| IRC logs at
Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
MasterDuke nine: would it be considered bad form to merge but squash while doing so? 08:00
nine It's what I'd do 08:02
Geth MoarVM: 9fdb381597 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 4 files
Define _GNU_SOURCE for GNU builds (#1497)
MasterDuke doh! doing it through github loses the commit messages... 08:05
nine for real?
nine GitHub--
MasterDuke yeah. i assumed it'd either concatenate them all together and/or give me the option of editing it/them 08:06
and after he went to the trouble of adding the longer message... 08:07
nine So...if in doubt, use the command line
MasterDuke do we care enough to do a revert and re-merge?
nine no
Nicholas can you add the lost commit message as a comment in a relevant place? 08:08
(sorry, head mostly elsewhere)
MasterDuke i can do that 08:09
Geth MoarVM: 192ea6bbf6 | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) |
Add commit message lost in squash+merge as comment
MasterDuke done
Nicholas thanks
MasterDuke Configuring native build environment ................... 09:04
trying to compile a simple C program ............... ERROR
Can't compile simple C program.`try.c(1): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stdlib.h': No such file or directory`...
off to a slow start...
tbrowder howdy, finally got here with usual nick 11:33
MasterDuke ok, got gmp to build on windows by itself. now to try and get moarvm to use/build it... 12:10
MasterDuke progress. moarvm mostly builds and installs from the configure and makefile. nqp builds, but creating the runner fails. the nqp-m.exe in the nqp directory works though 13:43
MasterDuke oh, that was an easy fix. nqp installs now, but it does fail some tests 13:48
ugh, they do pass on linux, so now to some windows-specific debugging... 13:50
MasterDuke long on windows in 32bit? that's not cool 18:04
MasterDuke *is 18:05
cog I just discovered lizmat++ I hope they will log the channels on libera 18:34
@lizmat I'm already logging it.. still mulling on how to handle the period where we have two sets of logs for each channel :-) 18:36
cog The format is very nice 18:47
Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1501:
Disable GCC pragmas when using MSVC
@lizmat And yet another Rakudo Weekly News hit the Net: 19:50
japhb lizmat: Would you mind adding a /topic here? 20:06
@lizmat japhb: would if I could, but #moarvm is still in the registration process 20:07
japhb Ah. I just noted you had op here, so figured you could put in something for the interim. 20:09
The MUGS org is still awaiting approval as well.
@lizmat here? ah, you mean on libera? 20:10
only on #raku and #raku-dev
japhb Yeah.
You've got the '@' next to your nick still ... 20:11
On libera/#moarvm (this channel) I mean
@lizmat hmmm.. looks like on any libera channel weird 20:12
no idea what's going on there
japhb Because you were the first person here and never left?
@lizmat that could be 20:16
still don't have any op rights
lizmat Test 20:16
@lizmat hmmm... looks like I have ? 20:16
lizmat Welcome to the main channel on the development of the MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo ( This channel is being logged for historical purposes. 20:19
lizmat Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo ( This channel is being logged for historical purposes. 20:20
.oO( "UNLIMITED POWER!" ... "OK, MAYBE A LITTLE LIMITED!" ... "Fine, really limited, I get it." )
@lizmat hehe
I'm just used to needing to ask ChanServ to get OP
japhb nodndo
@lizmat and ChanServ just tells me: "the channel is not registered"
I interpreted that the wrong way :-)
@lizmat japhb++ # nudging 20:24
Geth MoarVM: 12cbafce6c | (Daniel Green)++ | 4 files
Disable GCC pragmas when using MSVC

Otherwise they cause warnings when building on Windows.
MoarVM: 8860074fc2 | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 4 files
Merge pull request #1501 from MasterDuke17/disable_gcc_pragmas_when_using_msvc

Disable GCC pragmas when using MSVC