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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
Geth_ MoarVM: e224567df8 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | docs/ChangeLog
Update ChangeLog for 2019.12 release
nine I went through the release guide and finished all steps except for the ones about signing and tags. Looks like everything's fine 13:29
sena_kun nine++ 13:32
sena_kun we do need to finish the process properly, though. as for I am not really sure. one thing it can be reproduces on macos, another one it reproduces on some macos setups, excluding MBP in question. 13:45
nine Apparently the test in question has long been troublesome: 14:43
But this commit actually gives a hint about what may be the issue again: 14:45
And indeed, I can reproduce it by adding a sleep 1; after the nqp::buildnativecall! 14:46
nine Apparently there is still one more side effect of my callback deopt fix: exceptions (even control exceptions like return) don't find a handler. 17:32
dogbert2 m: sub { await start { return } }() 17:48
camelia MoarVM panic: Internal error: Unwound entire stack and missed handler
nine It's....gone? Cannot reproduce it anymore 18:32
Could on my desktop. Then wanted to repro on my laptop for rr but there it worked just fine. Then I noticed that I actually had a local change to Inline::Perl5 that could explain perfectly why I didn't see the missed handler message: I removed the return from the exact callback that I saw failing on the desktop 18:34
But, reverting that change didn't bring on the failure and after trying the same change on my desktop, the failure is gone there, too. Even after I reverted it again!
So maybe the recompile fixed it 18:38
Geth_ MoarVM: 2ac1fa27f5 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/core/nativecall.c
Fix race condition with multi threaded NativeCall users

A NativeCall site is considered set up as soon as its body->lib_handle is non-NULL. If we initialize lib_handle too early, a different thread might think everyting's already set up and run into strange issues. So instead, initialize it last, after everything else is done.
nine This is just an extension of the fix for
lizmat nine++ 18:45
dogbert2 nine++, soon there won't be any bugs left :) 18:46