MasterDuke timotimo++ the heaptrack graphs after your rand_I commit look much nicer (for `perl6 -e 'srand(1); say [+] ^1000 .roll(1_000_000)'`) 01:27
timotimo thought so. screenshots, though? :D 01:31
MasterDuke before: after: 01:50
most of the graphs look pretty similar. steady growth before, plateauing at a much smaller value after (or still steady growth, but with a much smaller max)
timotimo holy wow the time difference is amazing 02:34
jesus christ, the difference of max is what 100x? 02:35
it's allocations in total, though, so parts of that get freed again of course
nwc10 timotimo: I configured MoarVM with ` --ubsan --asan ...` so I assume it's more that I didn't turn *on* the leak checker, instead of "I turned it off". 09:28
but yes, I think that that means that there is no leak checker, so no excitement generated even if stuff leaks
MasterDuke timotimo: the op name for coverage options: controlcoverage, coveragecontrol, control_coverage, coverage_control? or do you have any other name suggestions? 11:39
jnthn MasterDuke: If it's user-facing, we don't put _ in op names except for type suffixes at the end 11:46
timotimo i'd like coveragecontrol 11:47
jnthn We also have prefixes like sp_ for non-public ops used for the VMs internal purposes
timotimo sp for spesh
MasterDuke it's user facing, so coveragecontrol it is 11:48
nwc10 lunch& 11:51
nine I'm writing a realloc helper that initializes the new memory with 0 (could call it recalloc) for fixing serialization reading uninitialized memory. Should I put it alongside MVM_realloc as MVM_recalloc? 15:16
timotimo yeah why not 15:22
Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #626:
Add nqp::coveragecontrol op
MasterDuke timotimo: how's ^^^ look? 15:27
timotimo huh 15:29
explain the implementation in interp.c to me?
of course, it shall only work if the env var is set
MasterDuke yeah 15:30
timotimo the first argument to coveragecontrol should be r instead of w
i thought we'd have a separate value for the env var for "no deduplication of log lines", or is there no use for the thing "in the middle"? 15:31
MasterDuke updated to r 15:32
timotimo better
(rather than bettew)
MasterDuke "mawwiage is what bwings us hewe today" 15:33
timotimo: wasn't sure about the de-dup thing
and the various use cases 15:34
timotimo i think it's a valid use case to not want dedup
MasterDuke have to not de-dup when using coveragecontrol() of course
timotimo i mean, you can subtract startup if you don't dedup, but since we also call coveragecontrol after startup you can just use that, too 15:36
but maybe you want to see how many times individual parts are run
MasterDuke could add an option to coveragecontrol just to turn off de-dup
timotimo aye
MasterDuke has anyone done a coverity scan recently? might be a good idea after all the recent big changes 15:51
timotimo oh, i haven't thought of that in a long time 15:52
Geth MoarVM: aa740f6329 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/6model/serialization.c
Ensure that serialized padding bytes are 0

Helps creating reproducible build of precompiled Perl 6 modules
MoarVM: 0304b316dd | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/6model/serialization.c
Avoid uninitialized bytes in default tables

These tables are all cretaed with reasonable default sizes but it's quite possible that they are not fully utilized in the end. So we need to initialize them with an equally reasonable default value. Helps creating reproducible build of precompiled Perl 6 modules.
MoarVM: 4ce573d9c5 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 2 files
Avoid uninitialized bytes at the end of serialized tables
MasterDuke timotimo: do you think it ever makes sense to turn off de-duping in the middle of a script/program? or should it be an all-or-nothing option controlled by the env variable? 16:15
timotimo i imagined one-or-nothing
MasterDuke something like MVM_COVERAGE_CONTROL=2 means don't de-dup, but don't wait for an nqp::coveragecontrol(1) to start logging? 16:19
and MVM_COVERAGE_CONTROL=1 means don't de-dup, but *do* wait for an nqp::coveragecontrol(1) to start logging?
travis-ci MoarVM build failed. Stefan Seifert 'Avoid uninitialized bytes at the end of serialized tables' 16:20
MasterDuke t/hll/06-sprintf.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 286 Failed: 2) Failed tests: 285-286 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 284 tests but ran 286. 16:23
MasterDuke nine: ^^^ 16:29
nine MasterDuke: ah, I can reproduce it locally. I should really adopt the habit of running nqp's tests, too 16:31
nine But I somehow doubt that the failure is due to my commits: Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 284 tests but ran 286. 16:32
Indeed, reverting nqp commit 980a07ee96216a43958d54878e187a7b0abd8cf1 fixes the test 16:34
Pushed a fix for the test plan. It was really just 2 new tests. 16:36
MasterDuke nine++ 16:42
Geth MoarVM: ff571d17fd | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/core/alloc.h
Fix "error C2036: 'void *' : unknown size"

  Thanks to ugexe++ for reporting
MasterDuke there seems to be some memory leak/growth after 2017.07 18:40
2017.07: HEAD: 18:41
travis-ci MoarVM build passed. Stefan Seifert 'Fix "error C2036: 'void *' : unknown size" 18:58
jnthn MasterDuke: Is that really what the data is saying? 18:59
The line it's highlighting is: 19:01
void *tospace = MVM_calloc(1, MVM_NU
void *tospace = MVM_calloc(1, MVM_NURSERY_SIZE);
ilmari nine: -Werror=pointer-arith would have caught that 19:02
jnthn The reason we allocate a lot more there now is because instead of memsetting a ~4MB region, we just free it and calloc a new one
Because measurements showed that to be cheaper than the memset
callgrind thought a vast amount cheaper; actual time measurements showed rather less 19:03
But yes, this will mean that our "churn" in terms of allocation calls will be a lot higher
MasterDuke hm, makes sense
jnthn Given that the memory in question is fromspace that will be cache cold by then, though, then I don't think there's much chance that calloc will do a slower job than we can with memset 19:04
MasterDuke AlexDaniel thinks the whateverables are slower and leakier than they were recently 19:05
jnthn Yeah
I think the top change it points to isn't the one we're after, alas
What code is that btw? 19:06
MasterDuke k, any ideas where to look?
