Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
nine BEGIN time execution is hard :/ 13:55
nine RakuAST actually makes this harder. In the old compiler frontend the actions would directly create the QAST. BEGIN time effects like adding the result instructions to a role body take such a QAST tree and manipulate it while in RakuAST, we try to keep manipulations to the RakuAST and then generate the correct QAST from that. 15:29
BEGIN time execution turns the whole thing upside down because at the time when we're still assembling the RakuAST, we actually already need the QAST for code blocks. 15:30
Geth MoarVM/2022.060: 020014bc39 | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | 2 files
Update changelog and version
Geth MoarVM: jdv++ created pull request #1707:
2022.06 release
MoarVM: 020014bc39 | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | 2 files
Update changelog and version
MoarVM: ed7e1a51b5 | (Justin DeVuyst)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #1707 from MoarVM/2022.060

2022.06 release
jdv moarvm release done. back to rakudo. 19:12
ggoebel_ nine: nine++ respect and appreciation for your RakuAST work. It is nice to see the progress and following your RakuAST related dialog with jnthn and others 19:36
jdv rakuAST sounds cool and hard. nine++ good luck! 19:38
drakonis extremely cool work 20:04