:03
that could also be an interesting thing to have in the gdb plugin 11:04
dogbert17_ timotimo, jnthn: FWIW, posted some gdb output at gist.github.com/dogbert17/ce4ca774...83f8f46da8 11:13
timotimo is that a segfault or something? 11:18
dogbert17_ no, gdb has stopped at a debug macro that jnthn put in VMArray.c, looking for several threads accessing the same array I belive 11:20
timotimo ah, so the enter_single_user thing is the one that aborted?
dogbert17_ yep
timotimo yeah, thread 2 and 7 are conflictingly pushing to 0xa2b67c8 11:21
can you get a MVM_dump_backtrace from those threads?
dogbert17_ ofc :)
gah, messed it up, gimme a few secs ... 11:25
I got one of the traces (thread 2) then gdb acted up 11:26
timotimo yeah it can do that sometimes 11:28
perhaps it the stack trace dumper crashed?
brrt yeah, we can 11:30
timotimo thing is, in C you can't easily ask "if i access this pointer, will i crash?" 11:32
dogbert17_ when I do the first 'p MVM_dump_backtrace(tc)' everything works fine, but then I can't get the other. It's as if the code has continued running 11:33
check this gist so you can see what happens: gist.github.com/dogbert17/ce4ca774...83f8f46da8 11:36
timotimo well, it has to run code in order to do dump_backtrace 11:42
brrt timotimo: you can fork(), and in the child, set a signal handler for SEGV, exit with a specific code; otherwise exit with 0; and wait in the parent 11:43
timotimo m)
that'll go over very well when you're doing that for a stack trace of like 10 lines
dogbert17_ sounds advanced 11:44
timotimo but yeah, it's a little suspicious that the threads seem to move their IPs when you're dumping the stacktrace
we don't have a good system in place to "freeze all other threads, because this ship is going down" 11:45
brrt int is_this_pointer_safe(void *p) { int child; if (child = fork()) { int status; waitpid(child, &status, 0); return status == STATUS_SEGV; } else { signal(SIGSEGV, exit_with_error_code); char foo = ((char*)p)[0]; exit(0); } int exit_with_error_code(int error) { exit(STATUS_SEGV); } 11:46
no, because that's really hard in general
timotimo fantastic, that almost fits into a tweet
brrt well, the waitpid would want some error checking
never let anybody tell you C is not effective... 11:47
oO("That doesn
.oO("That doesn't look safe. Can you rewrite that in Rust?")
11:47 agentzh joined
brrt and the == needs to be !=, obviously 11:48
dogbert17_ I have a feeling (no proof obviously) that the backtraces would look identical 11:50
timotimo for both conflicting threads, you mean? 11:51
dogbert17_ yes
timotimo could be
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dogbert17_ so, do we have to leave this in jnthn's capable hands, dunno what else I can do at this point 13:03
brrt is a bit sad about that state of affair 13:04
dogbert17_ so am I 13:05
so there are two nasty bugs atm, I have an idea I would like to test with the decoderstream one 13:08
want to add another field to 'MVMDecoderBody' locally, I want to save some extra info when calling 'enter_single_user' 13:11
dogbert17_ checks if it is possible to get hold of thread id from a 'tc' 13:12
timotimo probably through tc->thread_obj or what it's called 13:13
timotimo very recently used that code for the vmhealth op
indeed the thread object has a native_thread_id
but also a thread_id
dogbert17_ what's the difference 13:14
timotimo one is probably something like the PID, the other is a number from 0 to num_threads_spawned_so_far?
dogbert17_ cool, maybe it's useless but I want to see which thread has already entered enter_single_user when the next one comes along 13:16
so I figured I could save the thread id in the MVMDecoderBody 13:17
timotimo sure
dogbert17_ so extending the struct hopefully won't cause any problems 13:18
timotimo it shouldn't
we consistently use "sizeof" for things
and offsetof or what it's called
dogbert17_ cool, if I hit the bug I intend to get the 'saved' thread id and dump the backtraces from that specific thread. does that sound feasible? 13:19
timotimo hm
well, if you're not on the thread that's trying to dump_backtrace, you'll be accessing its stack while it's running 13:20
i'd do it a different way, actually
dogbert17_ tell me more
timotimo how about: when the user of the VMArray marks it "i'm not using it any more", it also checks for a flag to see if "someone else entered in the mean time"
use MVM_Load, MVM_Store, and whatever the CAS instruction is called to make sure things work atomically 13:21
dogbert17_ CAS, Check And Set?
