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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
timotimo i think i'll put information necessary to put information about deopts into the profiler into the spesh candidate object and look it up when a deopt happens 00:30
i'd like to put it into a field that already exists, so that it won't make every spesh candidate object bigger even when profiling isn't running 00:32
i guess the instrumentation barrier would mean that whenever a deopt is happening and profiling is "on", the currently active spesh candidate would have the data in question 00:35
nine timotimo: something's odd with MVM_SPESH_LOG=spesh.log ./perl6-m --profile=profile.sql -e 'my $a; for ^100 { $a = rand ~~ /<$_>/; }' 07:14
According to the profile the stack traces become large because SETTING::src/core.c/Regex.pm6:28 appears to call some unknown frame which calls -e:1 which calls Regex.pm6:28 again and this repeats. 07:16
Looks to me like the profiler just misses the exit from Regex.pm6:28 (ACCEPTS). I'd suspect that some inlining is done and it misses the end of the inline. But according to the spesh.log ACCEPTS does not even become specialized. 07:17
It also doesn't get inlined into anything 07:18
Guest23744 nine: what do you think about 09:57
nine Guest23744: I don't see how that value in the first stack trace could be uninitialized 10:04
Guest23744 nine: it's very odd, I get the same error on my $work machine 10:08
nine You could try to find out if valgrind's right or wrong by adding some debug output and/or attacking it with a debugger 10:09
Guest23744 I might have to do that 10:10
nine Guest23744: you could also first find out which of the 2 values valgrind thinks responsible. The int that's boxed is the result of (gc->abstime - absolute_start_time) / 1000. I'd add an if (gc->abstime < 10) fprintf(stderr, "abstime\n"); and if (absolute_start_time < 10) fprintf(stderr, "absolute_start_time\n"); and see which of the 2 valgrind complains about 10:18
Guest23744 nine, perhaps our versions of instrument.c differ slightly but it turns out that the value valgrind complains about is 'gc->num_stolen_gen2roots' 11:34
Guest23744 a grep gives the following 11:36
src/profiler/log.h: MVMuint32 num_stolen_gen2roots;
src/profiler/log.c: ptd->gcs[ptd->num_gcs].num_stolen_gen2roots += amount;
perhaps a MVMuint32 num_stolen_gen2roots = 0; might do the trick 11:37
Guest23744 tries that
hmm, can't do that in a .h file, will have to find a better place 11:39
Guest23744 .seen timotimo 11:49
tellable6 Guest23744, I saw timotimo 2019-10-03T00:35:02Z in #moarvm: <timotimo> i guess the instrumentation barrier would mean that whenever a deopt is happening and profiling is "on", the currently active spesh candidate would have the data in question
nine Guest23744: the MVMProfileGC struct is created in log.c:429 11:51
And you're right. It doesn't seem to get fully initialized 11:52
Guest23744 nine: I initialized num_stolen_gen2roots in that method and the error went away
nine \o/ I wouldn't be surprised if there were other fields that could use some initialization 11:53
Guest23744 I'll see if I can find any, thx for your help 11:55
nine I guess the next release will be the most stable one of all times :) 12:17
Guest23744 indeed :) 12:18
timotimo perhaps it's not just™ inlining, but every time there's a throwpayload? 13:58
Guest23744 just got another SEGV, a combination of profiling an precomp 14:01
here: 14:02
timotimo huh? how would that segfault? 14:13
ptd-> has been accessed in earlier lines, and ptd->gcs[ptd->num_gcs] similarly
Guest23744 timotimo: yeah, it's odd. Perhaps valgrind is playing some tricks on us 14:15
timotimo i mean, gcc is allowed to reorder code if it thinks that makes it faster 14:17
so maybe that line actually comes first
Guest23744 could it be that something is not initialized? 14:28
timotimo: 14:29
timotimo get_thread_data will calloc if the ptd doesn't exist yet, which means num_gc starts at 0 14:31
is there a way to log_gc_end without corresponding log_gc_start? 14:33
what other way would there be for that pointer to be null? 14:36
Geth_ MoarVM: dogbert17++ created pull request #1186:
Fix uninitialized field in MVM_profiler_log_gc_start()
MoarVM: 6ecbf6e08a | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | src/profiler/log.c
Fix uninitialized field

MVM_profiler_log_gc_start() must initialize gc->num_stolen_gen2roots Doing so avoids complaints from valgrind.
