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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
timotimo it occurs to me i don't think i've touched spesh in a while 15:08
japhb timotimo: # If you're looking for something with only moderate gnarliness with immediate benefit. ;-) 15:13
timotimo you call that moderately gnarly? :o 15:23
well, i haven't had much contact with these parts of moar/nqp 15:24
japhb timotimo: What would you estimate it then, if not 'moderately gnarly'? I mean, spesh I think pretty much owns "very gnarly", and PEA I think jnthn would agree is off the deep end of "indescribably gnarly", so everything else is going to be less gnarly by comparison, but then again any time you're doing async I/O that needs to be plumbed through several layers, it can't be trivial. 15:34
timotimo ha 15:39
timotimo well, spesh can sometimes be a meditative experience 15:40
actually i've amassed a few things i've been meaning to put into spesh that were all for some reason not doable at that very moment 15:41
more than two of them i've stumbled upon multiple times
the debugserver has some things to be implemented, maybe that's a thing i should look into soon-ish as well 15:42
OTOH i've still got stuff to do with moarperf
.oO( No rest for the wicked ... )
timotimo i just jumped into Terminal-Print's examples dir and ran the hilbert script 15:56
i find it too slow
lizmat and another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 16:08
japhb timotimo: Link? We don't have a hilbert script ... 16:23
timotimo oh? 16:24
seems like it's local only 16:25
then who wrote it? 16:26
japhb timotimo: Just based on the first few lines, I suspect someone started with this: 16:29
timotimo did ... did i write that code? 16:33
japhb timotimo: It's certainly a possibility. :-) 16:41
And FWIW, mandelbrot-pixels is relatively snappy on my machine, so I suspect there's a lot that could be tuned out of the hilbert script if you're finding it slow; they're not terribly dissimilar complexity-wise I would think. 16:43
timotimo yeah that is very fast 16:50
BBL 16:51
jnthn 17:32
nwc10 jnthn: interesting. So far with a reply from a "Senior Principal Software Engineer". I wonder if he is a singleton, or if he is the tier below a "Most Senior Principal Software Engineer". It all seems very much title inflation 18:11
japhb nwc10: At my dayjob, "Senior Principal" is pronounced "Distinguished", but at a large SWE company, that can totally be a thing. ("Principal" and "Distinguished" are director-level positions, except still doing software eng instead of people management.) 18:55
MasterDuke timotimo: would be nice to fix 19:10