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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
lizmat nudging the unicode people: :-) 17:41
dogbert11 libuv 1.35.0 - 17:54
lizmat is unsure as to what would be needed to bump libuv 18:04
nwc10 bigger hammer? :-) 18:17
(our office has a new noisy neighbour - a piledriver that I guess is 12m tall) 18:18
lizmat that too should pass :-) 18:27
jnthn releasable6: status 18:35
releasable6 jnthn, Next release in ≈17 days and ≈0 hours. 2 blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
jnthn, Details:
jnthn That's a reasonable amount of time for testing a bump
.oO( 418 I'm a 🫖 )
what an interesting update 20:09
smooth mosaic terminal graphic characters, fills, stick figures, segmented digits 20:11
“Symbols for Legacy Computing” pretty sure everyone will use those for modern purposes :) 20:14
lizmat well... /me is fond of the good old teletext 20:20 20:21
it's still a thing in NL, and a major source of up-to-date news without any advertising 20:23
the limited size of each page, ensures a concise news report 20:24
latest news: 20:25
AlexDaniel m: say 42 23:20
camelia 42