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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
brrt \o 11:06
jnthn o/ brrt 11:11
Happy New Year :)
lizmat jnthn brrt o/ 11:12
timotimo o/ 11:15
the muldis object notation grammar may be a good benchmark for building big NFAs 11:16
as i just posted on #perl6, it spends a lot of time in mergesubrule, mergesubstates, and optimize 11:17
that said, the subs in question aren't necessarily very slow; about 9.6 us per call, it's just that they get called 800k times in this particular case 11:19
addedge is called 1m6k times
optimize on the other hand only gets called 77 times, but spends 40ms per entry
from the looks of the progress bar thingie, optimize is like a quarter or a fifth of total program run time 11:20
(this is not the qast optimizer, it's the nfa optimizer)
oh, one thing to point out is that it's at 30% time spent in GC 11:24
nine addedge doesn't use any native types at all 11:25
Happy new year btw. :) 11:26
timotimo happy new year nine :)
or as people at the XXc3 tend to say: merry crisis and a happy new fear
allocations-wise, BOOTInt is the second place, with the top entries being: optimize (6.5m), addedge (1.6m), mergesubrule (0.8m), dentout (!) (0.8m), insert_bytecode (11k) 11:27
the number 1 allocated type is NQPArray, though: mergesubstates (4.5m), optimize (1.8m), mergesubrule (0.8m), addstate (0.8m), op (239k) 11:28
that last one was supposed to be 29k
the cat wants me on the sofa :D
brrt happy new year jnthn, nine, timotimo 11:31
and lizmat of course :-)
lizmat :-)
timotimo happy new year brrt, jnthn, lizmat :) 11:48
lizmat timotimo o/ 11:49
timotimo oh, i neglected to continue looking at the allocations list
the next one in the list is BOOTNum with 6.2m total allocations. compare that to BOOTInt with 9.9m and NQPArray with 8.1m allocations total 11:50
it stands to reason that we'd want to eradicate almost all BOOTNum in compilation
allocators of BOOTNum are: mergesubstates (4.5m), optimize (1.6m), isa (23k), sanity_check (3k), capnames (1k), rxjump (980), unique (560), visit_children (360) 11:52
and a bunch more that are smaller
the GC tab shows a bunch of distinct "phases" when looking at percentages promoted: first a couple of runs with 15% promoted, then about 100 runs with 30% promoted (very stable), then 20 runs with 100% promoted (100% stable), 15 with ~50% promoted, a few noisy ones, then another 100 runs of 30% promoted, then 100% again, then ~50% again, the rest is noisier 11:56
oh wow 12:00
i didn't see that until i got the flame graph, but
mergesubstates and mergesubrule recurse *pretty* deep
about 50 frames between the two of them 12:01
nine: are you already looking at changes to addedge's code? 12:03
nine timotimo: no, have to earn some money instead :) 12:08
timotimo damn :) 12:09
jnthn Lunch time for me :) 12:11
timotimo sprinkled some native types all throughout NFA.nqp, hoping they are all correct %) 12:50
lizmat timotimo: any idea why that wasn't done before ? 12:52
was it because they didn't exist yet when that part of NQP was written ?
just OOC 12:54
timotimo not sure; that code is probably very old and not touched very often 13:04
i wish it weren't as hard to see where nqp floats and where it ints 13:05
jnthn back for a bit 13:16
dogbert11 hah, so I've managed to repro the 'continuationinvoke expects an MVMContinuation' bug on my Linux system as well. So it's not only a RPi problem. 21:07
the bad part is that it only shows up if the system is heavily loaded 21:08
dogbert11 Ok, M#1029 21:20
synopsebot M#1029 [open]: Flapping test t/spec/MISC/bug-coverage-stress-6.d.t
timotimo sounds like you may want to try something that fiddles with thread scheduling 21:25
rr has something for that, i believe
dogbert11 the sad thing is that Ryzen CPU's and rr don't mix very well :(
timotimo is that still an issue? :< 21:26
does rr work on hack? on the whateverable server?
dogbert11 dunno 21:27
turning off spesh does not help 21:29
MasterDuke pretty sure it does on the whateverable server, think i've used it there before
timotimo does it actually have multiple threads? 21:31
i think it's a crash related to the thread pool scheduler?
dogbert11 what has multiple threads, the test? 21:37
timotimo yeah, whatever process crashes 21:38
dogbert11 at least we can't blame this bug on jnthn's latest merge :) 21:45
asan is also silent 21:49
jnthn For once, I'm innocent :P 22:41