MasterDuke there's nothing in the log with the name of the non-jitted function, so how do i know which bail is associated with it? 01:57
timotimo is it speshed at all? 01:58
MasterDuke nope 01:59
timotimo well, there's your answer
can't jit what isn't speshed 02:00
one of the drawbacks of the current system, it's "all or nothing"
in this case it's nothing
timotimo it's currently quite difficult to figure out why spesh isn't doing something at all 02:02
maybe the spesh log of the frames that call into INTERPOLATE have a little something to tell us
MasterDuke INTERPOLATE shows up in the spesh log, but i know how to read it even less than the jit log 02:05
the code i'm running is: `my @l = "f.json".IO.lines; my $s = "name"; my @m = @l.grep(/ $s /); say +@m` 02:07
playing around with
timotimo hmpf. it has an interned callsite and it uses fastinvoke to call into INTERPOLATE 02:11
however the INTERPOLATE method itself doesn't show up at all 02:12
i really should go to bed now though 02:15
MasterDuke lots of param_sn and throwpayloadlex in the BAILs
timotimo yeah 02:17
those are only interesting if the frames they bail out from take a significant amount of time
ttyl! 02:19
MasterDuke later... 02:20
brrt good * #moarvm 06:21
i know why param_?? and friends aren't JITted 06:24
but why isn't throwpayloadlex
brrt good * lizmat 07:55
samcv good * brrt 08:10
brrt good * samcv
jnthn morning o/ 08:45
brrt: On throwpayloadlex, probably simply that nobody got to doing it yet
brrt i seem to recall timotimo did something with that and it burned 08:46
nwc10 good *, *
brrt ohai nwc10 08:49
.oO( probably that nobody got to doing it right yet :P )
samcv was gonna get back to work on concatenation 08:52
jnthn planning to get back to work on spesh-worker
lizmat brrt: good *, wasn't actually here, but just the victim of a flaky wifi 08:53
jnthn Though allowing myself to be at least for a little time distracted by
brrt (either that or it exposed some broken assumption) 08:55
damn flaky wifis'
brrt is looking forward to TPC
samcv same 08:56
brrt i'm wondering if i can make a Makefile rule that will make 08:57
brrt foo.expr be automatically picked up as a dependency for foo.o 08:57
but only for foo.o
and only if foo.expr really exists
samcv jnthn, so what is perl6's thing with opening something as '-' i heard it was special? and didn't actually open a file named '-'? 08:58
is this true?
jnthn samcv: Apparently it opens stdin or stdout...
I think it's on the chopping block, though 08:59
samcv sadface
i don't think anybody uses it. at all
nwc10 it's the classic Unix command line tool way of expressing STDIN or STDOUT
samcv yeah i know that... still tho
nwc10 ah OK. I didn't know that you know that. Now I know that you know :-)
nwc10 and I agree - not really sure if anyone is still using it 08:59
samcv yeah i totally *get* it i just hate it
jnthn wonders if it's one of those "we did it in Perl 6 'cus Perl 5 does it" things 09:00
brrt why hate it?
samcv because i name all my files '-'
brrt i mean, it'd be wrong on certain places in the stack
well, there's a classic unix trick for that too
foo — '-'
samcv b-but this is perl 6!
brrt i like my classic unix hacks :-P 09:01
samcv but yeah i know the - - thing too
and cd -- -
in scripts i usually use cd -- whenever i remember
jnthn I can't manage to get the example from the RT to work ever 09:02
valgrind just says we're passing -1 to the read syscall
samcv i need to go through and delete all my old branches 09:02
as they all won't fit on the screen with git branch for some time now 09:03
jnthn ah, if I stick a say $*IN.native-descriptor into the script just before the read from $*IN then it works 09:05
Odd 09:06
aha, the close call is coming from a DESTROY method 09:10
So the script makes the original $*IN unreachable 09:11
Which means that it gets GC'd
And the DESTROY method closes the file handle
The timing of that is GC-sensitive, thus the timing oddities we see make sense
But handles that use stdout/stderr/stdin are special in that they re-use the same underlying VM handle 09:12
And the DESTROY is closing it 09:13
jnthn will note this on the ticket
There we go; analysis of the issue noted :) 09:20
geekosaur I would say it is good if the argv-files thing handles -, but it should be special cased for that. 09:50
that is, '-' is not a filename, it is part of command line processing
brrt that is true 09:51
geekosaur perl 5 didn't do it that way, but perl 5 also thought filenames like 'foo|' were great
and I think (hope!) we ditched that too
samcv great as in it made a pipe? 10:02
was that sarcasm?
