timotimo brrt: when you're finished with the static moarvm binary thing, that'd be a great topic for a blog post, eh? :) 09:16
brrt yes
i thought i'd be finished by now
FROGGS timotimo: can you try to write better commit titles? it is not easy for me to put "we get "set a, b; set b, a" rather often" in a changelog 16:04
timotimo oh 16:09
i'll try to do so in the future
those commits were just about eliminating some common cases of having way too many "set" instructions
FROGGS okay, I add it as "remove a bunch of unnecessary set operations" 16:11
timotimo yeah, "set operations" sounds more like (elem) or (&) or so :) 16:13
FROGGS true :o)
timotimo i still want somebody to fix up a "prune the call graph" piece to the profiler ... 16:15
sorting by "exclusive time" frequently crashes the tab that the profiler data is loaded in ... 16:16
FROGGS @all: please check: ChangeLog for 2014.11 release - github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/commit/3a...f332a4d95b 16:31
timotimo if you mention the tool to color registers in spesh logs, why not also mention the graphviz tool that can turn spesh log output into pretty data-flow and control-flow graphs? 16:33
FROGGS ohh, yes, these were two distinct things /o\ 16:34
feel free to add it... I have to prepare $food now
timotimo OK :) 16:35
jnthn .tell FROGGS I've put the .tar.gz you msg'd me in place on moarvm.org now; thanks! 23:13
lizmat jnthn++ 23:17