timotimo compare and swap 13:22
dogbert17_ damn :)
timotimo oh, it's actually called something more like trycas
dogbert17_ if (!MVM_trycas(&(decoder->body.in_use), 0, 1)) ...
timotimo i'm not sure yet if any stage of this needs to trycas 13:23
but also, we'll essentially be imposing a gigantic overhead here %)
dogbert17_ I stole that from Decoder.c
but I think it was anly added temporarily in order to find the bug 13:24
timotimo oh!
anyway, what you could do is a little dance
have the whole thing in phases. phase one, Thread A pushes into the array, phase two, Thread B pushes into array, phase three, Thread A prints out its stacktrace, phase four, Thread B prints out its stacktrace 13:25
dogbert17_ nifty 13:26
will give it a shot 13:27
timotimo i'd say "read the GC's orchestrate code to see how to do such a thing", but that'd be like throwing someone into boiling oil in order to teach them how to swim?! 13:28
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dogbert17_ slightly OT, the Ryzen NDA's are supposedly lifted today 13:47
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dogbert17_ timotimo: do you want a good laugh? 14:15
timotimo i could use a good laugh, yeah
dogbert17_ gist.github.com/dogbert17/aac8cc2a...3bf26c1388 14:16
I'm hoping to dump backtraces of both threads 14:17
timotimo that'll definitely run into trouble 14:18
dogbert17_ I suspected as much :)
timotimo if you don't somehow prevent arr->tc from just leaving the single-user part of the code and going along on its merry way
dogbert17_ my theory is that arr->tc will be in the single user part 14:19
that's why I want to dump a backtrace of that one first 14:20
timotimo it will, but please consider how short the single user part is 14:21
even if both threads enter the single-user part really, really close to each other, there's a whole lot more memory traffic involved in the backtrace dumping
getting all the filenames, converting them to utf8, and finally printing them out 14:22
though to be fair, you're going to panic right after that anyway
so might as well, i guess
dogbert17_ can I somehow freeze a thread then?
timotimo we're looking to implement a "throw an exception at this other thread" in the future 14:23
but until then ... no
"can i halt/stop/break/kill thread 1234?" has a long tradition of being asked 14:24
the short answer is: "not unless you implement it yourself somehow"
dogbert17_ gah :)
timotimo i'm sorry ;(
dogbert17_ well, at least it compiles, now I guess it's SEGV time :) 14:25
timotimo the dump might segv, or it might just give you "tearing" ;) 14:30
dogbert17_ heh, atm the I dont't even hit my breakpoint, it's as if the bug has disappeared 14:31
timotimo maybe we made the concurrency control around the thing so slow that it effectively makes our code unable to enter the same code twice at the same time? 14:36
dogbert17_ timotimo: gist.github.com/dogbert17/aac8cc2a...3bf26c1388 14:37
perhaps it is bs 14:38
timotimo it could very well be that it reaches different code before the dump can do its thing
dogbert17_ very true, am surprised that it didn't just asplode :) 14:39
if I don't run this through gdb (with brakpoints) then both backtraces are identical 14:41
14:41 FROGGS joined
dogbert17_ oh FROGGS 14:42
FROGGS hi 14:43
yoleaux2 19 Jan 2017 14:30Z <brokenchicken> FROGGS: how come no test for rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id...et-history ?
dogbert17_ hi, do you have time for a stupid question? 14:44
FROGGS .tell brokenchicken the test would involve creating directories with invalid names...what if one would not be able to delete these? # RT#127671 14:45
yoleaux2 FROGGS: I'll pass your message to brokenchicken.
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=127671
FROGGS dogbert17_: go ahead
dogbert17_ FROGGS, do you recognize this code github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...ncall.c#L7
should there really be two lines like this? 'else if (strcmp(cname, "stdcall") == 0)' 14:46
lines 13 and 19
geekosaur wonders if yoleaux2 has support for tracking le zoff's latest nick... 14:49
dogbert17_ didn't he go back to IOninja 14:50
geekosaur yeh, but that means msg to brokenchicken will hangfire :)
dogbert17_ indeed 14:51
FROGGS dogbert17_: yeah, spotted this in the past too
dogbert17_ FROGGS: wasn't sure if it was a bug or a clever feature :) 14:52
brokenchicken .