i've never tried to use odd filenames and just did the best practices ways of opening files with mulitple arguments
brrt well, it's one of those pretty-cool-in-a-tight-spot perl5 script handy things 10:03
but then
geekosaur if you use a name like that as a filename on the command line, it runs the command as a pipe and reads its output
samcv oh command line
brrt it's not compatible with perl-as-a-web-language thing
geekosaur (these days shells can handle both of those for you, but on systems without /dev/stdin or /dev/fd/* the shell's implementation may be even hackier than perl 5's way of handling it. see bash source for an example.) 10:06
geekosaur in fact shells are even more evil than that; zsh came up with /dev/tcp/hostname:port some years back and bash adopted it later... 10:07
(I've always been afraid to ask how they deal with Solaris.) 10:15
Geth_ MoarVM/spesh-worker: f93757621e | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/dump.c
Factor out dumping a spesh stats type tuple.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: 4e1b6ce67c | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 3 files
Implement observed type specialization planning.

This is where the an observed type tuple gains a large enough share of the hits or OSR hits in order to win a specialization. This will no doubt receive further tweaks, but seems to produce fairly sensible initial results.
jnthn Lunch time; bbiab 11:05
jnthn Pondering over lunch a bit, I think I'll put off doing the fancier type planning and move on to getting the actual specialization work moved over to the worker 12:04
samcv nice 12:05
jnthn That gets me to a potentially mergeable result sooner 12:06
samcv oh nice i can just do git branch --merged master and delete all those sweet 12:25
Geth_ MoarVM/spesh-worker: 080d6b7cb6 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 3 files
Track maximum simulated stack depth stats seen at.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: 797421020a | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 3 files
Include maximum applicable stack depth in plan.
Geth_ MoarVM/spesh-worker: 8480011343 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/plan.c
Sort plan by stack depth descending.
jnthn grmbl, got a small number of explodey spectests 12:55
Geth_ MoarVM/spesh-worker: 409d06aa41 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core/frame.c
Don't passa a real NULL into a LEAVE block.
jnthn wonders que passa with his typing... 13:04
samcv hehe 13:09
brrt haha
(though i must ask. why not qsort?) 13:10
samcv no pasa
jnthn brrt: That is a quicksort? 13:13
brrt it looks at first blush surprisingly like a quicksort 13:14
yes, you pick a pivot and swap over it 13:15
and then recurse
(you have a variant on that that is 'pick top n', implemented in nearly the same way)
oh, hang on 13:16
i mean to say
why not use qsort(3), the C stdlib function
jnthn Maybe 'cus I didn't know it exists? :) 13:17
hm, MSVC even seems to have it 13:18
For once
brrt :-) there's even, i think, on bsd-like platforms, a standard heapsort, and a standard mergesort 13:19
but those are nonstandard 13:20
nwc10 it wouldn't be very conformant C89 without it
brrt (nonstandard stdlib function)
jnthn nwc10: Heh, that was gonna be my next question, is it c89 or c99
mst brrt: on the nearest debian box it appears to be in -lbsd
brrt that is pushing it a bit though 13:21
anyway, the 'normal' reason not to use stdlib qsort is that it incurs a function invocation for every comparison, and that is costly 13:22
so i thought that would be it :-)
jnthn Grr, still got a few spectests that SEGV under spectest with by branch
They're fine without it 13:23
jnthn tries GC torture
Zoffix What standard does MoarVM follow C89 or C99 or newer?
nwc10 if you want torture I can lend you some image handling libraries
jnthn C89 for the sake of MSVC
Zoffix yikes
mst doesn't MSVC have, like, *most* of C99 at this point? 13:25
jnthn mst: It's certainly got bits of it, and we're probably using parts that it does have. 13:26
The main annoyance is that it doesn't allow declarations anywhere except the top of a block
mst ow
so no 'for (int i = 0; ...)' ? 13:27
jnthn Right
mst eww
Zoffix dammit RoarVM already exists: 13:28
so much for MoarVM written in Rust :}
jnthn heh, never heard of that
If there's a MoarVM successor it'll probably be called LessVM and written in Perl 6 :P 13:29
Zoffix heh
Zoffix might try making it in Rust as a learning project of both MoarVM and Rust 13:30
jnthn (No, I've certainly no plans. :) More likely is MoarVM will gradually evolve to become smaller.)
