dalek arVM: 8db5931 | jimmy++ | src/platform/posix/mmap.c:
Panic if MVM_platform_alloc_pages failed on posix system
PerlJam So ... how do MoarVM releases generally work? (I'm starting the Rakudo release process and need a MOAR_REVISION for NQP) 13:04
[Coke] usually, jnthn does it. 13:15
is there a doc in the repo telling us what to do?
JimmyZ see moarvm/docs 13:16
PerlJam I guess I can cut a moar release too (unless there's some reason I shouldn't?) 13:18
Though item #2 in the release guide seems a little circular to me ;)
JimmyZ hmm, the guide didn't mention to update Changelog :P 13:20
PerlJam oh ... I don't even know if I have a commit bit for the MoarVM repo.
(I'm guessing not) 13:21
is moar normally built with JIT support? 13:25
brrt aye, today it is 13:28
PerlJam So ... should I do a PR for the releasey bits (tagging and such)? Or would someone give me a commit bit for MoarVM? Or ... does someone else want to do the release? 13:29
Even if I can do the release, someone else is going to have to upload the tarball 13:30
FROGGS PerlJam: only jnthn can upload the tarball me thinks
JimmyZ jnthn++ and pmichaud++ is the owner 13:54
PerlJam FROGGS: who can hand out commit bits? (Or could you or someone else do a moarvm release?) 15:39
FROGGS PerlJam: I could prepare a release, but I cannot upload the tarball 15:40
PerlJam that would be awesome (for me)
PerlJam at least get the 2014.10 tag in the repo
FROGGS PerlJam: that should be done in at max 2.5 hours 15:41
PerlJam thanks. 15:42
FROGGS brb 15:43
TimToady We have to do three things for 6.0: GLR, NFG, NSA...and a fanatical devotion to unfudging tests... 15:53
well...almost... 15:55
.oO( The NSA controls Perl 6?!?! )
[Coke] S99:NSA? 15:56
synopsebot Link: perlcabal.org/syn/S99.html#NSA?
[Coke] I know what NFG is; what does it buy us? faster unicode strings handling? 15:58
nicer API for the users?
JimmyZ NSA = No Such Authority :P 15:59
PerlJam [Coke]: I've tended to think of it as "correcter code" since we'll be able to compare characters to characters without having to worry about multiple decompositions. 16:00
JimmyZ oh, and ESC
[Coke] ... crap, wrong window. 16:01
but PerlJam++
JimmyZ someone may like this: wiki.luajit.org/Allocation-Sinking-Optimization
about sink 16:02
dalek arVM: ff8efc8 | (Tobias Leich)++ | docs/ChangeLog:
updated ChangeLog
arVM: 51b5a6b | (Tobias Leich)++ | VERSION:
bump version to 2014.10
FROGGS froggs.de/perl6/MoarVM-2014.10.tar.gz 18:24
jnthn / pmichaud: please upload that tarball to moarvm.org 18:25
PerlJam: done
PerlJam FROGGS: danke
FROGGS PerlJam: you're welcome :o) 18:26
PerlJam: but please keep in mind: no release announcement as long as the tarball is not up
PerlJam aye
FROGGS (I failed this twice) 18:27
[Coke] does the moar tarball go on rakudo.org?
FROGGS no, moarvm.org
[Coke] "Rakudo on Parrot may have a small edge, but that is changing fast". changed already, yes? 18:28
FROGGS_ [Coke]: aye 18:41
jnthn Whoa, I was so tired after the travel and walking by the sea yesterday I totally forgot about the release... 19:47
FROGGS_: The tarball is now in place 19:48
jnthn FROGGS_: You're already a committer for the website repo, but I can happily do that too... 19:49
FROGGS_ jnthn: do what?
am I able to upload a tarball?
ahh, no, you are talking about the version info on the page 19:50
jnthn Right, the web pages 19:51
I was logged into the server hosting it so just wget'd the tarball into the right directory :)
ooh, the sun just came out...
FROGGS_ I can fiddle with the page in a bit :o)
jnthn glances the ChangeLog and is happy we managed to do quite a bit 19:52
Also how few of the bits were done by me :) 19:53
FROGGS_ jnthn: btw, I did a clone of your OO::*, and have trouble... I'll put my things in a repo tomorrow-ish and then I'd be happy about hints :o) 19:54
I think you might guess what keyword it implements :o) 19:56
jnthn ooh :)
FROGGS_ though, the tricky bit is to export an &EXPORT that sets up the %*LANG hash... 19:57
(and to conditionally export the &EXPORT) 19:58
jnthn goes out for some sightseeing :) 20:20
FROGGS_ gnight 20:22