| IRC logs at
Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
MasterDuke samcv: what is the code you're running under heaptrack? 00:47
anyone: any reason not to merge the two PRs of mine? and 00:53
timotimo not from me 00:57
timotimo runs away for like a whole day
Geth MoarVM: bfbfd0c193 | (Daniel Green)++ | 2 files
JIT sp_bind_i32
MoarVM: d35d48a1d8 | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #1059 from MasterDuke17/jit_sp_bind_i32

JIT sp_bind_i32
MoarVM: 28e2b38bc1 | (Daniel Green)++ | 10 files
Add a smrt_intify op
MoarVM: 37a26a1c8d | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 10 files
Merge pull request #1038 from MasterDuke17/add_smrt_intify

Add smrt intify op
MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1066:
Right type for null in MVM_coerce_smart_intify
MoarVM: abdddb0186 | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/coerce.c
Right type for null in MVM_coerce_smart_intify (#1066)
MoarVM: vrurg++ created pull request #1067:
Improve check for used toolchain on macOS
samcv MasterDuke, loop { my $cmd = run « cat ubuntu.iso », :out; $cmd.out.close } 07:08
andrzejku hello 20:01
brrt hi andrzejku 20:03
andrzejku those mast files 20:04
why they are not a part of nqp?
brrt I don't really know the answer to that 20:07
timotimo because they are created from moarvm sources :)
brrt well, that's a good reason :-)
andrzejku timotimo, you mean C files into NQP? 20:08
and then NQP to MOARVM
timotimo not exactly 20:10
the source is src/core/oplist (and also there's a few nqp functions in it that are included from somewhere) 20:11
and that generates a header file for moarvm's own use and the nqp and p6 files
Geth MoarVM: ea83e229ba | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/6model/reprs/ConcBlockingQueue.c
ConcBlockingQueue: implement unmanaged_size for heap profiler
MoarVM: 834db592b5 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/6model/reprs/MVMSpeshLog.c
MVMSpeshLog: implement describe_refs for heap profiler
andrzejku what about files /usr/lib64/perl6/perl6/precomp/ 20:18
timotimo so, i have a describe_refs for ConcBlockingQueue that's supposed to give every object in there an index
andrzejku precomp
timotimo but my attempts to put that in gave me very strange results
even though i modelled it closely after gc_mark
andrzejku are they necessary for perl6 runtime?
timotimo i mean ... rm them and try it out? %) 20:19
or strace some common tasks to see if they are accessed
andrzejku timotimo, : ( help 20:34
Unhandled exception: Cannot call method 'load_setting' on a null object
at <unknown>:1 (/usr/lib64//perl6/runtime/ModuleLoader.moarvm:<dependencies+deserialize>)
timotimo, aff my wife is calling me but I will back with question later 20:37
timotimo did you delete the precomp files? 21:49
timotimo just reinstall it :) 21:51
MasterDuke samcv: and you used heaptrack to profile? 22:08
timotimo ouchies! 23:11
there's some confusion as to what the "count"/"size" parameter for read_buf should be interpreted as; bytes or bis 23:13
MasterDuke !! 23:16
who/what is confused?
timotimo jit vs interp 23:17
MasterDuke i can imagine that causing problems
timotimo i don't understand a part of it
it's about endian switching apparently 23:18
OK, so flags & 1 would give true only for ENDIAN_LITTLE 23:20
so that's basically "do we need to endian switch"
no, i don't get this at all i don't think 23:21
what the fuuuuuuuck 23:31
m: use nqp; say BEGIN nqp::bitor_i(nqp::const::BINARY_SIZE_64BIT, NativeEndian)
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
An exception occurred while evaluating a BEGIN
at <tmp>:1
Exception details:
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling
Unknown constant 'BINARY_SIZE_64BIT'
at :
timotimo m: use nqp; say BEGIN nqp::bitor_i(nqp::const::BINARY_SIZE_64_BIT, NativeEndian)
camelia 12
timotimo m: use nqp; say nqp::bitor_i(nqp::const::BINARY_SIZE_64_BIT, NativeEndian)
camelia 12
timotimo m: use nqp; sub doit() { my $val = nqp::bitor_i(nqp::const::BINARY_SIZE_64_BIT, NativeEndian); say $val if $val != 12 }; for ^100_000 { doit } 23:34
camelia ( no output )
timotimo m: use nqp; sub doit() { my $val = BEGIN nqp::bitor_i(nqp::const::BINARY_SIZE_64_BIT, NativeEndian); say $val if $val != 12 }; for ^100_000 { doit }
camelia ( no output )
timotimo m: use nqp; sub doit() { my $val = nqp::add_i(1, BEGIN nqp::bitor_i(nqp::const::BINARY_SIZE_64_BIT, NativeEndian)); say $val if $val != 13 }; for ^100_000 { doit }
camelia ( no output )
timotimo i ... what ... 23:38
m( 23:41
wrong install prefix
timotimo the bug isn't there in master, clearly 23:49