Writing a VM is a fun learning project :) 13:31
oh hurrah, I got an explosion 13:33
timotimo cool guys don't look at explosions
jnthn Apparently somehow a callframe ends up containing a pointer to something from a past fromspace. 13:34
timotimo is it a callframe that the spesh worker somehow owns but doesn't properly mark? 13:35
jnthn No, doubt it
Probably more likely a thinko in the interpreter
Just found a likely candidate 13:36
nwc10 The aim is to converge on something the size of ? 13:37
(might take a while)
Zoffix Why did Elon register it? 13:38
nwc10 IIRC technically he didn't 13:39
oh wait, it was his startup
paypal was what merged
Zoffix oh 13:40
jnthn huh, it looks like it's always a frame that gets marked and its ->caller is an outdated pointer o.O 13:49
Hm, and MVM_SPESH_DISABLE doesn't make it go away 13:51
Geth_ MoarVM/spesh-worker: 8f066c33a4 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core/interp.c
Make sure code won't be outdated if spesh log sent
jnthn That fix is needed, but not it seems the bug that I'm hitting. 14:02
brrt (making moarvm smaller)++
jnthn Most odd. In both cases I look at so far it's the same caller/callee where the caller has an outdated caller point 14:07
Geth_ MoarVM/spesh-worker: ad158f0792 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core/frame.c
Correct a typo.
jnthn Can't figure it out easily from the debugger, and know it works without my spesh-worker changes, so currently bisecting, fwiw 14:27
Apparently, ddca0e5f99021 is to blame 14:46
timotimo but there's hardly any code in there?! 14:47
jnthn That...doesn't make much sense :S 14:48
jnthn rebuilds Rakudo just in case
timotimo doesn't one of the extops use staticframes? 14:50
it grabs the outer, but it doesn't set anything 14:51
jnthn yeah, will see
jnthn goes back one more commit from the one bisect found to try that 14:53
evanm Hi, I have a question about MoarVM's internal string representation 14:57
timotimo go ahead
evanm It looks like there's a repetition structure so that "abcde" and "abcde" x 10000 use the same amount of memory
jnthn What the heck, the one bisect found apparently really is it?! 14:58
evanm But when I match the latter against a regex, it seems to get expanded into a flat representation first -- is that correct?
jnthn evanm: Yes.
Strand-y strings get flattened out so they are cheaply indexable, for the sake of regex performance. 14:59
The request to do that is implemented in, iirc, !cusror_init in the Cursor role in NQP
timotimo grep for "indexingoptimized" 15:00
evanm Ok, thanks, I'll take a look. Are regexes capable of matching strand-y string directly? 15:03
timotimo yep, they are 15:04
jnthn I don't think there's any reason why at MoarVM level why it'd not work (just run slowly); it's not exposed as an option at Perl 6 level. The standy thing is really just an optimization, not part of the language.
evanm I'm just thinking ("abcde" x 10000) ~ "foo" ~~ "foo" takes longer than it should
evanm Err you know what I mean 15:05
jnthn Does that even use regex?
evanm time perl6 -e '("abcde" x 100_000_000) ~ "foo" ~~ /foo/' 15:08
3.25 real 2.13 user 1.09 sys
time perl6 -e '("abcde" x 1_000) ~ "foo" ~~ /foo/'
0.18 real 0.14 user 0.02 sys
But I guess that might be asking for another layer of optimization 15:09
brrt jnthn, that moves the sequence number by 4 bytes, might that upset the JIT?
jnthn I think that's one of those cases where we'd maybe like the regex compilation to be smart enough to realize that the thing in question isn't really a regex
brrt i mean, it only would when the compile isn't clean
jnthn brrt: Shouldn't, but I'm running with MVM_SPESH_DISABLE and getting the crash anyway 15:10
brrt okay, then i'm flabbergasted
jnthn It gets better
It's the addition to the struct that causes it. o.O
brrt oh, that's good
jnthn If I remove all the code that uses the addition we're good
we're still not good
brrt hmmkay, why now? 15:11
jnthn So a patch that just adds an extra entry to an MVMFrame is sufficient o.O
That's bizzare
I was gonna guess it's alignment, but it's added in the middle
brrt hmmm 15:12
jnthn The thing ends with an 8-byte pointer
brrt anything in rakudo that uses that structure directly?
