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V_S_C gist.github.com/VSChawathe/8521926 15:28
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diakopter ok.. 15:29
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dalek arVM: f959b0a | (Tobias Leich)++ | src/strings/unicode_ops.c:
short circuit lookups for unkown properties
FROGGS r: say "\x[BCD0]" ~~ m/<!:Yi>./ 16:19
camelia rakudo-moar aa8810: OUTPUT«False␤»
..rakudo-parrot aa8810, rakudo-jvm aa8810: OUTPUT«「볐」␤␤»
FROGGS r: say "\x[BCD0]" ~~ m/<!:Yi>/ 16:20
camelia rakudo-parrot aa8810, rakudo-jvm aa8810: OUTPUT«「」␤␤»
..rakudo-moar aa8810: OUTPUT«「볐」␤␤»
it has a width
that might give us about 50 passing tests 16:24
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dalek arVM: 5768ac9 | (Tobias Leich)++ | tools/ucd2c.pl:
better check for boolean properties

Checking for "N" can easily mix with "N"/"Number". Fixes t/spec/S05-mass/properties-general.t
arVM: 93158b8 | (Tobias Leich)++ | tools/ucd2c.pl:
remove debug output
20:07 onijob joined
[Coke] 90 more passing tests today. 20:33
FROGGS still working on some 20:35
timotimo sounds great!
at about 150 more passing tests we'll reach 99% of jvm 20:36
dalek arVM: 3c03195 | (Tobias Leich)++ | / (3 files):
add property value codes for binary props
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[Coke] ssh down on host06? 21:05
(diakopter) 21:06
jnthn FROGGS++ # S05 looking a lot better in spectest run I just did 21:16
FROGGS jnthn: I am not done yet :o)
found a thing I can fix
jnthn Yeah, I see fails in properties-derived.t and named-chars.rakudo.moar still 21:18
39 and 46 fails respectively
diakopter [Coke]: not sure 21:26
I can access it from host07
21:30 cognominal joined
diakopter THE CLOUD IS DOWNd 21:34
jnthn I...think we call that rain? 21:36
FROGGS that is called fog then, no?
jnthn oh, or that... :P
timotimo do we know yet what's causing the rest of the test case failures? like in S03-operators/arith.t? (i could probably check out those), or in the pre-post, enter-leave, rvalue phasers tests? 22:00
FROGGS at least I don't know what is wrong there 22:01
timotimo some s06-signature failures are new; might that be the signature binder that's partially lowered? maybe some corner cases (or, looking at "errors.t", probably error cases) haven't been considered yet?
jnthn I know about those S06 new ones.
Or at least, the cause of a bunch of them. 22:02
timotimo good to know
anything you want me to perhaps check out?
jnthn The S03 ones I don't know what's the root cause of.
timotimo haven't looked at what tests exactly fail
jnthn Nor the S04 ones really
I know a few S29 ones we've left are about German :P 22:03
timotimo heh :)
timotimo builds newest rakudos
it would appear negative modulus with rats is b0rked 23:02
but the result isn't simply a not rounding in the right direction error 23:08