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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
nwc10 good *, #moarvm 07:14
Geth MoarVM/flags-split: 497748f719 | (Nicholas Clark)++ | 23 files
Split `flags` in struct MVMCollectable into `flags1` and `flags2`.

This permits us to avoid a data race when one thread needs to set MVM_CF_HAS_OBJECT_ID and a second needs to set MVM_CF_REF_FROM_GEN2.
For now, don't change the flag bit values used in the two new members.
MoarVM/flags-split: 7f854e655a | (Nicholas Clark)++ | src/6model/6model.h
Shrink `flags1` and `flags2` in struct MVMCollectable down to MVMuint8.

Change the values of the MVM_CF_* flags to sit in the range 1-128.
Geth MoarVM: nwc10++ created pull request #1336:
Split `flags` in struct MVMCollectable to avoid data races when setting `MVM_CF_HAS_OBJECT_ID` and `MVM_CF_REF_FROM_GEN2`
nwc10 oops, that was supposed to be a draft 12:28
the proper branch isn't yet live for rakudo
is now. Ready for review. 12:51
nwc10 dogbert17: seems that that strict aliasing warning is only visible with newer gcc, and at -O2 or above 16:36
ie, I've managed to figure out where and how to replicate it 16:38