yoleaux2 14:45Z <FROGGS> brokenchicken: the test would involve creating directories with invalid names...what if one would not be able to delete these? # RT#127671
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=127671
FROGGS dogbert17_: very much bug
timotimo it's froggs \o/ 14:54
dogbert17_ has no idea how to fix that bug
IOninja FROGGS: fair enough, though I'd go with creating maybe `make risky-test` target that would run these risky tests and we could run only in environments that wouldn't mind being trashed. There are some other tickets with nul bytes and diacritics on `/` in paths, so there's plenty to fill that category of tests, I think 14:55
timotimo you're never unable to delete a directory
FROGGS well, sounds like we want to add a test then :o) 15:04
jnthn It's FROGGS \o/ :) 15:07
FROGGS: I think it was you who figured out the Windows sha-256 powershell trick to validate downloaded binaries in modules? :) 15:08
jnthn used that today :)
dogbert17_ jnthn, you're right, it seems as if the backtraces from the two thread mucking with the same array are identical 15:12
FROGGS jnthn: no, wasnt me... 15:14
jnthn FROGGS: Ah, OK :)
FROGGS has no powershell knowledge
jnthn Maybe LibraryMake was you? I thought you'd done some Windows NativeCall module thingy :)
FROGGS no :o)
jnthn Hm, OK :) 15:15
FROGGS I did Inline::C
jnthn Ah, right :)
OK, then you're probably the right person to ask if I should be worried about profileration of things like github.com/jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh/blo...r/Build.pm 15:16
uh 15:17
probably *not*
bah, shouldn't try to talk and writing native bindings at the same time :)
FROGGS ohh, is panda still a thing? :o) 15:18
jnthn Well, zef is certianly the more popular choice, but even it - afaict - emulates the Panda Build.pm support :)
FROGGS I see 15:19
jnthn Anyway, there's something like this done across a number of modules now
(Host dlls, grab/verify them, install as resource) 15:20
FROGGS yeah, that's what I did in the past too, (Alien::* modules for Perl 5) 15:22
jnthn Ohh...so there's a chance we *did* talk about this in the past and I wasn't being entirely confused :) 15:23
FROGGS hehe 15:28
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[Coke] FROGGS: you get my RT mail? 16:21
FROGGS [Coke]: I did 16:23
jnthn *sigh* The whole sync I/O + threads thing really needs sorting out :S 16:47
jnthn just ran into it again
timotimo yeah :| 16:48
we have a guarantee that an IO object only ever gets used async or sync, right?
jnthn Yeah, though we may want a general .async coercer on handles 16:49
Which doesn't transport the handle itself, just the descriptor, which I think we can make happen.
Maybe I should do some weeks of IO guts improvements, to go with IOninja's API-level ones :) 16:50
Or maybe that'll just mean we don't know whose changes are to thank for any problems :D
timotimo maybe i could break my period of doing fuck-all and try to do a bit of that for you
jnthn Well, we kinda need a strategy for attacking it. 16:51
timotimo no doubt
jnthn I was gonna start with sockets, fwiw
timotimo just stashing a FILE * and using stdio may not be enough
jnthn No
I'd like to do what we've done with async I/O though 16:52
That is, have decoding coordination pushed up to Perl 6 level
timotimo yes, that'd be nice
jnthn So we only have to do binary level I/O in MoarVM
So that was gonna be my first step with sockets
Meaning the re-work would only be needed at byte level
timotimo okay, the non-byte stuff gets kept, but deprecated 16:53
jnthn Yeah
Or, well
Maybe not if we would have to rewrite it only to toss it :S
timotimo i thought that's what i suggested 16:54
jnthn The way it's structured now, though, would entail rewriting bit of the char-level I/O along the way 16:55
Like, we can't just rewirte half of it to not use libuv for, say, sockets
Because then the rest won't compile any more
timotimo hm, right, a clean cut wouldn't do it
jnthn But on deprecation things, I don't actually think we need to care much about having a "deprecation cycle" 16:56
Our users are...NQP and Rakudo
We don't have the time to do half of what we need to do. No way do we have time to not break things for users who might hypothetically exist :P
timotimo fair enough 16:57
mst trying to pretend moarvm is a generic platform leads one down a path that ends up pining for the fjords at best
jnthn mst: Yes, if it becomes one it'll only be the same way the JVM did: because people started compiling other stuff to it, not because it was designed for it. 16:58
The main API compat that matters for us is the stuff that Inline::Perl6 uses :)
nine Which thankfully is not all that much 16:59
yoleaux2 23 Feb 2017 19:27Z <IOninja> nine: should we move away from sha1 for modules; RE: shattered.io/ ? Looks like we can even mod our sha1 with the collision detector thing: github.com/cr-marcstevens/sha1coll...ndetection not sure what the performance impact is tho
jnthn nine: No, though I still managed to break that once ;)
nine once is like never ;)
jnthn I like that more than "infinitely more than never" :P 17:00
nine IOninja: we probably should move away from sha1 in the long term, though I see no reason for panic. There are still much more important issues to fix. 17:01
IOninja Agreed. 17:02
timotimo on the other hand it'd be like ... one sed -e s/.../.../ and grabbing a different library via git submodule? 17:06
IOninja Maybe :) I've no idea. 17:09
timotimo the API for any hash is usually just "init some struct", "feed in buffer after buffer with length", "grab the output buffer (with a fixed length, usually)" 17:10
sometimes you have hashes where you can ask for a number of iterations to be performed for you 17:11
i think bcrypt works like that
IOninja yeah 17:13
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nine timotimo: sounds like a good project for some newcomer then :) 17:30
timotimo cool.
