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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
00:30 Kaiepi left 00:43 MasterDuke joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v MasterDuke, MasterDuke left, MasterDuke joined, sets mode: +v MasterDuke, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v MasterDuke
timotimo made some progress today for more detailed deopt 00:54
MasterDuke something for the profiler? 01:06
01:07 Kaiepi joined
timotimo aye 01:07
the current profiler gives you "how often did which frames deopt_one or deopt_all"
i want the new one to display what expectations were violated, and by what.
01:07 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Kaiepi
timotimo getting a strange segfault 01:30
nine: if you could remove sp_* and prof_* and similar ops from the functions that write ops in MAST/Ops.nqp that'd be good 02:09
among other things because if you write any of these ops to your own code, the bytecode validator will yell at you 02:11
only spesh is allowed to build these
i wonder if perhaps a few of these functions should be re-used, i.e. whenever two opcodes have the exact same signature, which probably happens a bunch with the mathy ones 02:13
also, i wonder if $*MAST_FRAME is a major performance drain 02:18
rr replay being extremely slow right now :| 02:24
05:58 lizmat left 06:40 nebuchadnezzar left, nebuchad` joined 06:41 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v nebuchad`
nine timotimo: aye, $*MAST_FRAME cannot be good for performance. Alas adding a :$bytecode = $*MAST_FRAME.bytecode arg and passing it in in any place that already had access did not produce any measurable performance benefit :/ 06:52
06:52 nebuchad` is now known as nebuchadnezzar 06:58 lizmat joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lizmat 07:19 domidumont joined 07:20 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont 07:39 robertle joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v robertle 08:24 zakharyas joined 08:25 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v zakharyas 08:37 dalek left 09:24 dogbert11 left 10:56 domidumont left
timotimo OK! 12:01
maybe the dynamic var cache is really hot for this one
12:23 domidumont joined 12:24 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont 12:45 zakharyas left
dogbert2_ ok, so there seems to be one bug left in nine++ recent work 14:13
nine just one? :) 14:36
14:53 reportable6 left, reportable6 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v reportable6
dogbert2_ :) one I 'know' 14:54
nine: take a look at this: 14:55
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timotimo ugh, could this please finally crash properly under rr thanks 15:07
nine dogbert2_: timotimo may have been on the right track but in the wrong place. Look at lib/MAST/Nodes.nqp:853. Here's also a + but this time the operands are not guaranteed to be int32
No idea though why this would fail only sometimes 15:08
15:13 dalek joined 15:14 Geth_ joined, synopsebot_ joined, p6lert_ joined, synopsebot left, Geth left, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v dalek, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Geth_, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v synopsebot_, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v p6lert_ 15:15 p6lert left, SourceBaby left
dogbert2_ nine: cool I'll try it out using timotimo's add_i suggestion 15:19
nine, timotimo: I changed line 853 to '%!labels{nqp::iterkey_s($_)} := nqp::add_i(nqp::iterval($_), $insert_offset);' and now I get this instead ... 15:33
Duplicate label at 341678 at /home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/bin/../share/nqp/lib/MAST/Nodes.nqp:1088 (/home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/share/nqp/lib/MASTNodes.moarvm:add-label)
the number given for the duplicate label changes with each run 15:34
timotimo what the heck ... 15:35
nine the number is just the objectid 15:37
timotimo so maybe it gets further after something borked earlier ... 15:38
grrr 15:41
now i'm trying to debugprint something and gdb believes that MVMP6int doesn't exist
16:00 domidumont left 16:29 TimToady left, TimToady joined, sets mode: +v TimToady, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v TimToady 16:51 zakharyas left 16:52 reportable6 left, reportable6 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v reportable6 17:27 domidumont joined 17:28 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont 18:02 robertle left 19:41 domidumont left
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: 22:02