Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
MasterDuke lizmat_: MVM_string_join creates strands from the pieces and the separator. i am looking to see if there's a fast path possible for just two pieces and a separator that fit in an in-situ string 00:23
MasterDuke looks like geth has dropped. github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/1831 03:29
lizmat_ the Geth has been kicked 07:48
Geth MoarVM/main: 2d0e2453a3 | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/strings/ops.c
Add fast path for calculating hash of in_situ_strings
timo lizmat: do you have time to try the runcy_funcy_optimizations branch? 16:53
lizmat timo: sadly, no: running custom MoarVM really upsets my current workflow 16:54
timo OK. i wonder if we can do something clever about that without too much trouble at some point
.o( container-based workflows ) 16:55
lizmat well.. we really have a bug in precomp still, and running a custom MoarVM makes it worse
e.g. I need to nuke my install dir on every NQP bump :-( 16:56
timo do we have a reproduction? is it only on macos? 16:57
lizmat I have no idea... 16:59
I noticed it when rak stopped working after an NQP bump 17:00
wrong version messages, or just pure crashes