jnthn And why on earth is it decoding a million ASCII strings
MasterDuke that i heaptracked?
jnthn Yeah
A million allocations in ascii decode must mean a million strings decoded
Which is, uh...possible curious 19:07
MasterDuke `perl6 -I Text-Diff-Sift4/lib/ -e 'use Text::Diff::Sift4; my $d; for ^1000000 { $d = sift4(~$_, "10") }; say $d'`
jnthn *but curious
Hm, is it calling .decodee somewhere in there? :)
MasterDuke nope
jnthn Oh, it's doing a million iterations 19:08
jnthn So it's only doing it once I guess
such, I don't see what in there would be doing it either 19:09
Oh 19:10
It'll be that :)
Turning a number into an MVMString
OK, mystery solved :)
Does this code leak btw?
Or just show more churn?
MasterDuke well, /usr/bin/time for 1000 iterations shows 82264maxresident)k, 1000000 iterations shows 95516maxresident)k 19:12
jnthn That could just be the GC finding its natural overhead and/or spesh logs/stats/optimized code using a bit of space 19:13
MasterDuke yeah, 10m iterations is 95704maxresident)k
jnthn Yeah
walk; bbiab 19:14
Geth MoarVM: ilmari++ created pull request #627:
Add -Werror=pointer-arith for gcc
MasterDuke timotimo: any thoughts about my last MVM_COVERAGE_CONTROL=* comments? 19:40
timotimo ah yes 19:41
that's how i imagined it
MasterDuke cool, i'll see about adding that to the PR 19:42
timotimo great!
thanks a lot
MasterDuke heh, likewise, you did the hard part of actually implementing line coverage 19:43
timotimo you mean "the easy part", right? :) 19:44
MasterDuke right, bet it was a breeze 19:45 19:47
re memory stuff, does ^^^ look more interesting 19:48
it's from running this 19:50
/usr/bin/time for 10 iterations shows 1773636maxresident)k, 20 iterations shows 2635308maxresident)k 19:52 is what heaptrack says is the biggest allocator (after the calloc in gc we talked about earlier) 19:55
timotimo i wonder what the suggested size would turn out to be?
is it perhaps wildly overestimated? 19:56
MasterDuke it's always 65536 20:00
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: so Sift4 by itself does not leak? 20:08
MasterDuke doesn't seem like it 20:09
AlexDaniel uhhhhh 20:10
then it has to be something here 20:11
timotimo MasterDuke: could you check what buf->len and nread are in async_read when it repr_push_o the newly created buffer object into "arr"?
that way we could figure out if we keep much-too-big buffers around instead of maybe reallocing them to shrink 'em
AlexDaniel it leaks tens of megabytes per one execution of get-similar, so the leak should be associated with the data 20:12
MasterDuke line 531?
Geth MoarVM: ece9788ee0 | (Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker)++ | build/
Add -Werror=pointer-arith for gcc

This disables the GNU extension that allows arithmetic on pointers to void and functions, which standard C (and MSVC) don't allow.
