Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
lizmat Tux has problems building Rakudo: tux.nl/Files/20230531115808.png 10:06
I'm not seeing it, does anybody else see this?
timo do we have a "make realclean" or so? 10:55
i'm not sure how git clean -dxf interacts with submodules 10:56
lizmat I suggested Tux to get a new checkout, don't know if he did
dogbert11 a 'make realclean' in the MoarVM dir usually does the trick 10:57
Geth MoarVM/2023.050: eac7d578bc | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | 2 files
Update changelog and version
MoarVM: jdv++ created pull request #1755:
Update changelog and version
MoarVM/main: eac7d578bc | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | 2 files
Update changelog and version
MoarVM/main: a21ae058b4 | (Justin DeVuyst)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #1755 from MoarVM/2023.050

Update changelog and version
jdv this release done; back to the other 13:43
lizmat jdv++ 13:45
jdv: I have one hot fix in rakudo that I would like to get in 13:59
a stupid typo :-(
dogbert11 jdv++ 14:22