MoarVM: b72a790b1b | niner++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/profiler/log.c
Merge pull request #1186 from dogbert17/fix-uninit-field

Fix uninitialized field in MVM_profiler_log_gc_start()
timotimo maybe instead of nulling the fields individually, we should use MVM_calloc and instead of realloc use recalloc 16:26
oh, there is no malloc call, we just use realloc starting with a null pointer
MasterDuke timotimo: have you ever seen a segv in moarperf before? i saw one last night, but it was way after the fact and i don't have any data about it 18:33
timotimo well, it's a perl6 app, i'm not doing anything particularly exciting, unless you're using the memory profiler, which does loads of work itself 18:34
but no, i don't think i've seen it segfault except when i reinstall rakudo or moarvm in the background while it runs
MasterDuke oh, now that you mention it that could have been what happened. i think i did recompile moarvm once or twice 18:36
timotimo right, that's dangerous
even though i tried to make it not dangerous in the makefile by first moving old files out of the way before rewriting
that didn't seem to help enough :( :(
dogbert17 what does 'Profiler lost sequence' mean? I get that when running './perl6-m --profile -Ilib t/spec/S03-operators/repeat.t' 18:44
timotimo when prof_leave is called more often than prof_enter was called, for example
"profiler lost sequence" usually means "profiler got very confused and has to abort" 18:45
dogbert17 that sounds bad 18:47
timotimo it wouldn't have to crash the program, but if you're profiling your program, you probably want it to abort early rather than running for days and then resulting in a partial profile 18:48
MasterDuke oh, that one repros easily 18:50
dogbert17 MasterDuke: cool
MasterDuke i'm on stock moarvm too, no nursery or GC_DEBUG changes
dogbert17 even better :) 18:51
MasterDuke 18:52
still same error with jit and/or spesh disabled 18:55
but works fine with rakudo 2019.03.1 18:56
dogbert17 so it could possibly be bisected 18:58
I always forget how to run the bots with options I'm afraid 19:00
MasterDuke hm, doesn't seem to be caused by any of the recent profiler related commits
timotimo you've got to invoke "perl6" with qx or similar 19:01
dogbert17 it's not present in 2019.07.1 either 19:05
timotimo so it's very new?
dogbert17 it definitely looks like it
MasterDuke bisectable6: old=2019.07.1 run <<$*EXECUTABLE --profile -Ilib t/spec/S03-operators/repeat.t>> 19:07
bisectable6 MasterDuke, Bisecting by output (old=2019.07.1 new=168c9c2) because on both starting points the exit code is 1
MasterDuke, bisect log:
MasterDuke, There are 4 candidates for the first “new” revision. See the log for more details
dogbert17 the log is filled with a lot of 'Could not open t/spec/S03-operators/repeat.t. Failed to stat file: no such file or directory' 19:08
MasterDuke oh, roast wouldn't be checked out, i'd have to put that test file in a gist i guess
AlexDaniel: ping
AlexDaniel pong
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: see above, expert bot help needed 19:09
AlexDaniel e: shell <cd sandbox/roast; git pull>
evalable6 From
333581c9a..f48f1ba57 master -> ori…
AlexDaniel, Full output:
AlexDaniel e: run <<$*EXECUTABLE --profile -Ilib sandbox/roast/S03-operators/repeat.t>>
evalable6 (exit code 1) 1..62
ok 1 - string repeat operator works on single character
ok 2 - string …
AlexDaniel, Full output:
AlexDaniel 6c: run <<$*EXECUTABLE --profile sandbox/roast/S03-operators/repeat.t>> 19:10
I absolutely hate << >> here
but fine
(will break if path to your executable has spaces)
committable6 AlexDaniel, No! It wasn't me! It was the one-armed man! Backtrace:
AlexDaniel what
ok the links in the gist are not really working too 19:11
Type check failed in push to Buf; expected uint8 but got Str ("«SIGKILL after anoth...)
MasterDuke i don't think you need to run on all releases 19:12
AlexDaniel c: 2019.05 run <<$*EXECUTABLE --profile sandbox/roast/S03-operators/repeat.t>>
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2019.05: «Cannot find this revision (did you mean “2019.07”?)»
AlexDaniel I have to fix the bug anyway
c: 2019.01 run <<$*EXECUTABLE --profile sandbox/roast/S03-operators/repeat.t>>
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2019.01: «Cannot find this revision (did you mean “2019.07”?)»
AlexDaniel c: 2019.02 run <<$*EXECUTABLE --profile sandbox/roast/S03-operators/repeat.t>>
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2019.02: «Cannot find this revision (did you mean “2019.07”?)»
AlexDaniel c: 2019.03 run <<$*EXECUTABLE --profile sandbox/roast/S03-operators/repeat.t>>
committable6 AlexDaniel, 19:13
AlexDaniel so that is alright?
MasterDuke yeah
AlexDaniel bisect: old=2019.03 run <<$*EXECUTABLE --profile sandbox/roast/S03-operators/repeat.t>>
let's see
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Bisecting by exit code (old=2019.03 new=168c9c2). Old exit code: 0
AlexDaniel, bisect log: 19:14
AlexDaniel, There are 4 candidates for the first “new” revision. See the log for more details
AlexDaniel that doesn't sound right?
