dalek MoarVM: db1f759 | hoelzro++ | src/core/callsite.h: 06:38
MoarVM: Change MVM_callsite_num_nameds to take a const MVMCallsite
MoarVM: MVM_callsite_num_nameds doesn't need to change the given callsite,
MoarVM: so we can have the compiler guarantee that so no mistakes are made
brrt good * #moarvm 09:50
nwc10 good *, brrt 09:51
brrt good * nwc10
in the region of the topic of jits, and especially pypy... 09:52
i recently claimed that i got a 5x speedup on a pypy program compared to a python program
well, i implemented an improved algorithm that runs in O(n log n), rather than O(n^2)
nwc10 and now your office is much colder? 09:53
brrt not only is cpython now faster than pypy original; cpython is faster than pypy, period
nwc10 and quieter
brrt yes....
algorithms always win from runtime speed, it seems
nwc10 OK, odd. If pypy can win on the inefficient algorithm, why can't it also win on the efficient algorithm? Does it now never hit a JIT path? 09:54
brrt it just runs too fast
the original algorithm did a million comparisons, this one just a few thousands 09:55
btw, wrt to the illumos build failure, i have a simple and stupid suspicion 09:59
my suspision is that a): lua and minilua use scanf and friends for parsing formats; 10:00
b): illumos / solaris scanf doesn't understand negative hexadecimals
arnsholt I got a 10x (or more, I suspect, for larger problems) using PyPy. But that problem is inherently O(n^2) or thereabouts, so no algorithm win to be had =) 10:19
diakopter omg 17:55
timotimo OYG? 17:58
diakopter timotimo: it's just, core setting compilation spends 6.6% of time in the MVMHash repr ops 18:49
timotimo yeah, we use hashes in a big portion of things 18:50
diakopter -_- # lolz
timotimo have you tried using --target=<different values> to find out what parts add what amount of stuff where?
that may be interesting to know
diakopter no, that's a stellar idea; I'll try it 18:51
timotimo also, does leaving out the optimizer with --optimize=off remove a big chunk of hashes or is it the same overall?
diakopter timotimo: what's your theory there 18:53
timotimo the optimizer digs around a whole bunch in symbol tables and it also uses some hashes to store information about what things have what properties 18:54
diakopter actually most of the hash usage seems to occur during parsing
do we dedupe strings on compunit compilation 18:56
(I don't remember!)
timotimo yes, we have a string heap that is backed by a hash to do just that
diakopter oh yeah. 18:57
and now I remember [re-?]implementing it. O_O
yeesh, seems uthash has fallen behind in the latest benchmark comparisons 19:04
timotimo oh? 19:05
i don't know how exactly we do our hashing with the new grapheme stuff, tbh
japhb diakopter: Link to said benchmarks? 19:26
diakopter www.tommyds.it/doc/benchmark is the one I looked at most recently 19:27
I guess it's not that recent 19:28