| IRC logs at Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018. |
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nwc10 | good *, #moarvm | 06:54 | |
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timotimo | there may not have been a geth announcement, but i just pushed some stuff | 11:16 | |
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MasterDuke | timotimo: to where? | 11:27 | |
timotimo: btw, any thoughts on ? | 11:30 | ||
timotimo | | 11:31 | |
(and the commits before and after that) | |||
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timotimo | invested a little bit of time into making the heap snapshot profiler faster | 12:23 | |
the pauses are still definitely noticable | |||
hmm. if there were an additional thread, it could perhaps offload writing the file out onto it | 12:24 | ||
MasterDuke: could you put in a little heuristic that selects instrumented when the filename ends in .html, .json, or .sql and heap when it ends in .mvmheap? | 12:28 | ||
i should perhaps put that on the ticket | 12:31 | ||
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timotimo | latest piece of fun is that it's crashing while trying to free a heap snapshot while doing a long-running process :| | 15:16 | |
oh, this time it was segfaulting while gc-marking some hash | 15:18 | ||
gc-marking while doing the heap snapshot recording, that is | 15:19 | ||
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nine | In case anyone is tempted to do a MoarVM release, please wait | 16:52 | |
Seems like another regression crept in, killing reproducibility of build. | 16:53 | ||
jnthn | nine: Is there any way we can write a test in say, the Rakudo `make test`, that would catch some such cases? | 16:56 | |
It seems it's an easy thing to regress without noticing | |||
timotimo | can we get something on CI that checks if builds are reproducible? | 17:00 | |
jnthn | Well, if we write a test, it will be on CI :) | 17:01 | |
dinner & | 17:02 | ||
nine | jnthn: I guess so, yes | ||
timotimo | someohw i managed to not read what jnthn wrote there | 17:03 | |
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travis-ci | MoarVM build errored. Jonathan Worthington 'Better error handling of process stdin writes | 17:11 | | | |||
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nine | jnthn: it's 146ede292 (HEAD, refs/bisect/bad) Start explicitly marking out mixin types | 17:29 | |
Ah! I'm pretty sure it's the lexicals to locals debug map | 17:35 | ||
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timotimo | oh, is it hash-ordering-dependent? | 17:47 | |
nine | yes | 17:49 | | | 17:51 | ||
Fix lexical to locals debug_map getting written to bytecode files in … | |||
…random order | |||
Will maybe need a rebootstrap to have a real effect, but probably not | 17:52 | ||
Alas, there seems to be yet another issue still | 17:58 | ||
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travis-ci | MoarVM build passed. Stefan Seifert 'Fix lexical to locals debug_map getting written to bytecode files in random order | 18:07 | | | |||
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dogbert17 | timotimo: interested in a gist with valgrind output? | 21:00 | |
if so take a look at this: | 21:01 | ||
timotimo | oh, huh, that's very odd | 21:02 | |
these arrays that the profiler is creating, they should all be rooted properly | 21:05 | ||
i might have found the problem | 21:10 | ||
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timotimo | dogbert17: could you go to src/profiler/instrument.c and switch lines 827 and 829? | 21:11 | |
dogbert17 | sure | ||
i.e. MVM_gc_worklist_add... before mark_gc_entries... if I understand you correctly | 21:13 | ||
timotimo | yes | 21:16 | |
the code as it was until now would put the collected data (i.e. what you get back after the profiler finishes) into a worklist, but only after it was used, immediately before it was freed | 21:17 | ||
so it never mattered | |||
so the root object that all data was pushed into by the instrumented profiler data dumper would go into an array that had already been considered dead and freed, or something like that | 21:18 | ||
dogbert17 | timotimo: it doesn't seem to be enough :( gist updated, scroll down a bit | 21:22 | |
hopefully I did something wrong | 21:25 | ||
timotimo | i don't think you did :( | 21:27 | |
i'm not sure i understand how the order of events goes in this :\ | 21:29 | ||
oh | 21:32 | ||
i ... might know what this could be about | |||
yeah | 21:34 | ||
ok, so here's what i think happens | |||
the whole structure is rooted just fine | 21:35 | ||
