JimmyZ timotimo: spesh bug : github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/120 16:19
timotimo nnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooo
dalek arVM: 68c6716 | (Jimmy Zhuo)++ | src/ (4 files):
fixed sleep API to use second instead of nanosecond

perl6 -e 'sleep' costs ~5% cpu because sleep(1e16) never works in the rakudo source, since the sleep API uses nanosecond which causes 1e16 * 1e9 overflow.
this commit keeps the nanosleep API, and adds a new sleep API
arVM: 0b1bc37 | (Jimmy Zhuo)++ | src/platform/time.h:
small arg name fix
arVM: 688eecd | paultcochrane++ | src/spesh/candidate.c:
Free jitcode->func_ptr before destroying jitcode

Coverity showed the issue that the `func_ptr` field was still pointing to memory when the `jitcode` variable was destroyed. This change frees the field before the enclosing variable is destroyed.
arVM: a1ed4e3 | lizmat++ | src/spesh/candidate.c:
Merge pull request #248 from paultcochrane/pr/free-func_ptr-spesh-candidate

Free jitcode->func_ptr before destroying jitcode
moritz timotimo: how's that moarvm release coming along?
timotimo ugh, i meant to do the changelog and then got pulled off to the side :| 19:50
masak ++timotimo # changelog 19:52
japhb timotimo: Better that being pulled off the planet ...? 20:27
dalek arVM: b6689b3 | paultcochrane++ | docs/ChangeLog:
Update ChangeLog ready for 2015.08 release
arVM: 06f62d8 | lizmat++ | docs/ChangeLog:
Merge pull request #250 from paultcochrane/pr/2015.08-changelog

Update ChangeLog ready for 2015.08 release
timotimo yeah, a bit better 20:50
those changelogs are going to be rewritten %) 20:58
dalek arVM: 2d6b651 | timotimo++ | docs/ChangeLog:
rework the changelog a bit
timotimo does that look good? 21:11
i'm starting to follow the release guide now 21:12
hoelzro timotimo: is the ++ Many memory leaks fixed supposed to cover the -+ Many resource leak fixes ? 21:13
timotimo i think so?
we didn't have "resource" leaks, AFAIK
we did have the file handles that weren't closed for async procs, but that has its own thing
hoelzro ah, ok; I missed that 21:14
timotimo i kind of wish i had done more cool stuff this month
but i do that every single month :) 21:15
[Coke] 1,031 tickets 21:20
timotimo may want to switch those two tabs? :) 21:23
[Coke] if I ever ww to moarvm, it's because it's the last thing I looked at. 21:25
timotimo oke :) 21:28