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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
Geth MoarVM: cognominal++ created pull request #1398:
fix #1395 : On Apple Silicon with arch arm64, does not attempt to JIT
linkable6 MOARVM#1395 [open]: Apple Silicon nqp build fails unless MVM_JIT_DISABLE is set
nine Thinking about that throw-away frame with lexicals for BEGIN time code. The compiler basically knows when a lexical can only be found outside the current comp unit. So I guess it should be able to simply generate different code for accessing those. 12:50
But what about when the same code will be executed again at runtime? Right now we go some extra steps to not compile dynamically compiled frames again. But what if we did just do that? The by far most expensive part of compilation - parsing - won't be done again. 12:53
Apparently we don't go that extra step in NQP 13:01
MasterDuke we do in rakudo, but not nqp? 13:38
nine yep 13:44
A possible reason might be that in NQP there's just a lot less BEGIN time evaluation, so it doesn't matter as mutch. Most common in Raku code are probably role bodies
Geth MoarVM: fbd386a022 | (Stéphane Payrard)++ |
fix #1395 : does not try to JIT with Apple Silicon and arch being arm64
MoarVM: 7bdfb38b2e | (Stéphane Payrard)++ |
Replace die by hardfail
MoarVM: 51cc76c16a | (Jonathan Worthington)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) |
Merge pull request #1398 from cognominal/lipo

fix #1395 : On Apple Silicon with arch arm64, does not attempt to JIT
linkable6 MOARVM#1395 [closed]: Apple Silicon nqp build fails unless MVM_JIT_DISABLE is set