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FROGGS jnthn: when we call "uv_run(tc->loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);", is it possible the we execute something that triggers a gc run? 10:35
jnthn No
FROGGS hmmmm
jnthn Well
I guess it *could* happen
FROGGS I don't understand this: nopaste.info/3966723b4a.html
jnthn But...
FROGGS handle is NULL, but body is set
jnthn I sorta hope not 10:36
FROGGS bit right before that explosion we obtain body from handle
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rurban_ a libuv runloop calls user code usually, which triggers GC 14:18
FROGGS but we are in the middle or processing an op
but yeah, I fear it is doing something of that kind... 14:19
but hmmmm
maybe it makes sense to dump libuv's queue at that point
so that we can prove that there is only a read request in it or so 14:20
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jnthn This isn't just another case of stashing a pointer in a libuv data structure that points to something the GC may move, is it? 14:23
If so, that'll be dealt with in my upcoming changes...
FROGGS hmmm, it might be the case here... 14:25
but I don't believe it
handle is NULL here github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...ops.c#L652 14:26
but body is a valid pointer, and this one was obtained from handle
and there is nothing that can trigger between obtaining body and the access to handle
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timotimo nwc10: thank you very much for fixing varint stuff for me 19:30
FROGGS so the maybe-varintfix branch is obsolete now? 19:31
timotimo i'm not sure 19:33
jnthn The nwc10++ patches look good to me... 19:35
nwc10 FROGGS: no, it's your 2 patches plus mine
timotimo: what we really missed was tests at the start
timotimo yeah, i really should have written some 19:36
jnthn nwc10: Ah, these you've sent should be applied atop of that branch?
FROGGS cool :o)
maybe it is because I am not mathemagician, but I prefer if/else to log in these places 19:37
I failed to write good tests :(
nwc10 jnthn: yes. Sorry, I thought I said that somewhere 19:39
actually, there are 3 for NQP and 1 for MoarVM
given how things are split up :-(
FROGGS at least it is under our control :o)
benabik A long chain of if statements can be pretty bad for branch prediction.
FROGGS is seven or eight "long" ? 19:40
benabik Given that you're likely to get eight branch misses every time you get to the end, kinda. But if it's not performance sensitive maybe it doesn't matter. 19:41
nwc10 I suspect most of the time you're going to only hit one or two of the if()s before returning
benabik *shrug* It's probably not so bad. Just something in favor of using a good log function. ;-) 19:42
FROGGS yeah, you usually don't have numbers > 2**50 in your code (I hope)
jnthn applies all the patches, tests... 19:45
nwc10 tests++
I assume it will also need a Moar bump in NQP 19:46
jnthn *nod* 19:47
NQP tests you added pass here.
Just doing a Rakudo build now
FROGGS test all the things! /o/ 19:49
dalek arVM: 0876c8c | (Tobias Leich)++ | src/6model/serialization.c:
possible fix for varintsize(2147483647)
arVM: 9acff8c | (Tobias Leich)++ | src/6model/serialization.c:
do not use abs(), nwc10++
MoarVM: 4b1c237 | nicholas++ | src/6model/serialization.c:
MoarVM: Fix various errors in varint serialisation code.
MoarVM: write_varint9() was writing a 9th byte when only 8 should have been written.
MoarVM: read_varint9() was reading a 9th byte when only 8 should have been read.
MoarVM: It was also failing to perform its bit shifting operations using 64 bit types,
MoarVM: and had an off-by one error in the shifting if a 9th byte was read.
jnthn nwc10++ # all applied, thank you! 19:55
nwc10 I think 2 more MoarVM patches and once ohloh catches up I'm into the top 10 19:56
timotimo am i i nthe top 10, too? :) 19:59
jnthn what about me? :) 20:00
nwc10 everyone find themselves: www.ohloh.net/p/moarvm/contributors 20:01
benabik did not expect to be in the top 10.
