Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes. Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021. |
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nine | eCerhs | 08:12 | |
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MasterDuke | hm, i get an insta-segv with gist.github.com/MasterDuke17/42081...348cc66f73 (asm implementation of scsetobj), anybody see something obvious? | 13:24 | |
annoying more difficult to debug the jit. i almost instinctively started gdb with MVM_JIT_DISABLE=1 to get better backtraces, but realized how silly that would be before actually doing so | 13:27 | ||
nine | Where exactly is it segfaulting? | 13:50 | |
MasterDuke: fun fact: ARG1 and TMP1 are exactly the same register: rcx. So you're overwriting sc in mov ARG1, TC; | 13:53 | ||
TMP5 and TMP6 are the only safe work registers once you start setting up args | 13:54 | ||
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MasterDuke | huh. well, luckily i was only using two, so s/TMP1/TMP5/ and s/TMP2/TMP6/ was easy, but i still get what appears to be the same segfault | 16:55 | |
which means the segfault must be pretty early? it looks like it's right at getting the first register, but why would that segv? | 16:59 | ||
added gdb's printout of the assembly where it happens | 17:03 | ||
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timo | are the TMP registers saved or perhaps overwritten by the call? | 17:52 | |
MasterDuke | yeah, was wondering that | 18:01 | |
timo | have you been able to rr this? | 18:02 | |
and do you know the gdb "gui" mode where you can have the assembly always open in a little subwindow, as well as the registers? | |||
MasterDuke | i haven't tried. i've sort of assumed it was me just doing something really obviously wrong to someone who actually knows assembly | 18:03 | |
timo | ha | ||
yeah, i don't have all the details in my head at the same time | 18:04 | ||
MasterDuke | yeah, i was just experimenting with it, but don't like how i don't seem to be able to scroll back up after scrolling down in the disassembly listing | ||
timo | oh? well that's certainly strange | ||
i do know that i have to use different keybinds to recall older comands when it's up | |||
maybe there's something similar to the assembly view as well | |||
or maybe the problem is not having the start sybol available, since you can't trivially go backwards in assembly since it's variable-width | 18:05 | ||
MasterDuke | according to wikipedia "If the callee wishes to use registers RBX, RSP, RBP, and R12–R15, it must restore their original values before returning control to the caller. All other registers must be saved by the caller if it wishes to preserve their values." | 18:07 | |
i had read that but remembered it backwards | 18:08 | ||
so yeah, that's probably it | |||
timo | maybe we'll want a little section at the top of the file with comments, like a summary "for dummies" which registers are the same with different names (tmp vs arg) and what's caller vs callee saved, and stuff like that | 18:12 | |
i could certainly use that whenever i'm in that file | 18:13 | ||
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Nicholas | good *, brrt | 19:37 | |
brrt | ohai Nicholas | ||
good * | |||
lizmat | brrt: in latest news: test-t runs faster with the expression JIT disabled | 19:45 | |
lizmat is tired and calls it a day | 19:46 | ||
brrt | :-( | 20:02 | |
lizmat: on new-disp, or in general | |||
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ggoebel | brrt: it runs faster with expression jit disabled on both master and disp... colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...09-24#l272 | 20:08 | |
tellable6 | ggoebel, I'll pass your message to brrt | ||
ggoebel | brrt: maybe backtrack from this point in the logs: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...09-23#l468 | 20:10 | |
tellable6 | ggoebel, I'll pass your message to brrt | ||
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brrt | \o | 20:22 | |
tellable6 | 2021-09-26T20:08:57Z #moarvm <ggoebel> brrt: it runs faster with expression jit disabled on both master and disp... colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...09-24#l272 | ||
2021-09-26T20:10:23Z #moarvm <ggoebel> brrt: maybe backtrack from this point in the logs: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...09-23#l468 | |||
brrt | sorry, magit crashed emacs | ||
thanks ggoebel | 20:23 | ||
jnthnwrthngtn | brrt: Dunno if you noticed, but I did a patch for the expr JIT that prevented it from blocking JIT compilation from happening at all (by creating labels that never made it into the JIT graph and didn't get fixed up); I've not done that much with the expr JIT impl before, so a check I didn't do anything too terrible might be wise. | 20:26 | |
brrt | jnthnwrthngtn: on new-disp, or on master? | 20:35 | |
jnthnwrthngtn | new-disp | 20:36 | |
Although I think master might have been vulnerable to the same style of issue | 20:37 | ||
Even if we didn't actually observe it yet | |||
brrt | hmm.... | 20:41 | |
honest truth is that I've forgotten why I did it exactly like that. | |||
timo | i wonder what the effect would be if we checked if there's already another spesh log in the queue when we've finished updating stats for the first one, perhaps even up to three at a time | 20:42 | |
more stats going in the specializations we do have | |||
OTOH, more waiting for specializations to appear in the code-running threads | |||
jnthnwrthngtn | new-disp seems to consistently produce much smaller profiler output | 20:50 | |
I know a reason is that unlike spesh plugins, new-disp can decide some things without any invocation, thus less call records | |||
I didn't expect it to make this much difference | 20:51 | ||
Example: I profiled Agrammon to see why it's a little slower under new-disp. The new-disp profile output is ~30MB. The master one is ~87MB. | 20:52 | ||
Thing is that profiling of CORE.setting also became feasible without running out of memory (on a box with a lot of memory) | 20:53 | ||