MasterDuke try old=2019.07.1 19:15
AlexDaniel b: old=2019.07.1 run <<$*EXECUTABLE --profile sandbox/roast/S03-operators/repeat.t>>
MasterDuke dogbert17 said it worked there
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Bisecting by exit code (old=2019.07.1 new=168c9c2). Old exit code: 0
AlexDaniel, bisect log: 19:16
AlexDaniel, There are 4 candidates for the first “new” revision. See the log for more details
dogbert17 I did, I hope I didn't make a mistake
MasterDuke uh oh...nobody look at who authored those commits... 19:17
AlexDaniel the damn thing trims the output
c: 290cd7924^,1e4d3ac468 run <<$*EXECUTABLE --profile sandbox/roast/S03-operators/repeat.t>> 19:18
committable6 AlexDaniel,
AlexDaniel I don't get it 19:19
how did you get the right answer with a broken query?
but yeah, it's one of these four commits 19:21
dogbert17 never heard of that guy :)
AlexDaniel I mean, it's unclear how these commits are causing the panic
most likely some other issue at play here 19:22
MasterDuke hm. can someone else confirm that it works fine with --optimize=off to rakudo? 19:26
dogbert17 confirmed 19:28
MasterDuke think it's this 19:31
brrt \o 19:33
MasterDuke but why does it only fail if profiling...? 19:34
dogbert17 hello brrt
brrt ohai dogbert17 19:35
dogbert17 brrt: any interesting jit work going on? 19:40
brrt not atm 19:58
I was doing JIT devirtualization but got sidetracked
MasterDuke this passes a spectest and makes profiling t/spec/S03-operators/repeat.t work without needing --optimize=off 20:00
and is probably a good change. but is there a profiling bug that this would mask? 20:01
nine After just 5 days rakudo's make test completed on the fix_spesh_plugin_guard_set_threading_issue branch with full GC torture turned on. I only got failures in t/05-messages/10-warnings.t, t/05-messages/02-errors.t, t/02-rakudo/repl.t and t/06-telemetry/01-basic.t. None of them linked conclusively to GC issues so far :) 20:16
nine t/02-rakudo/15-gh_1202.t failed, too but I know that it's just the time out. The author didn't think it would take a couple hours to run ;) 20:16
MasterDuke nice. btw, were you using rr on a ryzen? i thought you had one, but rr wouldn't work on them 20:18
nine I also have an Intel based laptop where I run rr on 20:19
MasterDuke ah
AlexDaniel nine: maybe start a ticket with a list of those? I'm struggling keeping track of test files that fail sometimes 20:28
I thought I made a ticket at some point… did I?
timotimo rrrun 20:36
MasterDuke timotimo: see my profiling-related question from a little while ago? 20:38
timotimo the moarperf big frowny face? 20:52
MasterDuke no, the one about that gist of a patch i linked
timotimo not letting values underflow? 20:53
MasterDuke fwiw, i'm not sure that exact patch is actually needed. but the question about does it hide a moarvm profiling bug still stands
timotimo oh, i somehow missed that questio 20:54
MasterDuke yeah, i think
timotimo it's possible that it does
MasterDuke ah, here's the golf. `use Test; throws-like q|my $a = "a" x -NaN|, X::Numeric::CannotConvert` 20:59
or just NaN
timotimo oh? could it be about "fail"?
MasterDuke and it does run just fine if you --optimize=off 21:00
timotimo can you get rid of Test by using EVAL?
MasterDuke yep 21:01
timotimo and still reproduce it, yes?
MasterDuke yeah. dies regularly, succeeds (creates a profile) with --optimize=off 21:02
timotimo could it be that calling something that does "fail" from inside nqp code makes it asplode? 21:04
MasterDuke dunno, maybe? the rakudo backtrace does point to 21:07
timotimo we can try profiling nqp with basically just the code "my $survived := 0; try { my $foo := 50 * "-NaN"; $survived := 1 }' 21:11
MasterDuke that does write a profile
timotimo mhm 21:12
MasterDuke huh. $foo is 0 and $survived is 1 21:13
timotimo hm, what exactly is $args[1] in this case? 21:14
it's the compile_time_value of that op
timotimo oh 21:15
could it be that there should be !$survived?
and | instead of && 21:16
timotimo |||* 21:17
damn it
MasterDuke i think the idea is only don't do that particular optimization if it really is a value that's too big. otherwise let it go through and hit whatever the normal error paths are
timotimo OK 21:18
hm, i wonder if that CONTROL block there is not good enough perhaps
further down 21:19
MasterDuke you think the profiler is getting lost/confused following a chain of exceptions and catching them in potentially the wrong place? 21:22
timotimo shouldn't be; unwinding only happens after all handlers have gone through i think 21:23
but it's an interesting hypothesis that should be investigated 21:27
MasterDuke timotimo: 21:41
timotimo thank you
Kaiepi is there anything that i need to do before pr 1166 can be merged? 22:26
timotimo actually maybe i'll put the information necessary for deopt information gathering into the first spesh slot, maybe inside a 64 bit VMArray or something 23:28
forcing the allocation to be in gen2 would make it safe to do even inside spesh 23:29
oh, instrumentation already happens on non-speshed things, and without a spesh candidate there are no spesh slots 23:32
and just giving everything a spesh candidate seems heavy, and probably adds lots of special casing in different places all over the codebase 23:33
timotimo am i really not getting around duplicating all guard ops to have a prof-specific version m( 23:44
but i dun wanna 23:56