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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
MasterDuke .ask timotimo i just tried profiling lizmat's code in and it's saying `push SETTING::native_array:682` isn't getting jitted. but a spesh log just shows two `# expr bail: Cannot handle DEOPT_ONE (ins=sp_guard)` for the after of that function. any idea what's up? 02:34
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
timotimo does it run into any deopts? 06:30
brrt good * #moarvm 06:34
timotimo MasterDuke: liz' version of the sieve for 5mil takes 13s on my machine, 2.3 on hers? i'm a little surprised 06:36
brrt timotimo: you just have a weak machine, obviously 06:37
timotimo clearly 06:38
brrt istr you were looking for a new laptop recently
timotimo yeah, this is my desktop though 06:40
brrt haven't had a desktop in years
decades, maybe 06:41
timotimo i like to play video games every now and then, and that includes ones that require some gpu power :)
i've never had a laptop with an integrated discrete gpu 06:42
tadzik I used to only use my laptop for work and my desktop for gaming, until one day I tried my desktop for work and noticed how much faster everything is 06:45
you really don't see how slow things are on your machine until you see it on some other
timotimo mhm
also, lots of ram tends to eat a lot of battery 06:46
or at least that was the justification for not putting more than whatever-many-that-was into that one apple laptop at some point or other
(as you can see, my claim is backed up by thorough research)
tadzik :) 06:47
timotimo though that was before ddr4 06:48
i think?
is hack acting up again? :( 06:56
yup. 06:57
lizmat timotimo: that version now takes 4.8 seconds on my machine 08:29
timotimo resumes the afl-fuzzy run 09:02
"Oops, the program crashed with one of the test cases provided.", d'oh 09:18
Guest2775 lizmat: so performance has regressed then 10:14
lizmat that would be a conclusion, yes
Guest2775 I wonder when that regression showed up 10:17
lizmat too
Guest2775 snoops around a little 10:18
lizmat: there's a large perf drop somewhere between 2018.03 - 2018.06. Will investigate a bit more 10:37
lizmat could be due to jnthn's scalar refactor work 10:38
Guest2775 we'll see in a bit (I hope) 10:39
jnthn Not sure quite how scalar refactor would affect pulling data out of a buf :)
lizmat I was merely looking at the period 10:43
Guest2775 narrowed down to the period 2018.03 -> 2018.04 10:57
Guest2775 lizmat, jnthn: wrt to Lizmat's sieve code. Everything is fast until commit which caused massive slowdown. 12:25
After that things improve a bit but it never recovers back to what it was. 12:26
jnthn ah, interesting 12:31
Though probably nothing for it other than looking carefully at the generated code :)
timotimo afl found out how to get MVM_frame_vivify_lexical to drive a pointer off of a cliff 12:33
patrickb oh these visuals in my head... 12:45
timotimo Unhandled exception: Bytecode corruption: illegal sc dependency of lexical: 6656 > 3 13:05
this is now an error that we can throw
it'd of course be better to put this in the bytecode verifier
but what can i say, better than segfaulting 13:06
Geth MoarVM: c8a44b8d1b | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/core/frame.c
make sure invalid indices for lexical vivify throw

rather than segfaulting with an invalid object later on
this would be better in the bytecode validator, though.