Also remove redundant -Wdeclaration-after-statement: -Werror=foo implies
timotimo around there, yeah 20:13
MasterDuke buf->len is always 65536, nread ranges from 41 to 11767 20:14
timotimo okay, if we don't shrink them at all we'll be leaving a lot of memory on the table 20:15
we're likely to just immediately decode the buffers, i believe
so they should actually be thrown away quickly
AlexDaniel ok I can reproduce it 20:16 20:17
if my math is correct, it's about 128 MB per call 20:19
unfortunately I have to go now…
timotimo thanks for the effort 20:20
AlexDaniel well, I'll get back to it soon
get-similar only needs get-output, which is essentially just “run”
so this looks golfable 20:21
anyway, cya
timotimo MasterDuke: you think it'd be a good idea to realloc these bufs to a number closer to the number of bytes read? do these buffers stick around? 20:22
MasterDuke no idea 20:25
i think this is the first time i've looked at procops.c 20:27
MasterDuke could try and see what happens. where should they be realloced? 20:28
timotimo just before they get pushed there 20:30
same location i pointed at before 20:31
MasterDuke the buffer is created via MVM_repr_alloc_init? 20:38
`res_buf->body.ssize = buf->len;` should be `res_buf->body.ssize = nread;` instead? 20:39
jnthn No, because otherwise the heap profiler can't account for it properly 20:44
ssize is meant the be the allocated amount, which is what buf->len is
elems is the amount actually in use
libuv seems at least with sockets to always tell us a quite big amount even if it in reality only puts some hundreds of bytes in there, though. There's quite possibly a good reason for that. 20:45
MasterDuke is there something wrong in the perl6 code we're running? 20:46
which is essentially this: 20:47
jnthn Not so far as I can see. 20:48
Huge leak though o.O
I wonder if it's related to the one I've noticed with an async socket server in a react block
Planning to investigate that one some more next week 20:49
No particular idea what is going on
MasterDuke sounds similar
MasterDuke any pointers where to look? 20:56
Geth MoarVM: dogbert17++ created pull request #628:
Remove unused vars
dogbert11 MasterDuke: tried your gist, although I ran fewer iterations. Get the impression that it leaks ~10k per iteration 21:37
that leak seems to involve newly added functionality 21:39
MasterDuke huh, pretty sure i'm seeing more than that. wonder if it's the 32vs64 bit?
dogbert11 could be, and perhaps the fact that the jit doesn't work in 32 bit might have something to do with it 21:40
AlexDaniel so does it leak or not? :)
ah, I see 21:41
would be nice to have a ticket with this 21:42
as far as I know, this is a regression
at least, I'm 90% sure that it was working OK before the most recent changes 21:43
MasterDuke AlexDaniel: do you see any difference if you disable spesh or jit? 21:45
AlexDaniel I see no difference
anyway, later :) 21:46
dogbert11 MasterDuke: your gist contains this line which is commented out, # flat(@options, @tags, @commits).min: { sift4($_, $tag-or-hash, 5, 8) } 21:49
MasterDuke yeah, it's adapted from whateverable code 21:50
dogbert11 and you get a big leak without it?
MasterDuke yeah, that's commented out in the "real" code also 21:51
dogbert11 valgrind doesn't find any big leaks but using /usr/bin/time I see that maxresidentk gets higher the more iterations I run 21:52
it's around 0.5gig after 20 iterations 21:53
almost as if the GC isn't doing what one might expect, odd 21:56
timotimo you can ask the telemetry log how often gc runs if you're worried it doesn't do enough 21:58
MasterDuke i updated my gist with the output of running for 5 iterations with valgrind --leak-check=full 21:59
big jumps in amount lost here: 22:01
dogbert11 yeah, 66k definitely lost
most of what is 'new' comes from spesh stats/plan related stuff. The unicode thing have been there for ages :) 22:03
MasterDuke valgrind output looks the same even with an nqp::force_gc() in the loop 22:04
dogbert11 would it be possible for the amount of memory used by spesh to run amok or are there some kind of limit in place? 22:06
jnthn If MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1 then it never allocates a log buffer to write into, so the stats stuff never gets data... 22:19
So if it leaks with MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1 then it rules out quite a bit.
MasterDuke the numbers are a little smaller, but still regularly increasing with MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1 22:21
jnthn Yeah, then it's something not spesh, almost certainly
There have been GC changes but...
Hard to imagine them introducing leaks :S 22:22
MasterDuke dinner &
dogbert11 the amount of memory used is quite high though, this is from a 10 iteration run:
==20843== in use at exit: 138,096,415 bytes in 437,172 blocks
==20843== total heap usage: 1,566,554 allocs, 1,129,382 frees, 4,591,697,481 bytes allocated 22:23
definitely lost: 64,928 bytes in 3,183 blocks
dogbert11 doing the ten iterations with MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1 leaks 'definitely lost: 1,256 bytes in 29 blocks' 22:36
half of that amount comes from MVM_decoder_configure (Decoder.c:131) 22:37
dogbert11 has problem seeing the problem :) 22:41
timotimo got an idea how often that gcs in total? 22:42
might be able to get some insight from a heap snapshot
MasterDuke i get `Command terminated by signal 11` if i add --profile=heap 22:43
timotimo: how do you turn on telemeh?
35 'gc finished' in the telemetry log for a 5 iteration run 22:46
timotimo that's not terribly much 22:52
MasterDuke timotimo: PR updated 23:37
timotimo looks good i think! 23:44
MasterDuke cool 23:45
timotimo anything good to find in the output? 23:46
also, i wonder when we should change the output format to be separated by something easy-to-find 23:47
like nul bytes
MasterDuke heh, i had some actual usecase, but now have spent so long messing with getting it working i don't remember what it was 23:50
timotimo we can figure out what the hot spots are in a program, and probably also an exact trace through the program 23:51
files are gonna be huge, though
MasterDuke yep and yep 23:52
will add a column to coverable6's output for hit count 23:54
timotimo mhm 23:55
got an idea what the performance impact is?
MasterDuke somewhat minimal, but i think the only time i measured it wasn't a very long or cpu intensive program anyway 23:57
timotimo i have a lock there, right? that'd serialize multiple threads? 23:58
MasterDuke there where? 23:59
timotimo i don't seem to, no