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Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
ugexe im gonna try and install a new build of windows 11 arm and see if that somehow fixes it. luckily VMWare fusion now has a single click thing to download and install windows 11 arm 00:24
hmm i wonder if i had installed stuff on the x86 toolchain even though it was windows arm 02:31
i know im using the arm toolchain this time and i cant even install 2023.04 due to libatomicops not supporting this architecture (which lends itself to the theory i was using x86 toolchain before) 02:33
it does look like there might be some changes to upstream libatomicop related to windows specific arm stuff 02:37
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ugexe if i just switch to using upstream v7.8.0 (since merging into the MoarVM/atomic_ops has a bunch of conflicts) it at least compiles further 02:56
but now dyncall is failing presumably because it think im on x86. which i think might be because strawberry perl is x86 only still (and we get the architecture from perl for some build things) 02:57
hmm, it looks like the latest version of dyncall has additional arm64 options as well 03:11
it looks like it might be worth looking at updating both dyncall and libatomic_ops 03:12
MasterDuke i don't think libatomic_ops is actually required if you have a new enough compiler? wasn't it made part of the c11 spec? 03:49
right. what if you pass the `--c11-atomics` option to Configure.pl? 03:50
we're using dyncall v1.1, looks like v1.4 is the newest 04:01
ugexe i was just looking at the c11 atomics actually 04:11
but it seems like build/Makefile.in still includes the paths to libatomicops
MasterDuke huh. if you remove them? 04:12
ugexe pastebin.com/raw/rMwU60Pz that is what my Makefile looks like. I'm not seeing where all the other "atomic" references would be coming from in Makefile.in though 04:15
MasterDuke yeah... 04:19
ugexe if i delete all the atomic ops references in there it then errors at github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/62c7...moar.h#L75
MasterDuke but that should only be hit if you didn't do `--c11-atomics`? 04:20
ugexe rakubrew build moar-blead --configure-options="--gen-moar=HEAD --c11-atomics" 04:21
that is what i used
but i think it is supposed to be enabled by default now anyway
MasterDuke no, it's not the default 04:22
don't you need something like `--moar-options=--c11-atomics`?
i don't konw rakubrew
oh, you were explicitly building moarvm 04:23
no, --gen-moar is an nqp/rakudo option...
ugexe yeah i think you're right. and looking at HEAD I see indeed it isn't the default anymore 04:24
pastebin.com/raw/Ve0BdEXQ 04:34
devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/c11...preview-2/ 04:36
the probe doesn't find it. that output (with --c11-atomics) makes it seem like maybe it some unfinished version of c11 atomic support from that blog?
pastebin.com/raw/qxjmZnXM this is the vcruntime_c11_stdatomic.h file from the error 04:38
MasterDuke ugh. windows... 04:45
well, i gotta get some sleep. later... 04:46
Geth MoarVM: ugexe++ created pull request #1774:
Enable c11 atomics on msvc 17.8+
ugexe dunno if that'll break msvc older than 17.8+, but CI should show that
07:04 xiaomiao left, xiaomiao joined
ugexe i think dyncall will have to be updated before i can progress any further 07:10
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ugexe How would we make github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/62c7...up.pm#L420 use 'armasm64' if using an ARM architecture? 13:53
the current entry, ml / ml64, is x86 only 13:54
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ugexe Is there anything special about MoarVM/dyncall or is it just a direct copy of the dyncall svn? 16:06
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MasterDuke the last couple commits related to 3rdparty/dyncall say they're just updating to upstream revisions with no local changes 16:47
e.g., a1a187f003ca85929d4a1485d89cf372d782dc7d 16:48
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ugexe i haven't had any luck trying to update it :( 17:48
it'd be nice if MoarVM/dyncall had a github action to automatically mirror the dyncall hg repo, and then have dependabot send updates for the moarvm dyncall submodule
that wouldnt work if we have custom changes though 17:50
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patrickb we don't. It's a 1:1 copy. 18:33
MasterDuke ugexe: you mean updating dyncall doesn't fix building on windows arm? or you haven't been able to actually update dyncall? 19:02
ugexe I haven't been able to update it, but i was trying to merge the changes (resulting in lots of conflicts) instead of just cloning it (which it sounds like i could do) 19:03
github.com/ugexe/dyncall I created a GitHub action in this repo that mirrors the dyncall mercurial repo on a schedule. Maybe we should use it for MoarVM/dyncall 19:04
it retains all the release tags and everything
MasterDuke i just built with dyncall 1.4 19:09
ugexe nice, its probably worth pushing 19:12
nine Does libffi work instead of dyncall? 19:23
--c11-atomics should have become default years ago. I e.g. have built the openSUSE packages with that enabled for at least 2 years. 19:24
ugexe it is the default if the probe succeeds 19:27
nine IIRC libffi also would be a better default than dyncall. It has better platform support and AFAIK no downsides
ugexe there is nothing built into the build system for building with libffi is there? afaik i would have to figure out how to build and install libffi first 19:36
which, on this somewhat rare ARM Windows, almost certainly means more pain 19:37
nine Yeash, looks like it does support Windows on ARM, but has to be built from source in general 19:42
ugexe after updating dyncall to 1.4 i get a little further but it still doesnt quite work even when i set the asm compiler to armasm64. i guess i'll have to try libffi 20:32
i tried, but i dont think i'm going to end up figuring out how to build libffi on windows. i followed their instructions but i dont think they are quite valid for windows 20:53
i was hoping i could just install it with winget or chocolatey, but nope 21:03
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