timotimo afl found out how to infinitely recurse autoclose 13:47
maybe it made a frame that has itself as its outer 13:48
timotimo nqp: nqp::setelems(nqp::clone(nqp::bootintarray), 100000) 14:06
m: use nqp; nqp::setelems(nqp::clone(nqp::bootintarray), 100000)
evalable6 (signal SIGSEGV)
timotimo m: use nqp; nqp::elems(nqp::bootintarray) 14:07
timotimo ^- reading invalid memory
looks like none of the repr ops in VMArray do a concreteness check, and neither do the ones in the interpreter 14:08
needless to say, afl is having a field day :) :)
i bet it changed a create op into that clone op and got a type object instead of a concrete object there 14:09
jnthn: should concreteness checks go into the interpreter? or into the repr ops themselves? 14:11
jnthn timotimo: Interp preferably, because then when we spesh/JIT them we can remove those 14:55
Though I want to try and restructure things to make that lot much more regular
(But that won't happen extremely soon) 14:56
brrt ohai #moarvm 15:04
jnthn o/ brrt 15:05
brrt \o jnthn 15:31
I'm going to ask a question that I already kind of know the answer to... 15:32
but first, context
you know how a cpu can have multiple register classes 15:33
e.g. for floating point operations, vector operations, integer operations
jnthn *nod*
brrt let's ignore, for the time being, the legacy x87 FPU register stack
So, I've decided to map each register to a separate integers, and to map register classes to integer ranges 15:34
Practically, that's implemented by making a set (i.e., a bitmap) of registers 15:35
Now, I have a bunch of operations that are (potentially) polymorphic on the register class
things like loading and spilling, and selecting the spare register
I have a design choice to make: 15:36
- I can make the register allocator pick the right operation out of a set (e.g., a spill-from-xmm, load-to-gpr, etc)
- I can make the register allocator pick a 'spill' operation and have that operation be polymorphic 15:37
- And then, I can make that polymorphism based on an extra paramter (register class), or, I can derive the register class from the register number (because each register class maps to a separate range) 15:38
the path of least resistance is the last of these options
I'm not sure that makes me very happy though.
I need to decommute... speak you later :-) 15:41
timotimo huh. atkey_o returns null if it's called on a null object 18:52
afl managed to set a static frame's outer to a null pointer and then invoke it, leading to a nice little null deref 19:06
Unhandled exception: When invoking 6 '', provided outer frame 0x6b6450 (5 '<mainline>') does not match expected static frame (nil) ( '<anonymous static frame>') 19:11
much better
hah, we check for the current read offset of the serialization reader being above the end, but not whether the offset is negative 19:15
whoa 19:34
==20196== Invalid read of size 8
==20196== at 0x513155F: go_to_first_inline (frame_walker.c:74)
==20196== Address 0x80 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
(large parts of the backtrace omitted) 19:35
it's called via getdynlex 19:36
the frame walker has both cur_caller_frame and cur_outer_frame nulled 19:39
tc->cur_frame->caller is null; i wonder what afl did to make that so
Geth MoarVM/master: 5 commits pushed by (Timo Paulssen)++ 20:05
timotimo haha, d'oh, i had my fuzzing stuff mirrored to /tmp, then i installed updates and rebooted 20:07
timotimo starts afl over with the new binary 20:09
jnthn brrt: Hmm, if the register allocator picks a polymorphic spill operation, will that not cause issues in so far as the register allocator wants to understand precisely which registers are going to be involved? 22:00
brrt: Maybe for spill not, but for other polymorphic operations, maybe yes
MasterDuke Guest2775++ for bisecting the sieve slowdown 22:30
timotimo yeah, it looked like there was a correctness/speed trade-off and we didn't get the speed impact flattened since
MasterDuke timotimo: btw, did you see my question about profiles and spesh logs from last night? 22:34
timotimo yeah, i didn't see what was wrong there 22:37
MasterDuke you mean you didn't understand my question? or did, but don't have an idea of the answer? 22:38
timotimo i tried the code myself and couldn't figure out what happened
MasterDuke ah, you also got the 0% jitted with no indication why? 22:40
timotimo yeah 22:42
MasterDuke huh
think i should file an issue? 22:43
timotimo perhaps, yeah
MasterDuke btw, now that perl6 is an executable, not a wrapper shell script, does that change anything about using afl on it? 22:46
timotimo don't think it'd change much 22:47
ideally we'd build a harness that'd allow us to execute up to a certain point, and then fork for new input
that'll get startup down by a bit 22:48
maybe even eval a few lines of code before forking to warm up spesh on some compiler parts
MasterDuke 22:50
timotimo we should hook up synopsebot to also grab issue titles and status for links like those ^
(though it should probably not repeat the url then)
MasterDuke MVM_SPESH_NODELAY should help with that, right?
timotimo in theory yes, but once the actual programs start, it'd be more troublesome from a performance standpoint 22:51
we don't yet have something to turn that on or off maybe? shouldn't be hard if you're already writing that harness thing, though
MasterDuke 22:52
timotimo perhaps first try getting nqp to work in afl, though