*compilation of CORE.setting | |||
And this isn't so conveniently explained. | |||
(I have looked over profile results we see on new-disp. So far as I can tell, they are as legit as the master ones.) | 20:54 | ||
(Also, those output sizes are for the .sql) | |||
timo | the thing you mean with "less call records", is that like before most frames had one (or a couple) calls to a proto (or similar) and then a couple hundred or thousand or whatever to the actually "chosen" target | 20:56 | |
brrt | so... I probably need to debug expr jit, and in the meantime maybe disable it? | 21:16 | |
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japhb | Speaking of the JIT(s) -- has anyone started looking at porting the JIT to AArch64 (ARMv8-A and above, ~2014+ in the wild)? | 21:42 | |
jnthnwrthngtn | timo: I think the fact that every scalar assignment and return type check used a spesh plugin, and called a (tiny) function that would later be inlined away | 21:45 | |
timo: That can add up fast. | |||
The idea being that at peak performance they're inlined away so it "didn't matter"; as we can see, while it in some senses didn't matter, in others it did. | 21:46 | ||
Well, also: the scalar assignment case still *is* a small call to inline. But return type checks usually aren't. | 21:47 | ||
In new-disp they are usually just a dispatch program with a value result | 21:48 | ||
lizmat | does that imply we should get rid of them in the core ? | ||
jnthnwrthngtn | Moreover, sinking often elides the method call to .sink now too | 21:49 | |
lizmat: I mentioned so many things I'm not sure which "them" you mean :) | |||
lizmat | the return type checks | ||
jnthnwrthngtn | lizmat: No; in master we could often elide them entirely but only after spesh + inlining; with new-disp that is still true but *also* they carry far less cost even before the specializer kicks in. | 21:51 | |
lizmat | ok *phew* | ||
jnthnwrthngtn | lizmat: So their value is high (for tooling), and their cost - at least for the nominal common case - is in new-disp lower than it's ever been. | 21:52 | |
lizmat | understood | 21:53 | |
sleep& | |||
jnthnwrthngtn | 'night o/ | 21:54 | |
japhb | o/ | ||
brrt | 'night | ||
japhb: some people have mentioned it to me, none have volunteered | |||
japhb | I'm going to assume the answer to my previous question was "No, nobody's started looking at AArch64 JIT" ... are there any people here *experienced* with AArch64? | ||
brrt: OK, gotcha | 21:55 | ||
brrt | I've only looked at it very, very superficially | ||
it didn't exactly look hard | |||
it maybe the case that some of my more devious tricks don't work | |||
jnthnwrthngtn | brrt: Was the hope that we'd largely move completely to the expression JIT, and then such a port is easier? | ||
brrt | yes | 21:56 | |
japhb | brrt: If I wanted to understand the level of pain required, what would I need to study within MoarVM? Meaning, which parts need to be understood to begin the work, given how big MoarVM is now? | ||
brrt | japhb: there's a couple things really dependent on architecture | 21:57 | |
japhb listening | |||
brrt | so the old template JIT; it has a file `emit_x64.dasc`, this has x64 assembly | 22:00 | |
I don't.. really even know if dynasm has aarch64 support. I don't really think it does | 22:02 | ||
japhb | Well crap, that's quite a yak shave | ||
brrt | yup | 22:03 | |
japhb | Oooh, github.com/zenkj/dasm-a64 | ||
brrt | neat | ||
we're using a branched version anyway, so we might integrate it | |||
ok, yak apparantly shaven | 22:04 | ||
anyway, there's two downsides of the template JIT relevant here; | |||
japhb | Interesting, looks like Dynasm 2.1 has some support as well: github.com/LuaJIT/LuaJIT/tree/v2.1/dynasm | 22:05 | |
brrt | it sure does... | ||
well, that means that we'd better integrate our own changes back as well... | |||
downside one; it means you have to write a bunch of assembly code | 22:06 | ||
downside two; the author didn't take portability into account at all | |||
it might be much easier than I imagine, it might not be | |||
then for the expression JIT, you in theory have a somewhat easier time: | |||
you'd write a bunch of tiles (as in, the 'tile_pattern.tile' file) and then you implement them (in a `tiles.dasc`) file | 22:08 | ||
and then you'd write a register ABI defition similar to `src/jit/x64/arch.h` and `arch.c` | 22:09 | ||
and... you should be good... but all of this is untested in practice | 22:10 | ||
japhb | OK, that gives me a start. Will probably have more questions as I figure out what I don't know. :-) | 22:11 | |
(Note to folks watching: I am *not* volunteering to do this work, or at least, not at present. I'm just trying to scope it and estimate the work involved.) | 22:12 | ||
brrt | who's the intern under your control? :-P | ||
japhb | Interns are never under control. That's the exciting bit. :-) | 22:14 | |
brrt | I think the biggest thing that I didn't talk about yet, is the register allocator; it supposedly works in an ABI agnostic way, I suspect that's really not as true as I'd like | 22:15 | |
well, this is true, I should've said 'the intern you will point at things' | |||
japhb | brrt: "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! I am the great and powerful ... uh ..." | 22:18 | |
brrt | night & | 22:36 | |
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japhb | o/ | 22:40 | |
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jnthnwrthngtn | fwiw, were I planning to work on a port to another architecture, I'd probably start by greatly increasing the amount of instructions the template JIT can cover, hoping to learn lots about it along the way that would be useful for the architecture addition | 23:50 | |
(I'm sorta interested to get into figuring out how to get us spitting out better machine code, but so far it's always been more stategic for me to spend my time getting us throwing better things into the JIT) | 23:53 | ||
On that topic, I just enjoyed reading through travisdowns.github.io/blog/2019/06...imits.html and learned no small amount :) | 23:55 |