dalek MoarVM: cc23702 | hoelzro++ | src/io/syncs (2 files): 03:55
MoarVM: Die when we try to accept() or read() outside an originating thread
MoarVM: Addresses MoarVM #165
MoarVM: libuv doesn't like it when you use a uv_stream_t outside of the
MoarVM: event loop that created it, and since MoarVM has an event loop
MoarVM: per thread, this causes problems. The problem you see is that your
MoarVM: reads are always zero in length and your accepts never return.
MoarVM: This change is not ideal; I'd rather change MoarVM so that a user
MoarVM: can actually do this (there are some strategies discussed on
brrt good \o 07:23
nwc10 good o/ 07:24
brrt i think i can calculate first use, last use, num use etc. information during tree construction 07:38
question is, should i 07:39
or should i add an analysis step to achieve the same
lizmat_ would you ever *not* need that information? 07:41
brrt one can scrape by without it 07:42
but generate very, very lousy code
lizmat so you would always need it basically
then I would think during tree construction...
but jnthn may have better feedback... 07:43
and I'm about to get some sleep&
brrt sleep well :-)
it's not very costly to do it either way 07:49
ok, i think you're right 07:51
it won't complicate construction too much
nwc10 good *, jnthn 09:04
brrt ok, i was wrong, it's much harder to do during template construction than during a separate analysis phase, *but* that requires i keep array of speshins -> root 09:59
that's probably a good idea anyway
question.. what should be my policy on revisitng nodes in the expr DAg 10:11
a): make it optional 10:12
a): continued: make it optional by adding a single flag that determines the behavior of the traverser
b): make it optional by adding a revist function pointer, to determine if i should visit it again 10:13
jnthn You need to be careful not to get into infinite loops here, I guess?
brrt by default, infinite loops are prevented by the acyclicness of the graph. if anything ever introduces a cycle, we have a problem anyway, not just with traversal :-) 10:15
i have c) and d) left, which are always and never revisit
jnthn Oh...
brrt currently we always revist 10:16
jnthn b may be overkill?
brrt hmm
jnthn Unless you have a use-case
brrt yes, i think so too
i may have one
jnthn And invoking FPs lots can be costly
Well, depends on their stability I guess :)
brrt suppose the compiler finds that a node has been previously visited but it's value is 'lost'; it'd need a recompute
suppose the tiler visits the same node from another direction; it may choose a completely different tile 10:17
revisiting is not so bad, is what i mean :-)
c) is relatively costly though, because the DAG can have ehm... I think you can find an example of pretty bad visiting complexity 10:18
d) is too restricitive - or requires the compiler to use more passes, thereby defeating the purpose 10:19
of course, its always possible to decide to do no work in case of c or b 10:21
brrt hmm 10:49
i can't really expect realloc to give a zeroed-at-edges block
that's a bit of a problem
a solvable problem, fortunately 10:57
we can just memset the grown block to 0 10:58
pointer arithmetic ftw
dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: f1506ce | brrt++ | src/ (2 files):
Ensure dynamic array block is zeroed

Being zeored at initialisation is very useful, especially for pointer arrays.
arnsholt brrt: Yeah, the lack of a realloc that blanks the fresh memory is annoying 12:24
brrt hence my patch :-) 12:25
brrt wonders if bzero is considerably faster than memset with 0 12:26
arnsholt Probably not, I'd say, unless it's in extremely resource sensitive code (which the JIT could be, arguably) 12:28
Also, it might be system dependent which is faster
brrt hmm... 12:30
one of the benefits of being 'dumb' is that we compile considerably faster than the competition 12:31
of course, the output of the competition is usually much faster
rudi_s I don't know the details, but bzero is deprecated and most likely not faster than memset with 0 which is heavily optimized in e.g. glibc. 12:38
*details of the discussion 12:39
brrt hmmm 12:54
statements yield no values, therefore have no first use or last use 12:55
therefore, i don't actually need to do anything to add to their analysis
dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: 7799558 | brrt++ | src/ (3 files):
Collect usage data for node values

We collect the first use, last use, and num uses; also the spesh ins mapping to the node (if any), the expression op info
  (we always need it), and the final address of the value (again,
if any).
brrt heh, i can also precompute the args, nchild, and children 13:17
FROGGS .oO( my wife is also good at precomputing N children... ) 13:24
brrt are these children also nodes? 13:31
brrt is really rather starting to enjoy pointer arithmetic 13:38
if i end up a bearded C hacker, then i have you to blame
bbiab 13:40
timotimo personally, i like the "pointer arithmetic" hack where putting the "next" pointer of a linked list entry struct as the very first member so you can just repeatedly dereference the pointer to a single entry and move along the chain 13:41
but that's hardly pointer arithmetic
maybe the opposite is "poitner rithmetic"? 13:42
brrt pointer practice 14:11
i think, until we converted most things in the JIT to expression trees, global register allocation is pretty uninteresting 14:14
arnsholt brrt: Yeah, I got into that same "pointer arithmetic isn't that hard, after all" space after working on the NativeCall code 14:28
brrt it's really useful, in fact
arnsholt Yeah, it really is a key skill in C programming 14:30
dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: 24916b9 | brrt++ | src/jit/log.c:
Minor change, use collected info in tree logging