.oO( let's all sponsor jnthn to kill the extops )
i almost convinced someone to use perl6 today! 15:14
by analogy: perl6 is to go what perl5 is to C (or C++)
timotimo huh
.contains("foo") is actually a whole lot slower than ~~ /"foo"/ 15:15
jnthn I wonder if this is a result of MVMFrame passing a certain size
timotimo using indexingoptimized before contains is still slower than just regexing
is something accidentally writing over the boundary of a struct value and it used to write into padding space so it did no harm? 15:16
brrt does valgrind know? or asan?
timotimo i don't think it would
jnthn It's at 288 bytes after the change fwiw 15:17
#define MVM_FSA_BINS 96 15:18
m: say 96 << 3
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of << to do left shift; in Perl 6 please use +< or ~<
at <tmp>:1
------> say 96 <<⏏ 3
jnthn m: say 96 +< 3
camelia 768
brrt … if i hadn't forgotten to download virtualbox, i would've had a fully functional dev vm by now
jnthn valgrind...seems to be hiding the problem entirely?! 15:19
brrt (yolo)
jnthn Disabling the FSA makes no difference 15:20
m: say 288.base(2) 15:22
camelia 100100000
Zoffix brrt: "almost" convinced? Why didn't they want it in the end? 15:25
brrt a dayjob that wouldn't allow it 15:27
Zoffix timotimo: looks like it depends on whether "foo" is at the start or at the end. When it's at the start, .contains takes .2s; when it's at the end, it takes 11s; and regex takes ~3s in both cases 15:28
say ("foo" ~ "abcde" x 100_000_000).contains: "foo" vs say ("abcde" x 100_000_000 ~ "foo").contains: "foo" I mean
evalable6 Zoffix, Full output:
(exit code 1) ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/weXibWRGHc
Two ter…
jnthn Yup, and delte the field and it works just fine
Zoffix evalable6: shoo
evalable6 (exit code 1) ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/KRqexuaO4N
Undeclared routine:
shoo used at line 1
jnthn It's possible that the frame size difference just impacts whether the past fromspace check catches it, I guess 15:32
The spectests that would fail don't without that field added, though 15:39
Which kinda holes that theory
jnthn puts this aside for a bit 15:40
Maybe I'll think of something
Geth_ MoarVM/spesh-worker: 2d6a1b7797 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 2 files
Eliminate calls into the specializer.

These will be replaced with the specializations being performed and installed on the worker thread. For the moment, this disables all of the specialization.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: 3f805ef359 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 3 files
Toss out now-unrequired call counting bits.
Geth_ MoarVM/spesh-worker: 4909bab4fd | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/dump.c
Remove dump of soon-to-be-removed spesh log slots.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: 5504a0d23c | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 3 files
Remove spesh logging insertion code.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: 7b655eec86 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/candidate.c
Remove spesh log mentions from candidate setup.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: a7528401ca | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/osr.c
Remove mentions of spesh logging from OSR.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: 32f9f58423 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core/interp.c
Gut two spesh ops that will be going away.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: c201e7a93a | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core/frame.h
Remove now-unused spesh_log_slots from MVMFrame.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: bed4731dc7 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 5 files
Remove last mentions of spesh_log_idx.

Which is a nice simplification and removes checks on various GC marking and invocation paths.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: 25273e4ed4 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/dump.c
Toss another log slots mention from the dumper.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: 792ac61f30 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 2 files
Eliminate log slots from candidate data structure.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: 6b80e45847 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 2 files
Remove facts/optimize use of spesh logs.

This will be replaced with obtaining data using the new spesh logging scheme.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: b1b5377617 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 2 files
Remove some of the last spesh logging mentions.
