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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1259:
JIT nextdispatcherfor
timotimo MasterDuke: it adds takenextdispatcherfor as well as nextdispatcherfor to the graph.c switch/case; is there already an implementation of the take* op in emit.dasc but it just wasn't exposed before? 15:07
MasterDuke yeah 15:09
timotimo OK 15:10
timotimo you know, it'd be kind of cool if we could have a breakpoint based on "some encoder gets a specific string added to its buffer" 18:21
like, "in this tree of processes i'm seeing something say 'lolwtfbbq' but i can't figure out in which process and where it happens" 18:22
so you could set an env var "STRING_OUTPUT_BREAKPOINT" or so to a string you want to look for 18:23
and all moarvms will start with debugging enabled on their own port
and when the breakpoint is hit, maybe it outputs the PID and debugger port or something?
also, a solution for having multiple processes reachable through just one port - even if it just means new debugserver instances connect to the existing port if it is already taken and tell them what their own port is? 18:25
timotimo but you can't yet get fork-execed moarvm instances to inherit debugserver settings, since it's only doing commandline arguments, not, for example, environment variables 18:26