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japhb Please let's not take too long on the sha1 change. It's just troll bait at this point. Granted it can go to a newcomer, but let's try to convince a newcomer relatively soon. :-) 22:55
That said, I'd *much* rather see sanity around async I/O and decoding. My current workarounds *kinda* work, for a little while, and then break. 22:56
jnthn japhb: What problems are you having with that, exactly? 22:57
japhb jnthn: github.com/ab5tract/Terminal-Print...-280977027 22:58
jnthn Proc::Async and IO::Socket::Async already got a bunch of fixes earlier this year that, so far as I know, dealt with the various issues (codepoints over boundaries, graphemes over boundaries, decoding errors bringing down the process)
japhb For raw terminal I/O, I'm faking the asynchrony because I have to *avoid* the automatic detection of combiners. 22:59
I'd like to just not do that.
And my workaround eventually just stops reading data.
jnthn What is your workaround? 23:00
Something involving .read(1)?
MasterDuke btw, if anyone is curious, here's a screenshot of heaptrack's summary of its profile of `./perl6-m -e ''`: i.imgur.com/nUTNIVM.png 23:01
jnthn japhb: Is github.com/ab5tract/Terminal-Print...wInput.pm6 the appropriate spot? 23:02
And yes, .read(1) 23:03
And what's really wanted is Uni-level I/O 23:04
japhb jnthn: Yes, that's the right file.
jnthn I've no idea why htat'd lock up :S 23:05
*that'd 23:06
My backlog of Perl 6/MoarVM stuff I'd like to work on is growing hard to manage. :S 23:08
I ran into the same I/O on multiple threads thing you mention in that code again today also :(
japhb jnthn: The example program that I use to test RawInput is at least fun to play with ... though certainly not minimized for test cases.
nodnod 23:09
jnthn It's hard to know what to prioritize when so many things feel pressing.
japhb Yeah, I completely understand that. I'm just offering input from the "mantle developer" POV, but I'm sure others are pushing in different directions. :-( 23:10
jnthn Well, having a userbase is a nice problem to have. :-) 23:11
"problem" :-)
japhb heh
jnthn But yeah, it's becoming clear than "a funded day a week to focus on Perl 6 stuff" is kinda falling short of what'd be ideal and what I'd like to be doing. 23:14
japhb How much would you like to work on it each week? 23:16
(I ask because of previous burnout cycles, for instance)
jnthn I could quite happily do 2-3 days a week on it. 23:18
Which would at least shift me through the backlog 2-3 times faster. :-)
Will think about it a bit, anyways 23:21
japhb wonders if the funding committee(s) can handle funding at 2-3x your current rate .... hmmm, didn't we do full-time funding for one of the p5p people for a while ...? 23:23
jnthn Not sure, quite possibly 23:24
About the full-time for a p5p person. Hard to speculate on what it's possible to fund. 23:26
In that I'm still wating to hear back if it's possible to extend my current grant at all.
japhb Well that's suboptimal./
23:27 pyrimidine joined
jnthn And, to be clear from the communication I've had, I don't think that's TPF people ignoring me at all, I think it's a genuine issue of "is there actually money in the Perl 6 core dev fund to spend" 23:27
japhb Yeah, that needs to be fixed.
(Which is to say, that coffer should be way more full than it is, but I'm not sure how to fundraise that.) 23:28
jnthn Just a few days ago I got a "we're still working on this" without having to prod for an update, so it's not for lack of effort on the relevant folk's part.
jnthn should go rest up some :) 23:34
Hopefully will get to the cross-thread I/O thing at some point in the not too distant future...not to mention the Uni I/O stuff. 23:35
timotimo gnite jnthn 23:38
rest well
i just got super sick today :|
(just a cold, but man ...)
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