MoarVM/spesh-worker: 2226b9799c | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 8 files
Remove sp_log op.
Geth_ MoarVM/spesh-worker: 4629ad79fe | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 7 files
Remove the OSR finalize op.

We'll need the osrpoint op to poll for a ready replacement under the new scheme, so this op becomes redundant.
Geth_ MoarVM/spesh-worker: 9e8b9f804a | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core/frame.h
Remove now-unused osr_counter field from MVMFrame.
jnthn Alrighty, I think I'll leave it there for today 16:56
Tomorrow I'll work at getting spesh working again on this branch, this time on the worker thread. Once I get the basic case working again, I'll look into getting OSR back in shape also 16:57
samcv whoops i accidently deleted my master branch 21:34
fixd now :) 21:35
jnthn samcv: haha, because --merged outputs the branch you're standing on too? :) 22:31
samcv yes :)
jnthn No prizes for guessing how I suspected this ;) 22:33
rest time; more spesh hackery tomorrow :) 22:41
samcv so today i'm going to try and get my concat patch reading for merge 22:57
just running benchmarks and such. interestingly as i'd made other changes to reduce when re_nfg is triggered my old tests which showed a bigger improvement are now no longer as good :P
so i'm having to manufacture some more that better trigger things hah
ahhh i see why. damn optimizations not performing the concatenation every time :p 22:59
mostly want to ensure that short concats are not any slower 23:00
as i *know* long ones will be immensely faster
ok.... this is weird 23:03
ok i do this perl6 -e 'my $boy = "\c[BOY]"; for ^1000 { $ = "aa$boy" ~ "\c[ZWJ]" }' everything is fine
i run it 10000 times instead. and i get a throw. because somehow it creates the replacement substring but it ends up with 0 codepoints 23:04
timotimo use rr to figure it out! ;)
samcv rr? 23:05
i never even thought that'd ever get triggered. but i threw in a throw adhoc just because 23:06
timotimo yeah, it records your program execution and lets you replay as often as you like and also debug forwards and backwards, including watchpoints
samcv since if it's 0 for a or for c then it removes those strands
as that moans the codepoinst from a or c were totally consumed
so "\c[BOY]" ~ "\c[ZWJ]" would consume the first and second strings 23:07
and remove those strands and not have it an offset or whatever
but how does that happen for a string i created
and why only when i run it enough times
that is the string i create with MVM_unicode_codepoints_c_array_to_nfg_string 23:08
so it should never be 0 codepoints
dogbert17 m: for (109..199) -> $num { my ($non-rep, $rep) = (1/$num).base-repeating(10); }
camelia ( no output )
dogbert17 timotimo: this snippet fails when doing a profile, any idea why? 23:09
samcv ok so at least it's not triggering when i throw in a throw when it's created 23:10
so somehow. uh
something.... else. why
timotimo dogbert17: no clue 23:11
cannot call method "defined" on a null object?
'tis a bug i've tried to find before in another program
samcv so uh 23:12
the string must be getting gc'd
since it's not throwing when the string is created
something terrible must be happening
but then i check and it's 0 in length like later on in the function
but only when running it 10,000 times but not 1000 times
timotimo, also how does MVMROOT work. the argument you supply to it. does it have to be the correct pointer already 23:13
also. i have an issue because only *sometimes* will it ever hold a string. most cases it won't
samcv doesn't completely know how MVMROOT works 23:14
dogbert17 timotimo: it's strange, the profiler is 'changing' how the program works
samcv sounds like physics 23:15
just stop watching it
dogbert17, i've had things change how it works regarding GC at least. like running something in GDB i'd get no problem but not in GDB things would go wrong
dogbert17 I just figured out that with MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1 the problem vanishes 23:18
timotimo well, yeah, the profiler works by putting a bunch of ops into the code to do some measurements
like "the code just allocated a Str"
or "this routine was just entered in its speshed variant" 23:19
dogbert17 spesh seems tricky
samcv someone help me understand MVMROOT :|
timotimo samcv: it registers a location in memory as a) containing a pointer to an object that needs to be kept alive, and b) containing a pointer that needs to be kept up to date when things move 23:20
samcv ok and the closure
timotimo this is done with a stack of pointers that gets pushed to at the beginning of mvmroot and popped at the end
it's not actually a closure
samcv tell me about the closure and how inside and outside
it's a macro
timotimo yup 23:21
samcv i know that
i just meant between the { }
timotimo the { } are only there to appease the syntax gods
samcv oh
so it happens before the code in it
timotimo you can't put ; in between () of a macro i don't think
samcv and the end of the } doesn't change any state?