FROGGS \o/ 20:05
jnthn Gah, I'm top? That means I'm still terrible at delegating... 20:07
moritz has no idea how VMs work, and is only on that list by accident 20:15
jnthn moritz: They just sit in a loop doing stuff depending on what number they see, is all... 20:16
jnthn takes a short stroll
moritz why did I read "strtoll" at first? :-) 20:19
.oO( Why would you use strtoll for a short int? )
jnthn moritz: I C what you did there... 20:56
timotimo >_> 21:00
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timotimo now i have a debug session in which a concatenation result doesn't work as expected 22:06
or at least i thinnk so
FROGGS huh 22:07
timotimo my debug printing of the resulting string looks like 'r(r()(r(NQPCORE)(.setting.moarvm))'
(i'm trying to make MVM_string_concatenate use ropes/strands instead of flattening the strings all the time)
jnthn Is that wrong? 22:08
iirc the problem was actually when you went comparing them.
timotimo it should read ./NQPCORE.setting.moarvm
but it may just be my printing logic being wrong
jnthn oh, it lost the ./?
timotimo it kind of looks like that
jnthn hm
timotimo i need to singlestep back in there 22:09
i can't step backwards unfortunately
i don't seem to have any brain capacity for such things right now :| 22:11
but i suppose i should push my gdb plugin 22:13
actually i kind of feel like going home and falling into bed 22:17
jnthn: what does your tuit supply look like the coming days? 22:18
jnthn timotimo: Working on $demo-code for Thursday's talk this evening, so I should be able to dedicate tomorrow to Perl 6 stuff.
timotimo \o/ 22:19
perl 6 stuff would be the io refactor/rewrite?
jnthn Yeah, I think that's probably what I should do :)
timotimo so, i just had a probably crazy idea
jnthn Weekend looks clearish too.
timotimo if we determine that two strings are equal
should we just go ahead and share the space?
jnthn Hmm 22:20
timotimo of course that's not much help if we compare two substrings of two unrelated strings
and that's not so simple to find out maybe?
jnthn Only if you can make that happen in an atomic way, so we don't lose the benefit over immutable strings.
timotimo hm. 22:21
anyway, i don't eve nknow how the strings behave WRT GC and moving and strands
jnthn Strands are individually collectable, iirc.
Precisely so sharing them is easy. 22:22
timotimo OK, but if we have a huge string, take a small substring of that, turn that into a strand and then throw away the huge string, will the beginning and end pieces actually be collected at all? 22:23
jnthn At the moment, probably not. 22:24
That's a Known Difficult Trade-off
Rakudo JVM suddenly got slower at certain things (of note, parsing the JAST dump) when they changed substring semantics recently. 22:25
You can cause pain whichever you choose.
(Pain of always copying, vs. pain of non-collection.)
Well, not non-collection so much as uncollectability. 22:26
timotimo sounds legit
jnthn I fear "clever" solutions here would either a) introduce other confusing performance edge-cases, or b) add enough complexity that a clean, bug-free implementation is rather hard. 22:27
FROGGS the code will get clever over time anyway, so it might make sense to start with the easy solution 22:29
at work I try to avoid too clever solutions too, because I usually am on call and I had to debug that code in the middle of the night 22:30
and, well, gnight :o) 22:31
jnthn is somewhat optimistic he can keep unwarranted cleverness out of Moar...
.oO( Good architects sometimes have to learn "not to be good", they have to be willing to set aside separation of concerns, simplicity and lose coupling to maintain the performance of the program... )
timotimo mhm 22:35
jnthn </machiavelli> # :)
timotimo i kind of wonder why we are building a rope out of "." and "/" anyway :P 22:38
jnthn As in, "shouldn't there be a threshold"? :)
timotimo jnthn: would you like to quickly type out how to get from the interpreter loop or somewhere nearby to the current filename and line number when you're inside gdb?
so i could build one of these frame filter thingies? 22:39
gotta run
jnthn Do you have tc available?
timotimo yes
and i can step a frame up into the interpreter itself at any given moment
jnthn See the backtrace producing code maybe?
Or the annotation lookup?
MVM_bytecode_resolve_annotation(tc, &tc->cur_frame->static_info.body, *tc->interp_cur_op - *tc->interp_bytecode_start) /* or so */ 22:42
timotimo thx 22:47
jnthn pzh 22:49
timotimo a tiny bit early for my tram 22:55
but better than missing it