Geth MoarVM/atomic_accesses_to_spesh_arg_guard: 13e0c24afc | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 7 files
Make accesses to spesh arg guard atomic

This is an experiment to make moarvm freezing on ARM debian machines a thing of the past.
The theory is that other cores see the pointer to the new arg guard tree before they see all the data inside it, ... (6 more lines)
MasterDuke timo: is there an easy repro for what you mentioned in your recent commit? 21:54
the freeze on debian+arm 21:55
timo i got myself a guest access account on a debian porter box for that purpose
i don't know of an easy way to get it
i don't even know if it requires actual hardware or if qemu-system is enough
MasterDuke ah. it's not the gh_1520 (sp) thing? 21:56
timo oh, the spec test? 22:04
MasterDuke oh, and any more thoughts/suggestions re the unoptimized getattr_*s? 22:05
the one that frequently fails in ci
timo right, that is unrelated to the atomic access branch 22:07
MasterDuke ah, ok 22:08
timo on arm, while building rakudo, we sometimes go into an endless loop inside spesh_arg_guard_run
MasterDuke huh. haven't experienced that yet on this hardware, but i've only built rakudo about 10-15 times so far 22:10
timo yeah i had to run it maybe a hundred times for it to show up. you can repeatedly run core.c compilation to attempt it 23:14