Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Geth MoarVM/legojit_simple_register_tracker: 5cde10b102 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 3 files
simple manual register content tracking for the lego jit

This allows us to reuse values in registers instead of recalculating them:
   * if a frame's register ("work") is already in TMP1
   * if the effective_spesh_slots is already in a register
   * if the cur_frame is already in a register
   * if VMNull is already in a register
This makes our emitted jit frames a little bit smaller, and maybe faster
MoarVM/moar_gdb_jitreader: 872130434c | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 2 files
Add a module for the gdb jit-reader functionality
timo decided it's past the time to share these 00:21
unfortunately i've just gotten a segfault from the legojit_simple_register_tracer branch on my jit comparify script, of all things :D 00:22
ah, it's called "jit comparify" but all it has to do with jit is that its primary output was the before/after of jit bytecode sizes
oof, "rr replay" on a process that takes a few minutes and most of the time utilizes around 10 of my cores takes a little while :D 00:28
MasterDuke i'm thinking about upgrading to zen5 when they're released. i've loved this zen2, but new cpus are faster... 00:33
timo i ran "rr pack" while a "rr replay" was running and rr is not happy about that ... 00:38
MasterDuke if cuthullu appears tomorrow we'll know who to blame 00:43
timo i've been looking for something in rr's help and website and wiki that would let me skip to a much later event instead of having to wait for it to run until then ... 01:02
there's something in "rr replay" that's about "exporting checkpoints" which i guess means you can have one rerun that saves checkpoints at some points you want, and then another rr replay can connect to it and wouldn't have to do all the work again for these specific checkpoints? there is barely any explanation of this feature 01:03
i couldn't even find out when you're supposed to need "rr rerun" instead of "rr replay" or what's different about it
MasterDuke i've never even heard of 'rr rerun' 01:09
timo github.com/rr-debugger/rr/pull/3406 01:29
rerun seems like it's mostly a thing for when rr b0rks and you need to debug rr?
MasterDuke that'd be nice 02:19
07:01 sena_kun joined 19:06 rypervenche left, rypervenche joined
timo i'm now building the "persistent checkpoints" PR for myself to use 20:17
MasterDuke i couldn't think of a fast and easy way, so i just stuck some prints where strings are allocated and we'll see if there's a hotspot for when the size is small enough for in-situ 21:00
huh. tons in MVM_string_concatenate 21:05
looks like next most common are get_all_in_buffer, do_case_change, and take_chars 21:07
timo oh i think i looked into case change a few weeks/months ago when i found we do create a boatload of strings there
somewhere in the parser, i think, we have some category name or other that we always upper or lower case? 21:08
MasterDuke MVM_string_concatenate creates strands, but i wonder if it'd be more efficient to create in-situs if they're small enough
timo yeah, if they're small enough, i expect there'd be a win there 21:12
21:20 sena_kun left
timo btw there exists something fun where you can tell the kernel "hey, mark all my memory pages as clean right now" and then later "hey which of these memory pages have been dirtied since i told you to mark them clean?" 22:12
i don't have an idea what exactly to do with it 22:13
there was a bug in the persistent checkpoints branch that moar managed to tickle, and the dev who made that feature was around to fix it \o/ 23:05