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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
brrt \o 12:29
nwc10 o/ 13:20
lizmat nwc10 o/ 13:22
brrt lizmat++ # p6weekly 13:34
Geth MoarVM/configurable-subsystems: 2ed42f0384 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 7 files
confprog: get rid of compiler warnings, add stats
timotimo should i merge this to master even though the validator isn't strict enough to actually prevent programs that might crash? 16:15
brrt there's a certain amount of 'if you're holding it wrong, you're an idiot' element to the profiler configurer? 16:31
timotimo there is, but if there's something in moarvm that can crash it, and it's not optional, then it could be abused? 16:35
though if you're able to put arbitrary code in which would be necessary to load a confprog, then you'd already be able to just nativecast a null pointer and write/read
timotimo anyway, the confprog-compiler will actually be usable in a few minutes :) 16:44
since until now there wasn't a commandline utility, you had to write a tiny stub that spurts the result of ConfprogCompiler.compile to a file
timotimo pushed it to cpan 16:45
i wonder if it would be fine to have geth report on the confprog compiler in here?
lizmat would be fine with that :-) 16:49
timotimo Geth: help 16:52
Geth timotimo, Source at To add repo, add an 'application/json' webhook on GitHub pointing it to and choose 'Send me everything' for events to send | use `ver URL to commit` to fetch version bump changes
timotimo m: say "#".ord.fmt("%x") 16:53
camelia 23
timotimo that's not entirely correct, eh? 16:54
lizmat looks ok to me 16:58
timotimo: what's wrong with that ? 16:59
timotimo that url doesn't work :)
we could put something in geth that, a little after startup, it will try to send something to the URL configured in it, and checks if anything arrives 17:00
lizmat ah... :-) 17:01
guess I was triggered by my recent work on sprintf
timotimo ah, haha 17:03
i can totally see why you would have read it as that
dogbert17 .seen samcv 18:42
yoleaux I saw samcv 17 Jun 2019 05:49Z in #perl6: <samcv> .tell sena_kun I don't think I have that anymore. but i can check
samcv hey dogbert17 19:09
dogbert17 hi samcv, are you up for a mystery? 19:19
could the following gist be something for you? 19:21
timotimo say hello to confprog 19:38
Geth MoarVM/master: 29 commits pushed by (Timo Paulssen)++
Geth MoarVM: adb5406e9f | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/profiler/configuration.c
Add a little explanation to confprog's source code
lizmat whee! 19:42
timotimo no, i said "hello" not "whee" :P 19:44
lizmat hello! :-)
nwc10 "good UGT, #moarvm" 19:45
japhb timotimo:
Waaaaahh! 19:46
timotimo haha
i'd like to file a complaint
MasterDuke timotimo: cool. however, bunch of format string warnings
timotimo whaaaaaat 19:47
my gcc is too lenient 19:48
MasterDuke 19:49
gcc (Ubuntu 8.3.0-6ubuntu1) 8.3.0
timotimo would you mind just putting those changes in for me? :) 19:50
MasterDuke i probably can in a bit
MasterDuke is currently trying to get credit cards sorted out. turns out moving to the uk is complicated, who knew? 19:51
nwc10 when moving *from* the UK I solved thjis particular problem by already having an Amex card 19:53
as I'd been told some years earlier that (effectively) the left hand and the right hand of American Express are capable of talking to each other 19:54
timotimo i'll try fixing all these format strings
nwc10 but you might need a time machine now to take advantage of this info
timotimo hm. what should confprog do when you divide by zero ... 19:55
it doesn't have an exception mechanism
MasterDuke the cards do work (including the amex), but it's the chip+pin that's tricky. currently ours cards require a signature, which throws everybody for a loop
timotimo i recently got a little culture shock when i heard that there's places in the US where people don't pump their own gas at gas stations 19:56
you're not from a place anything like that, right?
MasterDuke nope, but have visited those. odd
lizmat timotimo: yeah, have seen that as well 19:58
fwiw, there are a few gas stations like that in NL as well... but not many (anymore)
nwc10 not all of Europe is equal - other places get confused when they *don't* need a signature on a credit card 19:59
Geth MoarVM: 6380013519 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/profiler/configuration.c
fix format strings; jump out of confprog on div by 0

confprog doesn't handle exceptions in its interpreter, so it's a bad idea to throw one.
MasterDuke timotimo: still a bunch (gist updated) 20:14
timotimo i'll have to bump nqp's moarvm dependency for the op so the "read confprog" stuff can go in there 20:51
does somebody have the nice script set up that generates the good commit messages, too?
that could totally be a useful irc bot function 20:52
moritz ? :D 20:57
Geth MoarVM: a601746d69 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/profiler/log.c
Remove debug output from profiler/log.c
MasterDuke timotimo: doesn't Zoffix's z script do that? 21:08
timotimo it does 21:11
but my perl6 dev folder layout doesn't match what it wants
time to invoke moarperf after a perl6 rebuild %) 21:17
hrmpf. the example code i'm running also does the "lost sequence in continuation control" thing 21:43
but at least now that nqp-m and perl6-m let me pass a confprog on the commandline, things are easier to debug 21:45