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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
timotimo discovered "perf mem record" 13:17
MasterDuke what does that do? 13:18
yoleaux 3 Dec 2018 02:12Z <SmokeMachine> MasterDuke: thank you very much!
timotimo it samples read and/or write memory accesses 13:19
MasterDuke so not similar to heaptrack, which does allocations, correct? 13:20
timotimo correct
i wanted to see if there's a tool that'd draw memory as kind of an image and show me what pieces were active when 13:21
MasterDuke interesting. can you get that from perf mem record?
timotimo in theory i think yes 13:22
it's difficult, of course, when the address space is kind of fragmented 13:23
however, you can actually ask for physical addresses instead of logical addresses
then you'll only have addresses in the range from 0 to however much ram you have
still fragmented, though
but not from 0 to 2 ** 64 :) 13:24
MasterDuke hm. would the logical addresses be less fragmented though, even if spread across a greater range?
Kaiepi asking again since there was no response last time, can someone review ?
it won't stop being a wip until the .native-descriptor pullreq on rakudo is merged, but otherwise it's pretty well finished 13:27
timotimo ooooooh my calendar post needs to be finished by midnight today
timotimo need to get some late breakfast in before i can do much of anything 13:29
nwc10 "All day breakfast at the UGT café" 13:31
MasterDuke Kaiepi: i don't know socket programming well enough anymore to comment on the functionality, but i gave a couple minor comments on formatting, etc 13:32
Kaiepi thanks
Geth MoarVM: Kaiepi++ created pull request #1008:
Fix double free in platform/sys.c