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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
Geth MoarVM: dogbert17++ created pull request #1235:
Update libuv to version 1.34.2
Geth MoarVM: f47f531100 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | 3rdparty/libuv
Update libuv to version 1.34.2

Spec- and stresstest clean (on Linux)
MoarVM: bf2a5d6020 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 3rdparty/libuv
Merge pull request #1235 from dogbert17/libuv-1.34.2

Update libuv to version 1.34.2
lizmat figured we want to give this as much testing as possible 20:24
jnthn +1 20:56
lizmat will bump in a mo 21:00
timotimo jnthn:did you read a bit of what i wrote about nqp::list_b, aka "the thing that gives us a few kilobytes of 'getcode' + 'push_o' in CORE.c.setting's <unit>"? 21:35
i considered both a "pushcode" or a "getcodesfrom" that takes an integer array with frame indices as a wval 21:36
well, doesn't have to be a wval, but it most likely would be
lizmat wonders what nqp::list_b is 21:46
timotimo it's a desugar
timotimo - the only usage at first glance 21:48 - the impl
lizmat ah, so an nqp::list of blocks 21:49
timotimo well, the code objects belonging to the blocks
jnthn timotimo: We may also be able to store that mapping table in some other way rather than do it as instructions. 22:52
Which'd be a bit more work to implement, but likely faster
Since there's nothing to interpret