however | |||
it gets created after everything has been marked, but before unmarked gen2 stuff gets freed | |||
so the stuff that gets created for the whole datastructure doesn't get the "was seen" bits set | 21:36 | ||
OK, want to try another thing? | 21:37 | ||
dogbert17 | timotimo: can do | 21:38 | |
timotimo | in src/gc/orchestrate.c i moved the lines MVM_profile_dump_instrumented_data(tc); and MVM_profile_heap_take_snapshot(tc); to line 248, which is before "mark thread free to continue" | 21:39 | |
dogbert17 | sure, should I revert the earlier fix while I do this or do you want to keep it? | 21:40 | |
timotimo | no, keep that one, too | ||
dogbert17 | ok | ||
timotimo | it may end up not mattering whether that line is even there at all, but the way i had you change it was definitely less wrong | 21:41 | |
dogbert17 | the rows that I should move are they around line 190? | 21:44 | |
timotimo | yep | ||
dogbert17 | preliminary findings are interesting, the valgrind error seems to have disappeared | 21:49 | |
but the following message is now shown instead: Writing profiler output to profile-1556315291.2307668.html - Some exceptions were thrown in END blocks: X::AdHoc: This representation (VMArray) does not support associative access (for type BOOTArray) in any <main> at /home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/perl6.moarvm line | |||
timotimo | oh | 21:54 | |
i wonder if i accidentally put something in moar but not in nqp?! | |||
i know the profiler is very annoying to get backtraces for :( :( | |||
oh, actually | |||
it's probably easy to gdb the process, set a breakpoint for the line that throws that adhoc exception there, and then call MVM_dump_backtrace | 21:55 | ||
dogbert17 | I could try that | 21:56 | |
it seems the be in the interestingly named function 'static void die_no_ass' | 21:58 | ||
timotimo | %) | ||
that'd be the one | |||
dogbert17 recompiles moarvm with --no-optimize | 22:00 | ||
timotimo: gist updated | 22:03 | ||
timotimo | can you find out what the key is? | 22:06 | |
should be able to see it when you print *key, i'd think | |||
also, what's line 512 in your stage2/NQPHLL.nqp? | 22:08 | ||
dogbert17 | (gdb) p *key - $2 = {header = {sc_forward_u = {forwarder = 0x0, sc = {sc_idx = 0, idx = 0}, st = 0x0}, owner = 1, flags = 16, size = 48}, st = 0x66dcb0} | 22:10 | |
timotimo | oh, is that just a MVMObject? | ||
in that case, p *((MVMString *)key) | |||
dogbert17 | as for line 512: 511 # Post-process the call data, turning objects into flat data. 512 for $data { 513 if nqp::existskey($_, "call_graph") { | 22:12 | |
timotimo | can you put an nqp::ishash($_) && in front of that, just to see what happens? | 22:13 | |
dogbert17 | (gdb) p *((MVMString *)key) - $1 = {common = {header = {sc_forward_u = {forwarder = 0x0, sc = {sc_idx = 0, idx = 0}, st = 0x0}, owner = 1, flags = 16, size = 48}, st = 0x66e0c0}, body = {storage = {blob_32 = 0x1b70060, | 22:15 | |
blob_ascii = 0x1b70060 "call_graph\215\004", blob_8 = 0x1b70060 "call_graph\215\004", strands = 0x1b70060, any = 0x1b70060}, storage_type = 2, num_strands = 0, num_graphs = 10, | |||
cached_hash_code = 14322284749794657829}} | |||
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timotimo | right-o, so that's in fact that line | 22:15 | |
dogbert17 | change to this? if nqp::ishash($_) && nqp::existskey($_, "call_graph") { | 22:19 | |
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timotimo | yeah | 22:25 | |
dogbert17 | I guess I will have to build and install nqp after that change | 22:27 | |
timotimo | yes, and rakudo, too | 22:28 | |
sadly ... | |||
dogbert17 | ah | 22:29 | |
timotimo | i'll be afk for a little bit | 22:31 | |
dogbert17 | ok | 22:32 | |
doing the change in 'stage2/NQPHLL.nqp' was a mistake :) | 22:34 | ||
timotimo | oh, i should have said that | 22:39 | |
dogbert17 | if I did this correctly (I might have) the error is still present but the stacktrace looks different | 22:41 | |
at gen/moar/stage2/NQPHLL.nqp:220 (/home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/share/nqp/lib/NQPHLL.moarvm:post_process_thread_data) | |||
from gen/moar/stage2/NQPHLL.nqp:513 (/home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/share/nqp/lib/NQPHLL.moarvm:dump_instrumented_profile_data) | |||
timotimo | i think i'll look more closely at this tomorrow | 22:42 | |
we already got a lot further, that's nice | |||
dogbert17 | thanks, I also need a nap | ||
good night and sleep well | 22:43 | ||
timotimo | same to you | 22:52 | |
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