Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
MasterDuke heh, finding just that bit is the hard part 01:05
re jit_emit_primitive, i wasn't 100% sure, but i figured that's something spectests might catch. anyway, the jit really isn't coming into play for this code 01:06
which btw, is just `MVM_HASH_RANDOMIZE=0 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 raku -e 'my uint $sum = 0; for ^100_000_000 -> uint $i { $sum += $i }; say now - INIT now; say $sum;'` 01:07
virtualbox and kernel update, time to reboot and hope my windows vm works again. should be back in a couple min 01:09
MasterDuke ugh, windows vm still won't start 01:37
hm, i see a couple `reprop (decont|getattr|bindattr)_u unsupported in P6Opaque (Int|MoarVM::StringHeap)` in the uint spesh log, but none in the int spesh log 02:12
i've never seen that message before
well, got rid of those messages, but still no faster... 02:21
gist updated with those repr changes 05:00
nine MoarVM oops in spesh thread: Unknown handler in inline cache entry 12:19
MasterDuke i don't see it in that log, but was it the one in t/09-moar/01-profilers.t ? 15:09
nine zes 15:52
ugexe MasterDuke: not exactly libuv related per-se, but gist.github.com/ugexe/5bb5683a90f4...6d96bac4cc shows that manually prefixing the path with \\?\ for the nqp::stat call allows it to see the file exists 21:39
ugexe your PR works if I prefix the paths as well 23:29