dalek arVM/string_pressure: 421d5fd | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/ (6 files):
allocating lots of string buffers can now cause GC
arVM/string_pressure: 6463edb | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/gc/ (2 files):
relieve pressure in the gc instead of allocated_string
jnthn rurban: Was it you who suggested me as a mentor on wiki.enlightenedperl.org/gsoc2014/ideas for "Fix NQPLexPad for parrot threads"? 16:39
Either way, anybody whose registered there, plesae remove me. 16:40
Woulda been polite for whoever did it to ask.
rurban sorry 16:59
rurban yes it was me. you are the only one I could think of as you wrote this part 17:03
And it would be beneficial, because you still fail to see why lock-less parrot threads scale better than locking moarvm threads 17:04
jnthn Your ignorance is utterly astounding. :/ 17:11
station &
timotimo rurban: fwiw, forcing (or "encouraging", depending on your interpretation of what you did) jnthn to mentor a project for that won't necessarily make him change his mind in your favor either way 17:12
rurban I just wrote: Possible mentor 17:21
Because I cannot think of anyone else.
But I forgot to ask, yes
timotimo ah, i think possible mentor is more like "a student can choose from these mentors" 17:22
[Coke] At this point, we're at "people who are willing to mentor a student" 17:42
Looks like it's been removed. Danke. 17:44
[Coke] regarding the actual work of getting rakudo-parrot to implement the concurrency stuff, I think there's enough in place now for someone to try it out - we have a working set of code running on rakudo-jvm, so we have a good idea of what we want it to look like from that end. someone "just" needs to wire the rakudo end into the parrot end. 17:53
I believe that work has already started on moarvm.
timotimo we've already started parallelism stuff on moar, aye 17:54
rurban so who is willing to mentor for nqp-p? 18:10
FROGGS rurban: you are talking about "Fix NQPLexPad for parrot threads" ? 18:17
rurban yes 18:19
this is really a perl6 issue, not parrot 18:20
[Coke] You'll get a slightly better response in #perl6 rather than #moarvm 18:22
TimToady Mebbe. I gave up predicting what people would do a long time ago... :) 18:31
[Coke] looking at github.com/perl6/nqp/issues/67 and at the nqplexpad class in nqp, I have no idea what needs to be done. 18:34
(which only tells me I ain't the guy to work on this, at least right now) 18:35
rurban that's why I said only jnthn could help, realistically 18:51
FROGGS rurban: I would like to mentor it, but at the same time I fear I'm unable to do so
TimToady rurban: the pragmatics problem here (quite apart from the technical issues) is that you gave the /appearance/ of trying to guilt-trip jnthn into helping with something that is *way* down on his list of priorities, and most of the jnthns I know don't respond well to that sort of approach 19:15
and you kinda ignored the fact that this particular jnthn has developed a bit of an allergy for parrots, so has to avoid 'em, or he starts to sneeze 19:16
so realistically, no, jnthn can't help 19:17
masak rurban: some tips for next time you are interested in getting someone's help: saying "because you still fail to see why [I'm right about something and you are wrong]" hasn't been known to make someone *more* eager to pitch in, ever. 20:48
masak rurban: it would have antagonized jnthn to helping you if he, you know, wanted to in the first place. 20:49
rurban: it's nice to see you here on this channel, but it tends not to be full of people convinced of Parrot's superiority in the threading department. ;) 20:51
rurban hey, I wanted to attract help for you. I don't really care for rakudo nor nqp that much 21:30
well, I decided to stay quiet on diakopters famous claims when he made them. It was just too off. the parrots threads author should have defended it 21:31
but, in summary, it's nonsense. 21:32