timotimo the end pops the pointer off the temporary roots stack
samcv oh ok 23:22
timotimo other than that it doesn't do anything
samcv so it does change things
timotimo yeah, after that the pointer you rooted will no longer be kept updated when things move and objects you used to point to may be thrown away in a GC run
samcv so i must supply the actual pointer to the object to MVMROOT(tc, pointerhere, { } ); i.e. it can't be uninetialized?
trying to type badly
timotimo i think if you don't null the pointer the GC will get upset 23:23
samcv lame
i mean what if it's null when you supply it to MVMROOT
timotimo upset as in "dereference a random memory location that might not even be valid"
that should be fine
samcv ah
geekosaur you'd be telling gc to move around a block of memory at 0
samcv so then what happens inside the MVMROOT if i don't even give it a real memory address
geekosaur and keep you updated on any such moves 23:24
timotimo hm? can you clarify that?
samcv so how do i MVMROOT a variable that's only sometimes pointing to an actual MVM object
timotimo have it point at null, or have it point at VMNull
btw, you wouldn't have an MVMROOT around the code that initializes the variable in question
samcv ok
timotimo i.e. i'd consider MVMROOT(tc, thing, { thing = MVM_gc_allocate(tc, blah) }); to be wrong 23:25
samcv thanks
that's what i thought too
it'd be good if we null'd all our pointers 23:26
on declaration
especially ones that ever get passed to MVM ROOT
but all sounds good
ah actually this will be much easier than it was previously. as i've moved around code 23:27
timotimo you don't have to use mvmroot btw
you can manually push and pop the temp roots
samcv oh.
timotimo you just need to (MVMCollectable **)&the_variable 23:28
samcv looks at code
ok perfect
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net:
samcv lizmat, you can also add that i greatly reduced the chances of strings needing renormalization on concatenation. and it now only triggers if the resulting string would be different, instead of in cases where it's possible it could become changed. 23:30
lizmat is that already in nom ? 23:31
samcv yes
i'm working on even more improvements as well though :)
lizmat "if the resulting string would be different" ??
isn't that the point of concatenation ? 23:32
samcv the resulting sections i mean
geekosaur I think it's the normalization not the concatenatiojn
samcv before it would renormalize both string a and string b
yes geekosaur
geekosaur "only normalize if it's known to actually need it"
samcv something like that yeah. before we would renormalize if there was a chance of it needing renormalization (i.e. the normalized result would be different than naively concating them together) 23:33
and now it only triggers if the result *is actually* going to be different than the current (normalization)
lizmat "Samantha McVey worked on string concatenation, making sure that no (potentially expensive) normalization of strings is done, unless it is actually necessary." 23:36
samcv yes
that is perfect
lizmat thank you :-) and thank YOU! :-)
samcv uh you can say that it reduced renormalization of random unicode by over 3x
possibly more depending on the language
at least in my testing on three different scripts. Korean Tibetan and Arabic 23:37
i suspect it's actuall very much higher than that over 10x but at least 3x :P
lizmat I think most of the reader would be interested in knowing it would make appending a newline 3x faster :-) 23:38
samcv heh.
but it doesn't :P
lizmat :-(
samcv i don't think. i mean
it's probably faster
a little bit at least. but don't say it as i haven't tested
lizmat ok, well I don't think mentioning Korean, Tibetan or Arabic will help a lot either, so I'm letting it be perfect as it is :-) 23:39
samcv ok :)
what you wrote is true. and the user can apply to whatever they *actually* use 23:40
because it was getting triggered in many needless circumstances and i can't possibly know all of them heh
concatenation of emoji is faster? hah 23:41
but as you wrote is perfect hah
lizmat ok
on that note, I bid you all a good night! 23:42
samcv lizmat, that fix got in for release. also night!
sleep well