Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
02:55 shareable6 joined, [Coke]_ joined 03:00 ciicy joined, shareable6__ left, tellable6 left, notable6 left, quotable6 left, coverable6 left, greppable6 left, evalable6 left, bisectable6 left, [Coke] left, nebuchad` left, ilogger2 left, ciicy left
Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1805:
Cleanup variables in bigint ops error cases
03:21 tellable6 joined, coverable6 joined, notable6 joined, bisectable6 joined, quotable6 joined, evalable6 joined 03:24 greppable6 joined, ilogger2 joined 03:41 SmokeMachine_ joined 03:53 SmokeMachine left, rypervenche left, JRaspass left, SmokeMachine_ is now known as SmokeMachine 03:54 rypervenche joined 03:55 Pegazusiu_s joined 03:56 Pegazusiu_s left 03:58 JRaspass joined 04:03 [Coke]_ is now known as [Coke] 08:46 sena_kun joined
Geth MoarVM/main: dbdfb3999b | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/math/bigintops.c
Cleanup variables in bigint ops error cases

In a bunch of error cases of bigint ops we weren't always cleaning up all the variables. These were noticed when investigating
  github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/1804, but I don't think they are
the actual cause.
MoarVM/main: c9dd4dd964 | (Daniel Green)++ | src/jit/x64/emit.dasc
Silence incorrect GCC warning

The three branches of the `if/else if` correspond to the three `case`s that can enter this block, so the variable will always be initialized when used.
16:57 vrurg left, vrurg joined 20:01 MasterDuke joined
MasterDuke huh. not sure why we have the free_at_safepoint mutex github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/main...ce.h#L225. it's only ever used once github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/main....c#L80-L87 when setting the debug name on a type 20:03
tellable6 2024-05-18T12:48:25Z #raku-dev <ab5tract> MasterDuke17: thanks for the review on the MoarVM PR. Somehow I didn't get pinged about them in the GH app
22:23 sena_kun left